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Satellite Computer System based on LEON Technology – Mid Semester Presentation. 9/1/2008 סמסטר חורף תשס"ח פרויקט דו-סמסטריאלי Ira Joffe & Yossi Zadik Supervised by: Ina Rivkin. Table of Contents. Project Goals The Leon3 System Block Diagram (Part A) The AMBA Bus Hardware Overview
Satellite Computer System based on LEON Technology – Mid Semester Presentation 9/1/2008 סמסטר חורף תשס"ח פרויקט דו-סמסטריאלי Ira Joffe & Yossi Zadik Supervised by: Ina Rivkin
Table of Contents • Project Goals • The Leon3 System Block Diagram (Part A) • The AMBA Bus • Hardware Overview • Software Overview • Project Road Map
Project Goals – Part A • Leon 3 environment study: • Hardware structure • Software structure • Tools: introduction and usage • Implementation – basic Leon system with small user core : • Software & HW coding • Implementation on RASTA board
SPARC V8 32-bit processor AMBA bus – AHB, APB Memory controller – ROM, SRAM, SDRAM JTAG Interface Debug unit – access to the processor Block Diagram - System Part A
AMBA BUS MAIN COMPONENETS • AHB MASTER – Initiates read and write operations by providing the address and the control information. Only one is active at a time. • AHB SLAVE – Responds to the r/w operations initiated by the master and signals back the success, failure or waiting of the data transfer. • AHB ARBITER – Ensures that only one bus master at a time is allowed to initiate data transfers. Any arbitration algorithm can be implemented. • AHB DECODER – decodes the address of each transfer and provide a select signal for the slave involved. • APB bridge - connector to a lower bandwidth APB bus where most of the peripherals are located.
Hardware Introduction – Available IP’s • IP cores are given by Gaisler’s GRLIB • May be added according to user needs (and license) • Our own User Core may be added • Includes : protocols, connections, I/O, etc. • Example : Can, SpaceWire, Ethernet, UART, VGA output, PCI, PS/2
XCONFIG - outputs Terminal prints – config file changes .config file output
XCONFIG – implementation in VHDL code Leon3mp.vhd VHDL code – where config file influences code
XGRLIB – Tools & Scripts GUI This GUI allows us to interact with our project in a graphic way. All the make commands appear here as push buttons.
USER IP CORE GENERATION Adding our own AHB slave (AND Unit)
IP Core Generation We Wish to add a new IP core to the system. One that will do a very simple function – AND between 2 signals and provide the result. For that we will do the following steps: • Write the VHDL code • Connect our IP to the LEON3MP system through the AHB Bus • Write a C code that demonstrates our IP functionality • Run simulation and check result
Connecting the IP – Definition & Instantiation Leon3mp.vhd file
Connecting the IP to the AHB and Compiling Leon3mp.vhd file make.vsim file
Writing the C Code int our_ip_test () { int *num1; int *num2; int i; num1 = (int*)0xb0000004; num2 = (int*)0xb0000008; *num1 = 0x11111000; *num2 = 0x00001111; i = *(int*)0xb0000000; return i; }
SOFTWARE Programming the Leon3
Implementation of the SRAM.SREC in the Testbench prom gen process
System Interaction We wish to write a program to the Leon3 system and see that the signals run according to it and with the parameters of our program. We’ll go through the process of: • Writing the C program • Compile and generate the SREC file • Replace the existing SRAM.SREC file with our own • Run simulation and check outcome
Step 1 – Writing the C Program our_test () { int i; int *Array = 0x40005000; for (i=0;i<32;i++) { Array[i] = i; } } We wrote a very simple program: Creating an array at a fixed location in the memory (middle of the SRAM). It’s size is 32 int, and contains the int 0-31.
Step 2 – Compile and Generate the SREC File We generated the SREC file using these following commands: • Sparc-elf-gcc –g –O2 our_test.c -S -o our_test.s • Sparc-elf-as –g our_test.s -o our_test.o • Sparc-elf-objcopy –O srec our_test.o sram.SREC ..And got the new sram.SREC file. C -> srec view
Step 3 – The new SREC File Address Op. Code S00C00007372616D2E7372656365 S315400000009DE3BF9003100014C227BFF0C027BFF482 S31540000010C207BFF480A0601F1480000D01000000DD S31540000020C207BFF4BB286002C207BFF0BA0740014F S31540000030C207BFF4C2274000C207BFF48200600176 S31540000040C227BFF410BFFFF301000000B01000014B S3154000005081C7E00881E800000000000000000000C1 S31540000060000000000000000000000000000000004A S70540000000BA Opcode read on wave
Step 4 – Simulation: Op. Code Execution Wave explanation
Project Road Map – Part A • Leon 3 system study – HW, SW, Tools • Creating Work Environment • Software generation process • Coding • SRAM generation • Hardware generation process: • Writing a user core • Connection to the AMBA I/F • Debugging • Implementation on FPGA: DD • Synthesis and Place & Route 15.1.08 • HW Debugging – UART, Chipscope 23.1.08 • SW Debugging 30.1.08
PROM GENERATION gcc - compile prom.S prom.o gcc - linker Objcopy – binary to hex prom.exe prom.SREC
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tart code, one character, an ASCII letter 'S'. Record type, one digit, 0 to 9, defining the type of the data field. Byte count, two hex digits, a number of bytes (hex digit pairs) in the address, data and checksum fields. Address, four, six or eight hex digits, the memory position for the data. This address is big endian. Data, a sequence of n bytes of the data themselves. 2n hex digits. Checksum, two hex digits. One’s component of the LSB. The SREC File
PROGRAM GENERATION IN OUR PROJECT • The PROM does several initializations – registers, interrupts, traps, instruction and frame pointers. • After this stage the PROM jumps to the SRAM start. • It is easier to enter the program to the SRAM and keep the default initial settings. • The SRAM.SREC file is created from the system.C file which calls on different functions from Software/Leon3. • The stages for SRAM generation are almost the same as PROM, except Gaisler gives us a tool – BCC (Blind Cross Compiler) which enables us to do the following process:sram.c -> sram.o -> sram.srec back
C to Assembler to SREC 1:our_test.c .LLM1: 0000 9DE3BF90 save %sp, -112, %sp our_test () { 0004 03100014 sethi %hi(1073762304), %g1 int *Array = (int *)0x40005000; 0008 C227BFF0 st %g1, [%fp-16] .LLM3: 000c C027BFF4 st %g0, [%fp-12] int i; .LL2: 0010 C207BFF4 ld [%fp-12], %g1 for (i=0;i<32;i++) { 0014 80A0601F cmp %g1, 31 0018 1480000D bg .LL3 001c 01000000 nop .LLM5: 0020 C207BFF4 ld [%fp-12], %g1 Array[i] = i; 0024 BB286002 sll %g1, 2, %i5 0028 C207BFF0 ld [%fp-16], %g1 002c BA074001 add %i5, %g1, %i5 0030 C207BFF4 ld [%fp-12], %g1 0034 C2274000 st %g1, [%i5] 0038 C207BFF4 ld [%fp-12], %g1 003c 82006001 add %g1, 1, %g1 0040 C227BFF4 st %g1, [%fp-12] 0044 10BFFFF3 b .LL2 }; 0048 01000000 nop .LL3: }; 004c B0100001 mov %g1, %i0 0050 81C7E008 ret 0054 81E80000 restore Back
Step 4 – Simulation: Signal interpretation • hbusreq =‘1’ meaning the AMBA bus arbiter has granted the leon3 to use the bus. • hgrant = ‘8000’ indicating which master is writing on the bus, in this case the leon3. • hwrite = ‘0’ meaning it’s a read transaction. • htrans = ‘2’ and then ‘3’. 2 means non sequential, indicating the first transfer of the burst. 3 means the remaining transfers of the burst. • hsize = ‘2’ means 32 bit transfer.
Step 4 – Simulation: Signal interpretation • hburst = ‘1’ meaning incrementing burst of unspecified length. • haddr = ‘40000000’ is the first address we saw in the SREC file which will contain the first op. code. The addresses which follow advance by +4. • hready goes up every time the op. code of the address requested has been fetched and is ready for reading. • hdata = ‘9DE3BF90’ shows the op. code from a given address. The first one is showed in the SREC file. • hsel = ‘8000’ indicating to which slave the bus addresses, in this case the memory controller. Back
Step 4 – Simulation: Op. Code Execution • It is easy to follow the step by following the write signal. • There are 2 memory writes per each loop: • Writing to the next element of the array. • Updating the value of i, the loop index. • We can see the array being initialized with the growing value of i, just like we wanted. Back