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Read about the Human Resources establishment, recruitment, talent management, performance, employment equity, wellness, and labor relations strategies. Learn how the department aims to strengthen its organizational structure.
Annual Report 2007/2008 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs Dr A Ntsaluba Director-General Cape Town 22 October 2008
Key strategic priorities for the reporting year were Consolidation of the African Agenda South-South Co-operation North-South Dialogue Participate in the Global System of Governance Bilateral Relations Organisational Strengthening Introduction
ORGANISATIONAL STRENGTHENING Human Resources - Contents Organisational establishment Recruitment and Selection Talent Management Foreign Service Performance Management and Development System Employment Equity and Organisational Culture Employee Wellness Labour Relations HR Strategic priorities 2008/9 Human Resources
Recruitment and Selection - DFA filled 429 posts during the reporting period, see next slide Human Resources
Establishment as at 31 March 2008 Head Office and Missions ORGANISATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT
Representivity: Employment Equity Table ORGANISATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT * The total number 2214 excludes 3 Political Office Bearers
Number due to return December 2007 97 Number returned December 2007 61 Number of whose term was extended 36 Number of replacements identified 40 Replacement not identified 21 DIPLOMAT OFFICERS RETURNED DECEMBER 2007
Extensions Advertisement Intermission-Transfers. Re-advertisement of remaining vacancies at end of January 2008 MEASURES TO FILL VACANCIES IN MISSIONS
As part of its attraction and retention strategy, the DFA participated in the following activities: Employer Branding DFA featured in journals on 2008 Companies of The Future as an employer of choice and was rated fourth amongst humanities students. The SABC Career Fairs for Grades 10-12 Visits to institutes of higher learning Career management and retention of talent. Commenced with the design and development of a web-based Career Centre. Consulted widely on the draft Retention Strategy. Talent Management
Concluded the negotiations on the revision of the Foreign Service Dispensation Implementation of the new Foreign Service Dispensation Continued with negotiations for a single medical aid service provider to cover transferred employees. Foreign Service Dispensation
Reviewed implementation of PMDS for LRP Continued with training on PMDS to Head Office employees. Performance Management
Performance Management (cont)Outcomes of PMDS • * The number of employees that are used in this Table reflects the reporting period of 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 and the total excludes 3 Political Office Bearers • REASONS FOR NON-MODERATION: • 1. SMS • CDIRS= 3 did not submit , 2 terminated, 1 contract, 1 transferred, 1 new appointment. • DIRS= 1 unpaid leave, 1 deployed, 7 did not submit, 9 terminated and 7 new appointment. • 2. BELOW SMS: • 163 new appointments, 163 did not submit, 2 resigned, 1 incapacity leave & 3 maternity leave & 8 terminated.
Employment Equity Plan developed and implemented Employment Equity measures focused on increasing representation of women at SMS level and people with disabilities Organisational Culture and Climate survey feedback provided to Head Office Employment Equity & Organisational Culture
Developed and adopted the Employee Health and Wellness strategy. Implemented the electronic health care system for all employees. Conducted a survey on employees’ knowledge, attitudes, practices and behaviours (KAPB) on HIV and AIDS. The findings and recommendations informed the reviewed Departmental HIV and AIDS programme Established the Wellness Committee comprising of different stakeholders within the Department. Continues to implement programmes aimed at promoting health and wellness e.g. conducted health assessments for Senior Managers. Employee Wellness
Labour Relations Framework was adopted and implemented. 22 out of 34 disciplinary cases finalised 9 disciplinary cases have been finalised since April 2008 There are currently 12 disciplinary cases before the Department (See Table below) 16 out of 21 grievances resolved. All 5 disputes finalised in favour of the Department, 6 disputes still outstanding. The former Ambassador in Palestine returned to HO in 2006. Following consultation with him, no disciplinary action was deemed necessary Labour Relations
Gangat v Minister of Foreign Affairs: Claim for contractual damages of R2,5 million in the Pretoria High Court for being recalled from Ramallah prematurely; Sobazile v Minister of Foreign Affairs: Application in the Labour Court regarding promotion and reimbursement of money due in terms thereof; Ngaki v Minister of Foreign Affairs: Application in the Labour Court regarding promotion and reimbursement of money due in terms thereof; LEGAL CASES THAT ARE BEFORE THE COURTS
Pitso v Minister of Foreign Affairs: Application in the Labour Court to challenge his discharge from the public service for having absconded; Minister of Foreign Affairs v Madigage: Application in the Labour Court to take an arbitration award on review; Von Abo v Government of the RSA: High Court application for diplomatic protection regarding Von Abo’s dispute with the Zimbabwean Government relating to the expropriation of his farms; LEGAL CASES THAT ARE BEFORE THE COURTS
Nogqala v Minister of Foreign Affairs: Application in the Labour Court to challenge his dismissal after having been found guilty of misconduct; Holmes v Republic of South Africa: Claim for pension benefits instituted by a locally recruited personnel member in the Labour Court of Santiago against the South African Embassy; LEGAL CASES THAT ARE BEFORE THE COURTS
Effective Organisational arrangements. Efficient Recruitment, Selection, Placement and Induction processes. Enabling Career Development and Succession Management. Effective leadership and management of people. HR: STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 2008/9
DFA - Annual Financial Statements – 31 March 2008 • Revenue • Annual Allocation R 4,119 billion • Other Revenue R65 million • Actual Expenditure 2007/08 Financial Year
Department utilised 98,8% of its Budget Under expenditure only related to: Capital works projects (Bujumbura, SA House London, Lilongwe) Fees to International Organisations (AU) Analysis of Under Expenditure -2007/08
Information Communication Technology (Almost complete deployment) Head Office Building MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS
The scope of the project encompasses: provision of office accommodation for the full Head Office staff complement together with appropriate staff wellness facilities necessary for the Department of fulfil its mandate a training facility to replace the present Diplomatic Academy a conference centre seating 400 delegates to accommodate the many local and international conferences hosted by SA through the Department the upgrading of the existing diplomatic guest house the construction of a new guest house on the Soutpansberg site Department engaged with Preferred Bidder and negotiated the project documentation Draft documentation was submitted to National Treasury and inputs were received Head Office Building
It is expected that Treasury Approval 3 and Financial Close will be reached during October 2008 Department entered into Early Works Agreement with contractor in order to fix the construction price, limit government exposure to forex changes and fix the project’s completion date At the end of the Financial Year, bulk excavations were completed, basements were completed and the superstructure far advanced. Head Office Building (cont) Head Office Building
Consolidation of all property related activities in newly created CD: Property and Facilities Management Developed and commenced with implementation of a property acquisition strategy to guide acquisition of properties Construction of Chanceries and Official Residences continued in (three) countries – Lesotho, Nigeria and Ethiopia Projects in Design in 6 (six) countries – Mali, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Botswana and Swaziland Acquired land in Riyadh for Chancery and Official Residence, identified a property in New York and purchased a Chancery in Brussels Maintained, refurbished and performed minor and major construction works in 5 (five) countries - Zimbabwe, Namibia, Belgium, Brazil (Sao Paulo and Brasilia), Malawi Management of Fixed Assets
Opened missions in 3 (three) countries - Niger (Niamey), Mauritania (Nouakchott) and Guinea Bissau (Bissau) Valued all land and buildings and updated the Fixed Asset Register. A phased approach to asset management has been progressing since the enactment of the PFMA During the year under review, the Department continued to improve its progress in relation to Asset Management The Department developed an Asset Management Strategy which led to a number of initiatives Based on the Asset Management strategy the Department embarked on a special project with regard to the enhancement of the asset register This project included finalising the asset management policy and procedures, verifying assets and updating the asset register, and valuing assets that have high value or assets that either retain or increase in value The project was a success. There were no matters raised in the final audit opinion Management of Fixed Assets (Continued)
During the financial year 2007/08 the Department also developed an Asset Management Strategy for the period 2008/9 to 2010/11 The strategy deals in the main with acquisitions and disposals, maintenance of properties and the valuing of high value assets Management of Fixed Assets (Continued)
Debt Management: Continued with process of submitting claims to partner departments revamped; Memorandum of Understanding with departments developed, which provide payment of advances as well as dispute resolution mechanisms Performance information: Framework for monitoring of performance information designed. A committee to oversee this aspect appointed and Units are preparing their quarterly reports and a half yearly review for the department done. Quality Assurance Review Process. Programme of ActionRelated to shortcomings identified in previous Audit
OTHER GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES Accelerating: Policies, processes and procedures in Supply Chain Management and other areas within DFA Risk management processes to be strengthened Scheduled Audit Committee meeting and Ad-hoc Audit Committee meetings on ICT AND HR matters Audit Steering Committee: Consolidated Internal Audit and A-G findings and recommendations to be implemented in all missions for uniformity and compliance with prescripts ICT Steering Committee Programme of Action
Revenue and Expenditure Income R 336,306 million Expenditure R 352,172 million Auditor-General’s Report Unqualified Audit Report with no matters of emphasis African Renaissance and International Cooperation FundAnnual Financial Statements as at 31 March 2008
Completed the development and testing of four CMS processes (ROSA, Miscellaneous Case Management, Detainees/Prisoners and Process Work) Piloted CMS in London and Washington involving 12 Missions Trained 266 (Transferred and LRP’s) officials on CMS at Eskom Convention Centre Legalised 21,611 South African public documents for submission in foreign countries by private individuals and business companies Consular Services
Continued to provide consular services to SA citizens abroad. Highlights are: Assisted with the repatriation of mortal remains from Cameroon of 2 SA citizens who died in a light aircraft accident Assisted the Cameroon Government with identification of the mortal remains of passengers of a Kenya Airways aircraft Assisted families of seven SA citizens and two citizens permanently residing in SA, who died in the Kenya Airways incident Assisted in consultation with the Department of Social Development, families of prisoners abroad to return children born in prisons to South Africa. Consular Services
State Protocol Key strategic priorities for the reporting year were Provide an effective visit management system Effective management of intergovernmental liaison Effective State Protocol Logistics Management System SA’s international profile continued to grow during the reporting period with concomitant increase in the volume of interaction at all levels with the international community In this regard, State Protocol coordinated a total number of 216 incoming and outgoing visits Protocol and Public Diplomacy
State Protocol (cont) Continued to provide support to Provinces and Local Municipalities on International programmes. In this regard, 235 outgoing international visits were facilitated Similarly, State Protocol through its State Protocol Lounges situated in OR Tambo and Cape Town, facilitated a total number of 25 148 VIP guests Finalised the construction and acquisition of the appropriate State Protocol Lounges and relocated in May of 2008 The Branch developed predictable systems and policies to ensure consistent and standardised protocols Protocol and Public Diplomacy
State Protocol (cont) 2010 World Cup related projects were increasingly performed Upgrading of Diplomatic guesthouse projects are in advanced stages State Protocol has logistically arranged 1 Summit, 4 Ministerial Conferences and 4 Senior Official Meetings during this period Protocol and Public Diplomacy
Regulating the Diplomatic Community Approximately 10 330 diplomats, consular, administration and technical staff members with their dependants are currently represented in South Africa 3 Multilateral organisations opened offices in South Africa Department of Home Affairs transferred issuance of Substitution Temporary residence permits for Diplomats to Department Foreign Affairs SAPS Diplomatic Policing Unit was launched to improve protection and security of Diplomats in South Africa Protocol and Public Diplomacy
African Integration Process SA actively participating in debates on harmonisation & rationalisation of RECs South Africa hosted Brainstorming Retreat of African Ministers of Foreign Affairs, May 2007 Implementation of AU Gender Declaration Coordinating SA’s Annual Activity Report on Implementation of AU Gender Declaration. Report due for Submission during Jan/Feb AU Summit Consolidation of the African Agenda
Support Pan African Parliament 9th Session was successfully held & preparations for 10th session underway Provided financial, technical & logistical support to PAP during its Bureau meetings & Sessions held in May & October 2007. Design of new parliament adjudicated after a continent-wide design competition. DFA design team has been appointed to oversee building construction Engagement with African Diaspora African Diaspora Regional Consultative Workshops held in London, New York, Bahamas, Paris & Addis Ababa during 2007. Senior Officials & Civil Society conference held in November 2007. Successfully hosted Africa Diaspora Ministerial at Gallagher Estate in November 2007. Consolidation of the African Agenda
Hosted a technical workshop meeting comprising of technical experts from all over world African Diaspora Summit postponed Consolidation of the African Agenda
Promote the implementation of NEPAD SA participated in NEPAD HSGIC & AU summit discussions aimed at integration of NEPAD into AU structures & processes – approved by AU in February 2008 SA continued to support implementation of NEPAD programmes in SA, SADC region & African continent, with emphasis on NEPAD priority sectors National NEPAD Projects conference hosted in October 2007, focussing on rollout of NEPAD spatial & infrastructure development programmes, linked to implementation of SADC RISDP SA peer review by APRM Forum conducted in July 2007. DFA supported DPSA in implementation of SA APRM Programme of Action Internationally, SA played leading role in solidifying NEPAD global partnerships within South-South & South-North cooperation, i.e. UN (62nd Session), APF (May & November 2007), FOCAC (September 2007), IBSA (October 2007), TICAD (October 2007 & March 2008) & Africa-Europe (December 2007) Consolidation of the African Agenda
African Renaissance Fund SA continued to utilise African Renaissance & International Co-operation Fund (ARF) in support of African Renaissance vision, serving as a catalyst for development projects in African countries. Key activities included: Ongoing assistance to DRC including capacity building Funding of projects in Comoros, Sudan & Western Sahara Southern Sudan Capacity Building Project with UNISA The demolition of unexploded ordinance devices in Mozambique Humanitarian Assistance to Western Sahara Contributing to SADC Observer Mission to Zimbabwe General Elections Funding of African Economic Research Consolidation of the African Agenda
African Renaissance Fund(cont) Funding rice production & technical assistance projects in Guinea Funding of anti-drug trafficking efforts in Guinea Funding of continuation of Burundi peace process Assistance in Hosting of Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Republic of Uganda. Consolidation of the African Agenda
Promote Regional Integration and Development through SADC and SACU Regional Integration remained a priority in SADC agenda during 2007/8 The task team from dti, dfa & Treasury prepared positions & co-ordinated SA’s interventions on regional economic integration SADC established SADC Brigade & moved significantly towards establishing Regional Early Warning Centre Democratisation process in DRC & political situation in Zimbabwe dominated SADC’s political agenda SA supported the creation of an additional post of Deputy Executive Secretary responsible for regional integration as well as review of the SADC Secretariat structure Consolidation of the African Agenda
Peace Building Effective support provided to the Facilitator of the Burundi PeaceProcess, Minister Charles Nqakula, and the Political Directorate in peace-making efforts in Burundi, to bring the Palipehutu-FNL back into the peace process, and in facilitating negotiations between the two conflicting Parties Preparation for post-conflict projects in support of the immediate post-conflict phase of peace-building in Burundi. Preparation for trilateral cooperation projects in the medium and long term phases of peace-building in Burundi. The provision of a South African presence in Goma in the Joint Monitoring Group (JMG) in support of peace-making efforts in the Eastern DRC, in accordance with the commitments of the Nairobi Communiqué Contribution to election monitoring in the Zimbabwe election. Consolidation of the African Agenda
Active Engagement in the NAM and G77 and China SA used these fora to promote, inter alia, the African Agenda, work towards the attainment of the UN Millenium Development Goals advocate the reform of the UN and its organs and promote and protect human rights Strengthen South-South Co-operation