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Vocab #7

Vocab #7. pon / pos : put, place, set. p os ition the manner in which a thing is placed. pos itive stated ; express; emphatic. p os t a place; station; position. p os ture placement of the limbs of the body. com pos ition parts to form a whole.

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Vocab #7

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocab #7

  2. pon/pos:put, place, set

  3. positionthe manner in which a thing is placed

  4. positivestated;express;emphatic

  5. posta place; station; position

  6. posture placement of the limbs of the body

  7. compositionparts to form a whole

  8. compositecombiningpartsorelementstoformawhole

  9. exposeshow for all to see

  10. depose/depostiongiving testimony under oath

  11. imposeto place on

  12. propose / proposal propositionan offer; to suggest

  13. postpone, component, opponent, proponent, deposit, expound, impound

  14. jur/juslaw

  15. jurya group of twelve who are sworn to give a just verdict

  16. jurorone who serves by law on a jury

  17. jurisdictionthe legal right and power to hear and determine a cause

  18. justicerighteousness, lawfulness administering deserved punishment

  19. adjustto change something so that it fits

  20. conjureto call or bring into existence by or (as if by magic)

  21. putto think

  22. computeto calculate

  23. computer

  24. disputeto disagree about a matter; argue; quarrel

  25. reputationpublic opinion

  26. reputablehonorable, respectable

  27. putativecommonly regarded as being

  28. logword; speech; reason

  29. logic reason or sound judgment

  30. logosreferring to facts, data, statistics

  31. logoa graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark

  32. prologuean introduction to a play

  33. monologuelong speech

  34. dialoguea conversation between two people or characters

  35. epiloguea short speech (often in verse) addressed directly to the audience by an actor at the end of a play

  36. analog/analogyan inference that if things agree in some respects they probably agree in others

  37. eulogyspeech-often part of a funeral-in which someone is praised

  38. logrecords of a ship or aircraft

  39. terrland; earth

  40. terrain ground or land

  41. territory an area of land

  42. terriformto alter the environment 

  43. extraterrestrialexisting outside the earth

  44. super-above

  45. superintendentone in charge; overseer Dr. John Barge Georgia Superintendent of Schools

  46. superiorityexcellence; preeminence

  47. -enmade of

  48. enlightendarkenforgottenforgivenbroadenmistakenbrokenchosendisheartenenlightendarkenforgottenforgivenbroadenmistakenbrokenchosendishearten

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