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Part 2: Evidence indicates that we have been visited. We’ve Been Visited…. Kyle. Kyle Parker-Millea Paul Hayes Kenny Black. Kenny. Roswell, New Mexico. June 14, 1947. Capitan Mountains 70 miles from Roswell. July 4, 1947. Roswell Daily Record, Tuesday, July 8, 1947.
Part 2: Evidence indicates that we have been visited. We’ve Been Visited… Kyle Kyle Parker-Millea Paul Hayes Kenny Black Kenny
Roswell, New Mexico June 14, 1947
Capitan Mountains70 miles from Roswell July 4, 1947
Extra-Terrestrial Debris in Roswell • Aluminum-Like substance that cannot be cut with a knife • Tape like material that cannot be cut, nor removed • Wood-Like material that does not burn
HOWEVER • The following day, July 9, 1947…
Aliens in Ancient Pictures?
And...Yet another one! And there are countless More!!
And then there’s The Pyramids… Man Made? Or Alien Assisted….
Pyramid Statistics…Could you do this?! • 450 Ft Tall • 2.3 million blocks of stone • Each Block weighs 2.5-50 tons (that’s 1-25 elephants!) • Total weight of one pyramid is 6 million Tons • The 4 corners are almost perfect right angles and align almost perfectly to the four corners of a compass • The blocks that protected the burial chambers were 50 tons each. • Some Estimates say, with 20,000 to 30,000 people, in the best scenario, it would take about 80 years! • And on top of that, there are well over a hundred of them in Egypt!!!
If Egyptians built the pyramids… • How did they move the rocks? • Experts state that Trees were cut down and smoothed off, and were used as giant rollers under these 20 ton rocks. • If you would roll a 20 ton rock on 5 trees, The tree would be too worn down and awkward to haul another, so these logs would be replaced every Stone. • Due to the fact there are over 2.3 million blocks that make up the pyramid, you would need an excess of 11 million Trees!!!! • Problem with this theory is the lack of trees in that area. Egypt grows some Date Trees, but they certainly wouldn't cut down all their date trees, for dates are one of the main foods in EGYPT! • Plus, how did they Elevate the rocks? • Some suggest they built a ramp with stones that went from the ground to the top. • The flaw in that theory is that It would take More Rocks to build the ramp than it would to build the Pyramid!! • Where did these rocks go???
Think about it… • The Great Pyramid was the biggest and tallest of all the Pyramids • The Egyptians left us an entire detailed written summary of every event in Egypt imaginable… Ancient hieroglyphics have detailed writings of farming, giving birth, Pharaoh worship, Hunting, Building Structures. • BUT the Building Of The Great Pyramid Was Never Mentioned!!! • The Pyramid was referred to a few times in very early Hieroglyphics. Egyptian writing even suggests the Great Pyramid Was Standing Before Egyptians Populated The Land. • Actually ancient Egyptian writing often talk of beings from the sky, the sky opening and bright lights coming down to teach them technology and give them wisdom!
Helicopters… in Ancient Egypt?!
Further Evidence:Roswell/Pyramid Connection Hieroglyphs found on a bar in the Roswell “Incident” in 1947
Maybe…a deeper meaning? • These are two pages from Modern College Physics by Dr. Harvey White. • The diagrams represent various forms taken on by electron clouds in hydrogen atoms. • Coincidence?
Think about it… How can I fool them? … really?!
SETI’s MessageArecibo:1974 • November 16, 1974- SETI made modifications to the transmitter near Puerto Rico, allowing them to broadcast signals up to 20 terawatts • As a test, SETI transmitted an encoded message towards the globular cluster M13, roughly 25,000 light years away. • The message contained 1679 pulses of code
Why 1679 Digits? • Mathematics! 23 x 73 = 1679 As 23 and 73 are both prime numbers, their product is unique to only their combination. • Thus, when converting to a matrix grid, there is only one single way to arrange them:
Their specificarrangement: • SETI’s message in a matrix grid… • Left: Binary Code Arrangement • Right: Pictoral Arrangement (white=0, black=1)
Their response… • In 2000, the following crop circle appeared in Hampshire, UK . • The message is almost identical to the binary interpretation of the message SETI sent out 25 years before. • And yet, things are changed…
In conclusion… Roswell Hieroglyphics?
In conclusion… Roswell Hieroglyphics? Pyramids and Helicopters?
They Exist… … and they’ve visited us.
And…Into the Future • See the video from the National Press Club Conference in Washington D.C. on May 9, 2001 • As soon as Congress agrees to open hearings on the matter everything we (the public) know will change forever….