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Detectors - what detectors are available diamond / silicone - transport / shipping - 3 ROCs at UT? ROC Operation / Readout Modules (ED) - what modules do we prepare, test, send to UT - schedule - shipping method Location H4
Detectors - what detectors are available diamond / silicone - transport / shipping - 3 ROCs at UT? ROC Operation / Readout Modules (ED) - what modules do we prepare, test, send to UT - schedule - shipping method Location H4 - final confirmation of location --> are we on the concrete block? - table measures; height block beam?- can table be placed flat (no height variation) - Availability of power, ethernet ports (2) within beam area / in counting hut PMT telescope (fixture) – see slide What modules available / to carry / to ship - walk through setups – see slides Timeline Updates on setups / measurements Dmitry
Reference frame / fixture 1 PMT no variation in height along x and y 2 (can be aligned beforehand) Then fix structure at first detector (can be aligned beforehand) 3 Pin under detector 1. 2 threads, 2 counters.
Reference frame / fixture • Align pixels with respect to beam ( PMT telescope) – pre-alignment in lab? • Keep in place (no pull from cables) – need reference/fixture • Light tighten (frame around telescope • Easy access without accidental realignment How to adjust height of PMTs with respect to the pixel telescope? Dimensions (height) of the pixel telescope from plate – do we have the final telescope? Tube sizes possible (biggest adjust with foam) Fix plate on table after alignment with beam. Box to protect against cloth? cooling? ~10cm PLT cable fixture Pin hole for Standard PLT Layer 1 Scintillator Small dimension, adjusted in height Fixture (semi flexible) - Foam bed for PMT (how hight) Aluminum (Wood) plate Held in place by clamp? 1) Align PMT telescope – coincidence rate on scaler – pull plate on table (thread) 2) Align pixel telescope with respect to PMT / beam – held in place (fixture on plate) 3) Cover pixels with box (frame to make setup light tight)
Setup break down into modules (responsibilities) -> Detector -> PMT telescope / Trigger -> FED readout / ADC card -> Digi Oscilloscope
Detector: This equipment will be in vicinity of detectors – can be placed on table flexible connection between detector and test board (length = ?) - 3 layers (ROC+detector, HDI mounted to frame) - flat cables to connect to test board - Test beam test board (TBM + FO + ) - 3 fast out analog 3 coax cable, BNC connector FED, Osci (Split? We do) - 3 fast out digital Trigger - external clock from TTCI (NIMTTL); 2x coax, lemo - FEC board - ribbon cable - HV Keithly – up to 500V (can 220V – power cable) - coax cable, banana to BNC connector? - 2x 5V power supplies (Aligent – available for 220V – power cable) - test beam board, FEC board power cables - TTL pulser (can 220V – power cable) - 2 coax cables (2m), T-connector • Rutgers - please ask others to bring equipment (you cannot provide) • What comes from UT (goes there first)
PMT/Trigger: This equipment will be in vicinity of detectors – can be placed on floor connection length 2m - 2 PMT + scintillators (one with dimension <1cmx<1cm) - NIM crate - HV supply (2 channels; up to ~1.7 kV) NIM - 2 HV supply cables - 2 readout cables/BNC Lemo - lemo cables (5x30cm+5x1m) for timing adjustment (delay unit?) - lemo cable connectors - Discriminator 2 channels (has 4) / alternatively CFD NIM - 2 coax cables + lemo connectors - 4 Quad coincidence unit NIM - 2 coax + lemo - Level translator NIM (8) TTL (8) LeCroy 688AL NIM (12 ns delay) delays PMT TTCI Test board NIM TTL Trigger in Bob Richard Bill TTL NIM Coinci Dscr FO digital layer 1(2,3)
PMT/Trigger: - NIM gate generator NIM - 2 counters (PMT telescope, diamond telescope) NIM - second NIM bin with coax cable from coincidence? Bob Richard Bill
FED/ADC readout: ADC card for calibration, DACs; FED for DAQ This equipment will be in vicinity of detectors – can be placed on floor connection length 2m - 9U CERN standard crate + 3 6U slots - VME bridge - PCI optical card + fiber PC - TTCI - clock, - FED - 3x coax, BNC in for each analog in; each 100 W termination - each attenuation (~500 W) - coax, BNC in for full readout - attenuation - ADC PCI card - 4 input coax cables, BNC ; T-connectors - PC houses PCI cards (long ethernet cable; PC registration!) PC, no monitor; 2 users Runs COSMO FED communication Acquisition to disk PC + monitor Logon on PC1 and X-windows of PC1 In the area VME crate PC2 PC1 Matt Will John Ethernet switch ? BRMPC5 Needed! Laptop?
Digi Oscilloscope: Adjustment, full readout snapshots (100 per 30s high resolution); Backup Tektronix TDS5000B will be in vicinity of detector – can be placed on floor connection length 2m; connections split for Osci and FED, ADC or alternative? - Oscilloscope (4channel, all trigger, waveform acquisition to disk) - 220V 110V transformer - 4 coax cables BNC - VGA -> RCA -> Coax (25m ?) - TV (screen - available in counting room (?) or portable TV (PAL, NTSC) ) Laptop Remote control Oscilloscope In the area Ethernet switch Oscilloscope Windows PC VGARCACoax Matt BRMPC5 TV screen
Analog FO studies with ROC-only board Test: How many DCOL's can we resolve in the analog fastout with different DAC settings? Procedure: - Turn on calibration on one pixel - Measure maximum value for the analog signal - Turn on calibration on another pixel two double columns away, i.e., skip a double column - Measure the new max value - Repeat...
Test Findings (Matt) Can't resolve levels by max value #:Integrals (x10E-9) 1: 1.6 2: 2.9 3: 4.0 4: 5.0 5: 5.8 6: 6.5 7: 8.5 #pixel:Integrals (x10E-9) 1: 1.5 2: 2.8 3: 4.0 4: 5.0 5: 5.9 6: 6.7 7: 8.3 Case 2: - VIColOr: 100.4 uA - VnPix: 8.5 uA - VsumCol: 47.6 uA Heights Resolvable: 7 Case 1: - VIColOr: 100.4 uA - VnPix: 8.5 uA - VsumCol: 31.8 uA Heights Resolvable: 6
Analog FO studies with ROC-only board - Sometimes, once many alternating double columns have hits in them (~7), and we then enable another column between two already active columns, strange things happen Example 1: Multiple TTL FO signals are generated Example 2: The analog FO gets a second hump every once in a while • Today: use the FED readout - optimize ADC range with attenuator - establish take data procedure - optimize 25ns integration window for analog FO