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Chapter 14:

Chapter 14:. Social and Personality Development in Early Adulthood. In This Chapter. Theories of Social and Personality Development Erikson. Intimacy versus Isolation Stage Intimacy: Capacity to engage in supportive, affectionate relationship without losing one’s own sense of self

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Chapter 14:

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  1. Chapter 14: Social and Personality Development in Early Adulthood

  2. In This Chapter

  3. Theories of Social and Personality Development Erikson Intimacy versus Isolation Stage Intimacy: Capacity to engage in supportive, affectionate relationship without losing one’s own sense of self Isolation: Results from relationships that are inadequate, lack of self-disclosure, and unresolved identity crises

  4. Theories of Social and Personality DevelopmentIntimacy versus Isolation Stage Developmental task of stage is to establish intimate bonds of love and friendship • Barriers to intimacy • Supports to intimacy

  5. Theories of Social and Personality DevelopmentLevinson Life structures: All roles and relationships a individual occupies — and conflicts and balances that exist between them Regards formation of intimate relationship central developmental task Cycle through periods of stability and instability

  6. Figure 14.1 Levinson’s Model of Adult Development Each stable life structure is followed by period of transition in which structure is reexamined.

  7. Theories of Social and Personality DevelopmentEmerging Adulthood Emerging adulthood: Period in which individuals experiment with options prior to taking on adult roles • Tasks • Relationships • Developmental issues

  8. Theories of Social and Personality DevelopmentRoisman Developmental Task Domains in Emerging Adolescence Academic Friendship Conduct Work Romantic • Skills 1-3 transfer from adolescence to adulthood • Skills 4-5 require more adjustment

  9. Intimate RelationshipsEvolutionary Theory and Mate Selection Overview Focus on survival value Mating a selective process to insure survival of the species Cross-cultural research findings

  10. Intimate RelationshipsEvolutionary Theory and Mate Selection Parental Investment Theory (Buss et al.) • Male values • Male selection criteria • Female values • Female selection criteria How do men and women differ in this theory?

  11. Intimate RelationshipsSocial Role Theory and Mate Selection Reanalysis of Parental Investment Theory (Buss et al.) Sex differences are adaptations to gender roles resulting from present-day social realities rather than from natural selection Selections of high-income earning men and women Homogamy or assortive mating

  12. Intimate RelationshipsMarriage Prevalence More than 2 million formal weddings each year Longitudinal research suggests that most marriages endure; only 1/3 of first marriages end in divorce

  13. Intimate RelationshipsBridal Stress “Disorder” The textbook author discusses the concept of Bridal Stress “Disorder”. What circumstances or stresses contribute to the behaviors described? Is this another way to say “Bridezilla”?

  14. Intimate RelationshipsRelationship Quality Influences on marital success Values • Personality characteristics of the partners • Attitudes towards divorce • Security of each partner’s attachment to family of origin Lots of agreement across groups about what makes marriages work!

  15. Figure 14.3 Ratings of Marital Success by Ethnicity

  16. Intimate RelationshipsSex Differences in Marital Impact Males • Generally benefit more than females on measures of physical and mental health • Married men are healthier and live longer than unmarried men Females • Married women slightly healthier than unmarried women • Unmarried women healthier and happier than unmarried men

  17. Intimate RelationshipsRelationship Quality: Sternberg Emotional affection contributes to relationship quality Three key components of love • Intimacy • Passion • Commitment

  18. Figure 14.4 Sternberg’s Theory of Love

  19. Relationship QualityConflict Management How a couple manages conflict is important!

  20. Intimate RelationshipsCouples Likely to Divorce Couples likely to divorce: • Hostile/engaged • Hostile/detached

  21. Intimate RelationshipsConsequences of Divorce Consequences Increased physical and emotional illness Serious economic hardships, especially for women Disruption of sequence and timing of family roles Strong feelings of failure, loss of self-esteem, loneliness

  22. Intimate RelationshipsCohabiting Heterosexual Couples Cohabiters Less satisfied when married and more likely to divorce Less homogamous or similar to each other Either fully committed to future marriage or ambiguous

  23. Intimate RelationshipsCohabiting Heterosexual Couples: Teachman Prior sexual and cohabitational histories are major factors in divorce Cohabiting couples who intend to marry • Share work loads at home • Happier during cohabitation • May do a better job communicating

  24. Intimate RelationshipsGay and Lesbian Couples: Satisfaction Satisfaction related to Similar backgrounds and equal relationship length commitment Attachment security Dissatisfaction related to Neuroticism in one or both partners

  25. Intimate RelationshipsGay and Lesbian Couples Differences More dependent on each other for social support Power and tasks are equally divided by couple Lesbians insist on sexual exclusivity whereas gay men regard sexual fidelity as negotiable

  26. Intimate RelationshipsSinglehood Many single adults: • Prefer singlehood • Participate in intimate relationships that are not “partnered” • Maintain close relationships with families of origin and close friends

  27. ParenthoodOverview 85% of parents cite relationship of child most fulfilling life aspect Transition to parenthood stressful Transition happens with other social relationships also in transition

  28. Parenthood The Desire to Become a Parent Large majority of young adults desire to be parents More men than women desire to be parents; view parenting as life-enriching Expectant fathers become emotionally attached to their unborn children

  29. Parenthood Delaying Parenthood Decisions to delay parenting

  30. Stop and Think What do you believe are the three greatest adjustments that new parents face? Are these adjustments short-term? Long-term?

  31. ParenthoodPostpartum Depression Incidence Causes Symptoms Treatment

  32. ParenthoodDevelopmental Impact of Parenthood Marital Satisfaction and Parenthood • Division of labor issues fuel dissatisfaction • Support from extended family helps • Effective conflict-resolution strategies established before birth

  33. Figure 14.5 Marital Satisfaction through the Family Life Cycle

  34. ParenthoodChildlessness Marital satisfaction fluctuates less over time Women are more likely to have full-time continuous careers Married men whose wives were not employed were more likely to advance

  35. ParenthoodSocial Networks Family Most adults feel emotionally close to their parents and see or talk to them regularly. • Proximity influences contact. • Culture influences involvement with parents. • African Americans value family connections highly.

  36. ? ? Questions To Ponder Are you looking forward to having children? Why or why not? What characteristics of a potential mate are most important to you? What characteristics would be problematic for you? Why? Do you have a good relationship with your parents today? How often do you talk? In what situations do you seek advice? What situations would you not discuss with your parents?

  37. Other RelationshipsFriends Characteristics Similar in education, social class, interests, family background and family life cycle stage Drawn from same age group; same sex Important members of social network (even exclusive online)

  38. Other RelationshipsSex Differences in Relationship Styles Women have more close friends Women often the “kinkeeper”, correspondence, family news Young men remain competitive with friends

  39. The Role of WorkerChoosing an Occupation Family and educational influences of occupational choice Parent social class Family values Educational goals

  40. The Role of WorkerInfluence of Gender Sex-role definitions still designate some jobs Male jobs more varied, technical, and higher in status and income Female jobs concentrated in the service industry, and offer lower status and pay

  41. The Role of WorkerPersonality: Holland’s Theory Types 6 basic personality types People whose personalities match their jobs more likely to be satisfied with their work

  42. The Role of WorkerCareer Development: Super’s Model Stages of career development

  43. Career DevelopmentJob Satisfaction Influences Individual personality traits High school and college preparation related to career Uncertainty about job security, employment market and job opportunities

  44. The Role of WorkerQuality of Work Life (QWL) Movement QWL: Approach to enhancing job satisfaction by basing job and work place design on analyses of quality of employee experiences in organization Assume happier workers are more productive Involves innovations in how work is structured

  45. The Role of WorkerSex Differences in Work Patterns Women’s work satisfaction goes up with age Most women move into and out of the labor market at least once during adulthood Why does this occur?

  46. True or False? Our culture thinks of a man as simultaneously a worker, a parent, and a spouse but has difficulty seeing a woman as all three. Do you think this will change? Why or why not? How?

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