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The Louisiana Purchase

The Louisiana Purchase. Background. At the end of the French and Indian wars in 1763, France lost all of its possessions in N. America removing hopes of a colonial empire

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The Louisiana Purchase

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  1. The Louisiana Purchase

  2. Background • At the end of the French and Indian wars in 1763, France lost all of its possessions in N. America removing hopes of a colonial empire • Treaty of Fontainebleau: LA (Louisiana) west of the Mississippi was ceded to Spain and Britain acquired the large land to its east. • When US gained independence in 1783, they wanted to be the only ones in control of Mississippi • Secrets: Secret pact signed between Napoleon and the king of Spain to cede to France the Louisiana territory (including New Orleans) in exchange for a Spanish kingdom in Italy.

  3. Jefferson Situation • Settlers were angry-many wanted war with Napoleon • Jefferson was a pacifist and against war • Louisiana in Spain's possession was not a real threat, but that changed with Napoleon acquiring the territory. • US was not strong enough to defeat Napoleon’s armies alone so it would have to seek allies, against its anti-alliance policy.

  4. A Solution? • In 1803 Jefferson sent James Monroe to Paris to join Robert Livingston (permanent Paris minister) • They were instructed to purchase New Orleans and as much land to the east of it at the maximum of $10 million • Napoleon suddenly decided to sell all of LA and abandon his dream of a New World empire. • By selling the LA Territory to the US Napoleon hoped they would one day become a military and naval power that could prevent British expansion in the New World.

  5. A Wilderness for a City • Treaties were signed on April 30, 1083 ceding Louisiana to the U.S. for $15 million. - $11.25 million for territory - $3.75 million in French debts • Federalists argued that the purchase was useless and unconstitutional • Jefferson thought an “Empire of Liberty” would come out of the land • Should the people have been worried about the new states to come?

  6. Short Term and Long Term Effects • ST: By approving the LA Purchase Jefferson had avoided possible war with France and an alliance with Britain. • ST: Purchase ended European expansion in North America for the most part. • ST: Boosted national unity. • LT: The purchase set new precedents for future westward expansion, eventually all the way to the Pacific and incorporation of new lands and peoples into the Union. • LT: Accelerated the rise of U.S. economic and political power.

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