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Science Parks : combining energies for innovation

The use of benchmarking strategies to change the development strategy of business environment institutions Warsaw, October 14, 2010. Science Parks : combining energies for innovation. Dr Ir Michel Morant CEO TTO Office University of Liege, Belgium

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Science Parks : combining energies for innovation

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  1. The use of benchmarking strategies to change the development strategy of business environment institutions Warsaw, October 14, 2010 Science Parks :combining energies for innovation Dr Ir Michel Morant CEO TTO Office University of Liege, Belgium Member of the board of LIEU, SPOW, AST and of Proton Europe

  2. Changing the paradigms • Industries focuse more and more on the core business • Research becomes more and more multi/cross disciplinary • Globalisation is today reality : markets, production sites, computing sites, development facilities, research • All dynamic regions are turning to innovation How can a Region bring a difference ? • By funding top research • By fostering a top educational system • By shortening the time lag between research and the market • Science parks are one of the catalyst to foster the future Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  3. The Triple Helix system (H. Etkowitz) Government IP policy Funding R&D Clustering policy Industry/SME’s Product development Research Knowledge transfer Continuous education University TTO Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  4. Benchmarking : why ? who ? Where ? • For the Government • Regions with similar/opposite track record • Far away/in the neighbourhood • Education/Research/Innovation Policy/Economy Policy • For universities • Within the country/abroad • Research oriented/education oriented • Taking part in EU associations (EAU, Proton, …) • For Science Parks Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  5. Liege : some figures • Wallonia (3,5)+Brussels (1,1) : autonomous Regions • Liege : City of 600.000 in a province of 1 Moi • Industrial tradition : steel, mines, mechanics, energy • Long and deep crisis from the 70’s till the 90’s • New developments • 2nd harbour in UE, 7th airport for freight, HS train, Highways • Logistics : 100 Mios inhabitants within 3 hours drive • Aeronautics and space industry • Imaging technology – ICT • Envioronment technologies – water technologies • Biotechnology • Culture historical sites – museas - new station Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  6. The University of Liege : some figures • Grounded in 1496, state university in 1817 • 10 faculties : the only complete state university in W-B • 20.000 students • Campus in Liege, Gembloux, Arlon • Open to the Euregio M-R, and Great Region (Lu, De, Fr) • 600 professors, 3000 scientists • University Hospital (4000 employees) • 400 Mio€ total budget (50% for research) • 1000 concurrent research contrats(70 FP7) • 65 Mio€/year direct contracting from companies • Science park with 100 high tech companies • 100 spin off companies grounded • 25 patents a year – 20 licences a year Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  7. R E S E A R C H Contracts Entreprises Public financing Infrastructure Researchers RESEARCH PUBLICATION INVENTIONS I N N O V A T I O N Public financing IPR SEED-CAPITAL INCUBATORS COLLABORATION WITH COMPANIES PROOF OF PRINCIPLE SPIN-OFFS D E V E L O P M E N T New Products New Services Licences Royalties The Open Innovation model (H.Chesbrough) Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  8. Benchmarking for a governementThe Prometheus project of the Walloon Region • All the key actors around the table, during 2 years (2002-2003) : companies, universities, research centers, EEIC, administration, • A guideline : the Open Innovation Model • Partenarial Research • IP policy – Licensing • Spin off policy • Local benchmarking : • Existing good experiences ? Where ? Why successful ? • How to generalize ? • Are they missing links ? Missing tools ? What are the problems? • European benchmarking of systems : • The US example in mind • Similar regions : Manchester/Birmingham, Leuven, NR Wesphalien, Switzerland, Rhônes-Alpes • Other types of regions : Finland, Valencia, Catalogna Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  9. Benchmarking for universitiesWhat’s an entrepreneurial university ? • ULg visited several universities in Europe (KULeuven, EPFL, Linköping, Warwick, Barcelona • Involvement in networks (Curie, Proton Europe, …) for sharing experiences • Pro active University • Creation of the Liege Science Park (1980) • Creation of Interface Enterprise-University (1989) : promotion of industry-university relationships, support to SME’s and Lab’s • IP/spin off policy of the university (1998) • Creation of TTO and Gesval (1998) • Creation of Seed capital fund (Spinventure, 1999) • Creation of an entrepreneurship center in the Business school (2000) • First high tech incubator (WSL, 2001) • Expert team for high tech business (2005, CIDE) • Life science incubator (WBC, 2006) Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  10. Innovation system in Wallonia • Partenarial research • Poles of competitiveness : LE, SME’s, univ’s, Lab’s on teh same agenda • Public-private-partnership for research • Reinfrocement of academic research with companies (PhD’s) • IP Policy • Funding of IP in Lab’s • Funding of IP in SME’s • Set up of a regional IP agency for supporting Lab’s and SME’s • Support to Universities for patent management and licensing • Funding of POC in universities • Spin off Policy • Entrepreneuship spirit in business schools • First spin off • Seed capital funds • High tech Incubators/ • Refundable support for protoypes Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  11. Organisation of ULg for Tech Transfer Gesval (100 %) IP management Patent portfolio Proof of Principle Tech Tansfer Licensing License portfolio Equity CIDE asbl Business plan - Coaching ULg SPS (60/40) Hosting Know-how IP ownership Research Contracts SPINVENTURE(50/50) (Pre)Seed capital University Laboratoiry Researchers Profits WSL Incubator Engineering WBC Bio Incubator

  12. Growth of a spin-off company Going Public / Acquisition Late Stage INVESTORS Expansion Venture Capital, Investment Funds, Banks, Public Funding SRIW Meusinvest Early Stage WSL, WBC Product Development BAs, Incubators C O A C H I N G : CIDE Creation of company Spinventure Seed Capital ("3F ») Gesva Valuation (foundations, public funds, TTO) Gesval Development / IP/Proof of concept (public funds, TTO) Interface UNIVERSITY Concept : research funds Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  13. Création d’entreprisesEvolution (2009 : 92 cumulated creations) Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  14. Benchmarking of Science ParksThe IASP network • Science parks are typical area where all ingredients, all tools should be concentrated • IASP quality Chart : the guideline for benchmarking • Availability of • Good infrastructures : up to date buildings, connectivity • Nice environment • Specialized services : Patlib center, TTO, technology marketing experts, • Comfort services : babysitting, laundry, fitness, golf, tennis, … • High tech spirit : conferences, creativity, business lunches, seminars, … • Entrepreneurship spirit : incubators, • Good connexions with academic labs • High tech continuous education programs • Easy access to Seed capital/ Risk capital Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  15. Conclusion : Benchmarking on different levels • Benchmarking is useful in order to get ideas • Government, universities, sceince park can do it • The benchmark should be focused mainly on similar regions/universties, and some quite different • The international networks are good relays to find appropriate partners : Proton Europe, IASP, AUTM for instance Warsaw, October 14, 2010

  16. Thank you for your attention • www.interface.ulg.ac.be • www.reseaulieu.be • www.protoneurope.org • www.iasp.ws • www.spow.be • www.gesval.be • www.stimtech.be Warsaw, October 14, 2010

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