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38. Cervicogenic Headache and Orofacial Pain. Cervicogenic headache. 공통점 pain that starts in the neck, mostly unilateral, aggrevated by neck movement or awkward head positioning, and relieved by local anesthetic blockade of the occipital nerve
공통점 • pain that starts in the neck, mostly unilateral, aggrevated by neck movement or awkward head positioning, and relieved by local anesthetic blockade of the occipital nerve • 0.4-2.5% among the general population and 15-20% among patients with chronic headache • female, 평균연령은 42.9세 • CGH의 pain이 발생하는 구조 -> post. cranial fossa, vertebral a, occipital condyles, upper cervical facet joints, intervertebral discs, nerve roots, and cervical m and their bone attachments
mechanism "cervicotrigeminal relay" (CTR) and trigeminovascular system (TVS)
neck에서 받아들여진 nociceptive impulses을 temporal, frontal, orbital regions의 head pain으로 인식하게 함 treatment • NSAIDs medications, occipital nerve blocks, radiofrequency neurotomy of the cervical disc, epidural steroid injections, cervical manipulation, and surgery
1. Orofacial pain of neuropathic origin • results from involvement of cranial nerves (trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, hypoglossal) 1) Central pain • infrequent cause • central poststroke pain (thalamic pain) - m/c cause • 모든 stoke환자 중 1-2%에서 발생하고 thalamus 침범한 경우 중 20%에서 facial pain이 발생 2) Trigeminal neuralgia A. Tic douloureux • defined as a sudden, usually unilateral, severe, brief, stabbing, recurrent pain felt in the distribution of one or more branches of the fifth cranial nerve • trigeminal root compression이 일차적인 원인인 것으로 생각됨 • vascular loops compressing or contacting the trigeminal nerve root -> 80% 이상에서 관찰됨
B. Trigeminal neuralgia secondary to trauma • trauma, surgery, peripheral lesions 후에 발생 C. Acute herpes zoster : trigeminal distribution • latent varicella zoster virus가 trigeminal, geniculate ganglion에 있다가 host의 면역력이 떨어지면서 infection이 trigeminal nerve branches, facial nerve branches를 침범하여 발생 • recurrent viral infection • Trigeminal herpes zoster 또는 Ramsay Hunt synd.과 증상이 비슷하기 때문에 진단을 위해 반드시 laboratory exam이 필요 (elevated antibody level of varicella zoster virus) D. Postherpetic neuralgia: trigeminal distribution • acute trigeminal herpes zoster의 eruption이 치료된 후에도 trigeminal division에 지속되는 somatosensory abnormalities로 chronic pain이 있는 것이 특징적 • postherpetic neuralgia는 rash 후에 3개월 이상 지속됨 • burning pain with hyperalgesia, allodynia, and dysesthesia • diagnosis - Hx. of eruptions in the affected area and the presence of somatosensory abnormalies • serum varicella zoster antibody level은 chronic case에서 진단에 도움이 안 됨
E. Raeder's synd • severe stabbing paroxysms in the first division of trigeminal nerve with sympathetic nervous system paralysis • 중년 남성에서 ptosis와 miosis를 동반한 severe, throbbing, supraorbital headache • The headache is intermittent for several weeks or months 3) Geniculate neuralgia or Ramsay Hunt syndrome • geniculate ganglion level의 facial n와 함께 가는 afferent fiber의 acute herpetic involevement 때문에 발생 • concha와 mastoid area 주위에 typical vesicle이 생기고 몇 일 후 auditory meatus lancinating pain이 느껴짐 • Typical cases of Ramsay Hunt syndrome -> the triad of auricular vesicles, ipsilateral peripheral facial palsy, vestibular/cochlear symptoms
4) Nervus intermedius neuralgia/Geniculate neuralgia • episodic, severe lancinating pain in the ear canal or post. pharynx as the main presenting symptom • etiology is unknown 5) Glossopharyngeal neuralgia • episodic, severe, stabbing, recurrent pains in the distribution of the glossopharyngeal nerve • pain may radiate to the external auditory meatus or to the neck • nerve roots의 vascular impingement가 주된 원인으로 생각됨 6) Superior laryngeal neuralgia • sudden, brief, recurrent, lancinating pain in the throat and laryngeal area • deep ear, angle of the jaw에서 느껴짐 • yawning, coughing, swallowing, gargling에 의해 유발되기도 함 • glossopharyngeal neuralgia와 임상 증상이 유사하여 감별이 어렵다 • superior laryngeal n.의 local block이 진단에 유용하다
7) Hypoglossal/Vagus neuralgia • paroxysmal unilateral pain affecting the angle of the jaw, thyroid cartilage, piriform sinus, and posterior aspect of the tongue (rare conditions) • glossopharyngeal neuralgia, carotidynia와 감별이 어렵다 8) Tolosa-Hunt syndrome • episodic unilateral pain in the ocular area associated with ipsilateral paresis of oculomotor nerves and the first branch of the trigeminal nerve • 40대 성인에 주로 발생 9) SUNCT syndrome • SUNCT (short-lasting, unilateral, neuralgiform pain with conjunctival injection and tearing) • idiopathic condition • 50대 성인에서 보임 • unilateral pain episode는 2분 이하로 지속되며 orbit나 periorbital area에 나타남 • rhinorrhea, lacrimation, conjunctival irritation이 특징적
2. Non-neuropathic orofacial pain 1) Extraoral pain A. Temporomandibular disorder • collective term - clinical complaints involving the muscle of mastication, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and/or associated orofacial structures • most common source of complaint is not the TMJ but the muscles of mastication B. Temporomandibular intracapsular joint disorders • temporomandibular joints의 functional disorders와 관련된 sign이 주된 finding이다 • do not produce painful symptoms • 3가지로 분류됨 : derangements of the condyle-disc complex, structural incompatibility of the articular surface, and inflammatory joint disorders
C. Masticatory muscle disorders • most common temporomandibular disorder complaint of patients seeking treatment in the dental office D. Carotidynia • unilateral continuous aching or throbbing pain, usually starting in the ipsilateral anterior neck • pathology is unknown • carotid a의 tenderness(특히 bifurcation 주위)가 가장 흔한 특징 E. Sinusitis • continuous aching or throbbing pain in the infraorbital, temporal, frontal, ear, upper molar, and/or premolar region due to inflammation of the sinuses • early stage에서 pain은 unilateral, 반대편 sinuses로 침범하면서 통증 생김 • purulent discharge from the sinus ostia and radiographic opacity in ipsilateral and/or bilateral sinuses are observed -> 진단 내릴 수 있음
2) Intraoral pain A. Glossodynia, atypical odontalgia, and burning mouth syndrome • not condition but syndromes • 다른 가능한 원인을 R/O 한 후에 진단 • 40대 이후에 발병 • continuous sore, throbbing, or burning pain in the tongue, teeth, periodontal tissues, or whole mouth • pain의 강도는 moderate • no pathology or distinct somatosensory anomaly • often have a psychosomatic aspect B. Cracked tooth syndrome • This pain results from an incomplete (cracked tooth) or a complete tooth fracture (split tooth) • cracked tooth induces dental pulp sensitization and pulpitis, and deep periodontal pockets can give rise to severe pain
3. Treatment considerations with emphasis on trigeminal neuralgia 1) Conservative management : pharmacotherapeutic options A. Carbamazepine • tricyclic imipramine • trigeminal neuralgia의 management에 drug of choice • 하지만 약간의 side effect를 가지고 있기 때문에 저 용량으로 사용해야 함 • carbamazepine으로 치료받는 환자의 20%가 side effect를 경험 • dizziness, diplopia, nausea 등이 흔한 부작용 • hematologic (anemia, thrombocytopenia, and agranulocytosis)의 심한 부작용도 생길 수 있음 B. Oxcarbazepine • partial seizure에 사용되는 약물 • carbamazepine과 마찬가지로 trigeminal neuralgia 같은 neuropathic pain의 치료에 효과적 • 정확한 기전은 밝혀지지 않음 • drug plasma level과 hematologic profile을 monitoring 하지 않아도 되는 장점이 있음 • 심한 부작용이 없음
C. Gabapentin • anticonvulsant agent • no direct GABA-mimetic action, exact mechanism of action is yet unknown • 위험한 부작용이 적다 • 몸에서 대사되지 않음 • blood level monitoring이 필요 없음 • 가장 흔한 S/E는 sleepiness, dizziness, and ataxia D. Baclofen • skeletal m relaxant that is also structurally related to GABA • effective adjuvant for management of trigeminal neuralgia • ataxia, lethargy, and nausea 같은 S/E를 피하기 위해 gradual dosing이 추천됨 E. Clonazepam • benzodiazepine • effective in myoclonic epileptic states • carbamazepine therapy에 반응하지 않는 trigeminal neuralgia에 효과적 • 하지만 통증의 경감 정도가 충분하지 않다 • S/E - somnolence, ataxia, fatique
2) Role of psychology 3) Role of acupuncture 4) Surgical management • medical treatment가 효과가 없을 때 • gangliolysis, microvascular decompression