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The SharePoint Site Manager Utility offers farm analysis, global actions, site maintenance, and site repartitioning capabilities. Analyze your SharePoint farm, perform actions across the farm, manage SharePoint Portal Server 2003 sites, and easily redistribute sites across content databases.
SPSiteManager Analysis Features
Keith Richie, Premier Field Engineeringkrichie@microsoft.comhttp://blogs.msdn.com/krichieRaymond Hung,Premier Field Engineeringraymondh@microsoft.comChris GideonPremier Field Engineeringcgideon@microsoft.com
Location and Building • Part of the SharePoint Utility Suite located at http://www.microsoft.com/sharepoint/downloads/components/detail.asp?a1=724 • Includes SPUserUtil, SPSiteManager, and other useful tools. • Edit build.cmd to point to the servers C# Compiler (See http://blogs.msdn.com/krichie/archive/2005/12/08/501866.aspx for the reasons why)
Key FeaturesRich SharePoint Farm Analysis • SPSiteManager offers many levels of analysis that administrators can use to generate reports. Some of which are (but not limited to) the following: • Detect where sites/webs have exceeded the Capacity Planning Guidelines. • Get a holistic view of the entire farms site distribution for auditing and review. • Determine the percentages of file types used within a farm • Determine the average/minimum/maximum number of web parts utilized on pages. • Determine which and where specific site templates are used. • Content makeup such as number of lists and document libraries per site, as well as the mix of document types throughout the installation, as well as the mix of which are list attachments vs documents stored in document libraries. • Sum of content database sizes
Key Features (cont)Global actions across the farm • SPSiteManager can assist administrators by performing the following actions across the entire farm via a direct URL or driven by a Site Name Mask or Site Distribution Document: • Locking/Unlocking of sites • Quota changes and quota setting resets from quota templates • Site Backups/Restores/Deletes • All of these operations can be executed on a single Site URL, a Site URL Mask, or a Site Distribution Document and supply granular information such as: what SQL Database Server, Content Database name, access credentials, and other properties to use on a per site level.
Key Features (cont)SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Site Maintenance • If you have a SharePoint Portal Server 2003 installation, SPSiteManager can assist administrators with the following common site tasks on sites specified via a direct URL or driven by a Site name Mask or Site Distribution Document from sites within our outside of the current farm: • Adding/Removing sites from the list of sites to Crawl • Adding/Removing sites from the portals Site directory.
Key Features (cont)Site Repartitioning • Repartitioning sites into different content databases or what is also called “Site Leveling” can be a very labor intensive and time consuming process. • If you had to do this for many sites, it becomes impractical to do it manually. • SPSiteManager automates the entire process for you for each site. You can easily move sites between Content Databases on the same SQL server, or across content databases on many SQL Servers. You can also move sites across virtual servers in the same farm.
SharePoint Farm Analysisanalyze operation • Use the analyze operation to analyze a SharePoint Portal Server 2003 or Windows SharePoint Services farm. This operation will scan all content databases, content database servers, and all site collections in your farm to produce a Site Distribution Document which can be used to review your farm, or as the input SDD for other operations. It will also detect common problems and place “warning” elements in the document to alert you to needs for restructuring. • Supports varying levels of analysis, from a basic “Shallow” analysis to collect basic site distribution information to “deep” crawling of site/web/folder/item level information to look for problems • Start Shallow, End Deep.
SharePoint Farm Analysisanalyze operation (shallow) • Example of basic “shallow” analysis of entire farm. • Spsitemanager –o analyze –allvs –sdd level_0_analysis.xml –log • Analyze ALL SharePoint Virtual Servers • Name the analysis file level_0_analysis.xml • Create a Log file (named SPSiteManager.log)
SharePoint Farm Analysisanalyze operation (not so shallow) • Example of “not so shallow” analysis of entire farm. • Spsitemanager –o analyze –allvs –sdd level_1_analysis.xml –log –analysislevel 1 -verbose • Analyze ALL SharePoint Virtual Servers • Name the analysis file level_1_analysis.xml • Create a Log file (named SPSiteManager.log) • “Opens” each site to get additional data such as: • Storage size • Quota Limits • Read/Write Lock status. • Capacity Planning Guideline checks for number of webs, users, etc. • Will take longer to run if you have thousands of sites. • My Dev Server • Dual Proc 2.8 GHz Box • 2 GB of Memory • Standalone server • My demo is for nearly 15,300 sites • It completed in roughly 5 minutes. • Max Private Bytes ~35 MB • Max Working Set ~41 MB • Your results may vary
SharePoint Farm Analysisanalyze operation (near the deep end) • Example of “near the deep end” analysis of entire farm. • Spsitemanager –o analyze –allvs –sdd level_2_analysis.xml –log –analysislevel 2 -verbose • Analyze ALL SharePoint Virtual Servers • Name the analysis file level_2_analysis.xml • Create a Log file (named SPSiteManager.log) • “Opens” each site to get additional data such as: • Storage size • Qouta Limits • Read/Write Lock status. • Capacity Planning Guideline checks for number of webs, users, etc. • “Opens” each web within the site to get additional data such as: • Document Library information and item counts • List information and item counts • Capacity Planning Guideline checks for number of items per list, document library totals. • Will take longer to run if you have thousands of sites or heavily nested webs within sites. • My Dev Server • Dual Proc 2.8 GHz Box • 2 GB of Memory • Standalone server • My demo is for nearly 15,300 sites, 17,576 total webs. • It completed in roughly 15 minutes. • ---------- SPSITEMANAGER.LOG • Time:4/20/2006 12:15:37 AM • Time:4/20/2006 12:29:23 AM • Max Private Bytes ~59 MB • Max Working Set ~64 MB • Your results may vary • Best to filter this on a specific virtual server after running level 0 or 1, and even supply a site mask for a site collection that has many webs.
SharePoint Farm Analysisanalyze operation (somewhat deep) • Example of “somewhat deep” analysis of s specific site located on a specific virtual server. • Spsitemanager –o analyze –url http://www.tailspintoys.com –mask *Lists* -analysislevel 3 –sdd level_3_analysis.xml –log -verbose • Analyze the SharePoint Virtual Server at http://www.tailspintoys.com • Limit the Analysis to sites with * IGotTooMany* in the URL • Name the analysis file level_3_analysis.xml • Create a Log file (named SPSiteManager.log) • -verbose… Very Noisy in this release • “Opens” each site to get additional data such as: • Storage size • Qouta Limits • Read/Write Lock status. • Capacity Planning Guideline checks for number of webs, users, etc. • “Opens” each web within the site to get additional data such as: • Document Library information and item counts • List information and item counts • Capacity Planning Guideline checks for number of items per list, document library totals. • “Opens” each document library and list to get additional data such as: • Enumerates Document Library Folders • Capacity Planning Guideline checks for number of items per folder.
SharePoint Farm Analysisanalyze operation (somewhat deep cont) • For the sake of time: • spsitemanager -o analyze -url http://www.tailspintoys.com -mask *lists* -analysislevel 3 -sdd level_3_analysis.xml –log -verbose&find "listcount" level_3_analysis.xml > listcounts.xml¬epad listcounts.xml¬epad level_3_analysis.xml • Will take longer to run if you have thousands of sites or heavily nested webs within sites. • My Dev Server • Dual Proc 2.8 GHz Box • 2 GB of Memory • Standalone server • My sample found 7 sites, 18 total webs, ~110 document libraries, ~7025 lists. • It completed in roughly 10 seconds. 5 seconds without –verbose! • ---------- SPSITEMANAGER.LOG • Time:4/20/2006 12:46:04 AM • Time:4/20/2006 12:46:12 AM • Max Private Bytes ~30 MB • Max Working Set ~36 MB • Your results may vary • Best to filter this on a specific virtual server and site. • Garbage Collection is forced after each Site Collection analyzed to prevent memory pressure. • SPSiteManager was originally designed with virtual server scoping in mind. • A future version/tool will allow more granular targeting specific to a site, web, document library, or list without the need to specify a “mask” • SPSiteManager –o analyze –url http://www.tailspintoys.com/badsites/1986335531/subweb1/subweb2/Shared Documents -analysislevel 5
SharePoint Farm Analysisanalyze operation (deep) • Example of “deep” analysis of a specific site located on a specific virtual server. • Spsitemanager –o analyze –url http://www.tailspintoys.com –mask */badsites/* -analysislevel 5 –sdd level_5_analysis.xml • Analyze the SharePoint Virtual Server at http://www.tailspintoys.com • Limit the Analysis to sites with */badsites/* in the URL • Name the analysis file level_5_analysis.xml • Could take a REALLY LONG TIME to run depending on content makeup. • Will take longer to run if you have thousands of sites or heavily nested webs within sites. • My Dev Server • Dual Proc 2.8 GHz Box • 2 GB of Memory • Standalone server • My sample found 13 sites, ~2,270 webs, ~2,350 document libraries, ~20,524 lists. • It completed in roughly 20 minutes. • Max Private Bytes ~1.4 GB • Max Working Set 850 MB • Your results may vary • Best to filter this on a specific virtual server and site. • Garbage Collection is forced after each Site Collection analyzed to prevent memory pressure. • SPSiteManager was designed with virtual server scoping in mind. • A future version/tool will allow more granular targeting specific to a site, web, document library, or list without the need to specify a “mask” • SPSiteManager –o analyze –url http://www.tailspintoys.com/badsites/1986335531/subweb1/subweb2/Shared Documents -analysislevel 5
SharePoint Farm Analysisanalyze operation (deep cont) • Document Type Makeup • Warnings • Recommendations • Etc
Customer Verbatims • For the limited number of enterprise customers we’ve been working with, and one-off PSS cases we’ve used this on, the overall response we’ve been getting can be broken down into the following sentences: • "Sweet!!!" • "Wow!, no wonder that site has been performing badly." • “This is cool, you’ve just provided me with the data I’ve been spending months of manual labor to compile in less than 2 minutes” • “We're eager to meet up and see what this tool can do, so drop us your calendar, so we can get 30 in soon.” • “We are thinking of building or extending your tool to generate weekly reports which can give us information about these type of issues…” • “This thing does 80% of what keeps us up at nights and weekends performing manually!” • “Will this include features matching those of SPReports?” • The answer is yes…I’ve already contacted the author of the original SPReports, and we are incorporating those features into a future version of the tool
“The Next Big Thing” • Future of SPSiteManager • Rolled into SharePoint Configuration Analyzer V.Next • http://www.bluedoglimited.com/SharePointThoughts/ViewPost.aspx?ID=183 • Currently generating specs. • Integrate SPUserUtil features • Integrate SPSiteBuilder features • Integrate functionality of SPReports (http://www.gotdotnet.com/workspaces/workspace.aspx?id=8eb2bfa3-aac8-4b5a-b3a2-5accb29970eb) • List and Document Library “Split” option to aid when lists and document libraries were detected that exceed capacity planning guidelines. • Web Part discovery across the farm. • Lots and Lots of feature requests that were punted previously