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Een echte re stack-machine

PC. R0. SP. R1. MP. R2. R3. R4. Een echte re stack-machine. Memory Registers. Memory Program Stack Memory Registers Progr.counter Stack pointer Mark pointer. PC. R0. SP. R1. MP. R2. R3. R4. Instructies: load on stack. LDC Load from constant. LDC 17. 12. LDR R4.

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Een echte re stack-machine

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  1. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Een echtere stack-machine • Memory • Registers • Memory • Program • Stack • Memory • Registers • Progr.counter • Stack pointer • Mark pointer

  2. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: load on stack • LDCLoad from constant LDC 17 12 LDR R4 LDL 2 LDS -3 LDLA 1 LDA 2 NOP HALT 59 63 75 31 81 43

  3. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: load on stack • LDCLoad from constant LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • LDRLoad from register LDL 2 LDS -3 LDLA 1 LDA 2 NOP HALT 59 63 75 31 81 43

  4. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: load on stack • LDCLoad from constant LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • LDRLoad from register LDL 2 43 LDS -3 LDLA 1 • LDLLoad from local LDA 2 NOP HALT 59 63 75 31 81 43

  5. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: load on stack • LDCLoad from constant LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • LDRLoad from register LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 • LDLLoad from local LDA 2 NOP HALT • LDSLoad from stack 59 63 75 31 81 43

  6. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: load on stack • LDCLoad from constant LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • LDRLoad from register LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 12 • LDLLoad from local LDA 2 NOP HALT • LDSLoad from stack 59 63 75 • LDLALoad local address 31 81 43

  7. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: load on stack • LDCLoad from constant LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • LDRLoad from register LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 12 • LDLLoad from local LDA 2 NOP HALT • LDSLoad from stack 59 63 75 • LDLALoad local address 31 81 • LDALoad via address 43

  8. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: load on stack • LDCLoad from constant LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • LDRLoad from register LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 12 • LDLLoad from local LDA 2 81 NOP HALT • LDSLoad from stack 59 63 75 • LDLALoad local address 31 81 • LDALoad via address 43

  9. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: load on stack • LDCLoad from constant LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • LDRLoad from register LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 12 • LDLLoad from local LDA 2 81 NOP HALT • LDSLoad from stack 59 63 75 • LDLALoad local address 31 81 • LDALoad via address 43

  10. STRStore to register • STLStore to local • STSStore to stack • STAStore via address Instructies: store from stack • LDCLoad from constant • LDRLoad from register • LDLLoad from local • LDSLoad from stack • LDLALoad local address • LDALoad via address

  11. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: Register • LDRRLoad reg. to reg. LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 12 LDA 2 81 NOP LDRR3 4 AJS -2 59 BRA +3 63 LDC 91 75 STR R3 31 81 RET BSR -4 LDR R3 43

  12. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: Register • LDRRLoad reg. to reg. LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • AJSAdjust stackpointer LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 12 LDA 2 81 NOP LDRR3 4 AJS -2 59 BRA +3 63 LDC 91 75 STR R3 43 81 RET BSR -4 LDR R3 43

  13. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: Register • LDRRLoad reg. to reg. LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • AJSAdjust stackpointer LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 12 • BRABranch (Jump) LDA 2 81 NOP LDRR3 4 AJS -2 59 BRA +3 63 LDC 91 75 STR R3 43 81 RET BSR -4 LDR R3 43

  14. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: Register • LDRRLoad reg. to reg. LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • AJSAdjust stackpointer LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 12 • BRABranch (Jump) LDA 2 81 NOP LDRR3 4 • BSRBranch to subroutine AJS -2 59 BRA +3 63 LDC 91 75 STR R3 43 81 RET BSR -4 LDR R3 43

  15. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: Register • LDRRLoad reg. to reg. LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • AJSAdjust stackpointer LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 • BRABranch (Jump) LDA 2 81 NOP LDRR3 4 • BSRBranch to subroutine AJS -2 59 BRA +3 63 LDC 91 75 STR R3 43 81 RET BSR -4 LDR R3 43

  16. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: Register • LDRRLoad reg. to reg. LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • AJSAdjust stackpointer LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 • BRABranch (Jump) LDA 2 91 NOP LDRR3 4 • BSRBranch to subroutine AJS -2 59 BRA +3 63 LDC 91 75 STR R3 43 81 RET BSR -4 LDR R3 43

  17. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: Register • LDRRLoad reg. to reg. LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • AJSAdjust stackpointer LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 • BRABranch (Jump) LDA 2 91 NOP LDRR3 4 • BSRBranch to subroutine AJS -2 59 BRA +3 63 LDC 91 75 • RETReturn from subroutine STR R3 91 81 RET BSR -4 LDR R3 43

  18. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: Register • LDRRLoad reg. to reg. LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • AJSAdjust stackpointer LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 • BRABranch (Jump) LDA 2 91 NOP LDRR3 4 • BSRBranch to subroutine AJS -2 59 BRA +3 63 LDC 91 75 • RETReturn from subroutine STR R3 91 81 RET BSR -4 LDR R3 43

  19. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Instructies: Register • LDRRLoad reg. to reg. LDC 17 12 LDR R4 17 • AJSAdjust stackpointer LDL 2 43 LDS -3 75 LDLA 1 91 • BRABranch (Jump) LDA 2 91 NOP LDRR3 4 • BSRBranch to subroutine AJS -2 59 BRA +3 63 LDC 91 75 • RETReturn from subroutine STR R3 91 81 RET BSR -4 LDR R3 43

  20. Instructies: Arithmetic Haal twee waarden van de stack, en vervang ze door het resultaat van… één of • ADD • SUB • MUL • DIV • MOD • AND • OR • XOR • EQ • NE • LT • GT • LE • GE • NOT • NEG

  21. Instructies: Branch • BRA Onvoorwaardelijke sprong • BSR Zet eerst returnadres op stack • BRT Voorwaardelijke sprong: alleen als er True op stack staat • BRF Voorwaardelijke sprong: …False…

  22. + * * ?: 3 5 3 2 2 3 3 7 3 + + == + 3 5 3 5 1 2 3 5 LDC 1 LDC 2 LDC 3 LDC 3 LDC 2 LDC 5 LDC 5 LDC 3 EQ ADD ADD LDC 5 BRF +2 LDC 2 ADD LDC 7 MUL MUL BRA +3 LDC 3 LDC 5 ADD Codegeneratie voor Expressies

  23. \e  \e  e e \e  e e \e  e e \e  ye ze e ye ze Codegenereer-Algebra dataExpr = Con Int | Add Expr Expr | MulExpr Expr | EqExpr Expr | IfExpr Expr Expr code b = foldExpr codeAlg b where codeAlg :: ExpAlg Code = (\n  ,\x y  ,\x y  ,\x y  ,\x y z  ) [ ] (EnvCode) [LDC n] x ++ y ++ [ADD] x ++ y ++ [MUL] x ++ y ++ [EQ] ye=y e; ze=z e; let sy=size y ; sz=size z in x ++[BRF (sy+1)] ++ y ++[BRA sz] ++ z | Var Str | Let Str Expr Expr ,\s  ,\s d b  \e  [LDL (e?s) ] [LDL s ] \e  d e ++ [STL (length e)] ++ b ((s,a):e)

  24. Codegenereer-Algebra dataStat = Asmt Str Expr | IfExpr Stat Stat |While Expr Stat |CallStr[Expr] code b = foldStEx codeAlg b where codeAlg :: StExAlg Code = ((\s d \e  ,\c b a \e  ,\c b \e  ,\m ps \e  ), (…)) [ ] (EnvCode) d e ++ [STL (e?s)] ce ++ [BRF(size be+1)]++ be ++ [BRA(size ae)]++ae ce ++ [BRF (n+1)] ++ be ++ [BRA –(n+k+2)] where n = size be k = size ce concat [p e | pps] ++ [BSR (f e m)]

  25. Codegenereer-Algebra dataStat = Asmt Str Expr | IfExpr Stat Stat |While Expr Stat |CallStr[Expr] code b = foldStEx codeAlg b where codeAlg :: StExAlg Code = ((\s d \e  ,\c b a \e  ,\c b \e  ,\m ps \e  ), (…)) [ ] (EnvCode) d e ++ [STL (e?s)] ce ++ [BRF(size be)] ++ be ++ [BRA(size ae)]++ae [BRA n] ++ be ++ ce ++ [BRT –(n+k+1)] where n = size be k = size ce concat [p e | pps] ++ [BSR (f e m)]

  26. LDC 7 LDC 12 PC R0 BSR m SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Methodes met parameters • Method-aanroep m(7, 12); • Method-definitie void m(int x, int y) { p(x+37); q(x*y); }

  27. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Methodes met parameters • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m • Method-definitie m: LDS -2 void m(int x, int y) { p(x+37); q(x*y); } LDC 37 ADD BSR p LDS -2 LDS -2 MUL BSR q STS -2 AJS -1 RET

  28. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Methodes met parameters • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m 7 • Method-definitie 37 m: LDS -2 void m(int x, int y) { p(x+37); q(x*y); } LDC 37 ADD BSR p LDS -2 LDS -2 MUL BSR q STS -2 AJS -1 RET

  29. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Methodes met parameters • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m 44 • Method-definitie 37 m: LDS -2 void m(int x, int y) { p(x+37); q(x*y); } LDC 37 ADD BSR p LDS -2 LDS -2 MUL BSR q STS -2 AJS -1 RET

  30. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Methodes met parameters • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m 44 • Method-definitie 37 m: LDS -2 void m(int x, int y) { p(x+37); q(x*y); } LDC 37 ADD BSR p LDS -2 LDS -2 MUL Wij ruimen onze eigen rommel op! BSR q STS -2 AJS -1 RET

  31. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Methodes met parameters • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m 96 • Method-definitie 12 m: LDS -2 void m(int x, int y) { p(x+37); q(x*y); } LDC 37 ADD BSR p LDS -2 LDS -2 MUL Wij ruimen onze eigen rommel op! BSR q STS -2 AJS -1 RET

  32. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Methodes met parameters • Method-aanroep LDC 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m 96 • Method-definitie 12 m: LDS -2 void m(int x, int y) { p(x+37); q(x*y); } LDC 37 ADD BSR p LDS -2 LDS -2 MUL Wij ruimen onze eigen rommel op! BSR q STS -2 AJS -1 RET

  33. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Methodes met parameters • Method-aanroep LDC 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m 96 • Method-definitie 12 m: LDS -2 void m(int x, int y) { p(x+37); q(x*y); } LDC 37 ADD BSR p LDS -2 LDS -2 MUL Wij ruimen onze eigen rommel op! BSR q STS -2 AJS -1 RET

  34. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Methodes met parameters • Method-aanroep LDC 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m 96 • Method-definitie 12 m: LDS -2 void m(int x, int y) { p(x+37); q(x*y); } LDC 37 ADD BSR p LDS -2 LDS -2 MUL Wij ruimen onze eigen rommel op! BSR q STS -2 AJS -1 RET

  35. Methode-aanroep Zet parametersop de stack Call Methode-definitie Gebruik parameters … Ruim stack op Return • Methode-aanroep • Zet parametersop de stack • Call • Ruim stack op • Methode-definitie • Gebruik parameters … • Return BSR m AJS -n LDS –(n+d) LDS –(1+d) RET Alternatieve strategie:aanroeper ruimt op Methodes met n parameters BSR m LDS –(n+d) LDS –(1+d) STS –n AJS –(n-1) RET

  36. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Methode met lokale variabelen • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m • Method-definitie m: LDR MP void m(int x, int y) { int a, b; a = -x; …… }

  37. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Methode met lokale variabelen • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m • Method-definitie m: LDR MP void m(int x, int y) { int a, b; a = -x; …… } MP=SP

  38. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 R3 R4 Methode met lokale variabelen • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m • Method-definitie m: LDR MP void m(int x, int y) { int a, b; a = -x; …… } MP=SP AJS +2

  39. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 LDL -3 NEG R3 R4 Methode met lokale variabelen • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m • Method-definitie m: LDR MP void m(int x, int y) { int a, b; a = -x; …… } MP=SP AJS +2

  40. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 LDL -3 NEG R3 R4 Methode met lokale variabelen • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m • Method-definitie m: LDR MP void m(int x, int y) { int a, b; a = -x; …… } MP=SP -7 AJS +2 STL +1

  41. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 LDL -3 NEG R3 R4 Methode met lokale variabelen • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m • Method-definitie -7 m: LDR MP void m(int x, int y) { int a, b; a = -x; …… } MP=SP -7 AJS +2 STL +1 SP=MP

  42. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 LDL -3 NEG R3 R4 Methode met lokale variabelen • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m • Method-definitie -7 m: LDR MP void m(int x, int y) { int a, b; a = -x; …… } MP=SP -7 AJS +2 STL +1 SP=MP STR MP

  43. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 LDL -3 NEG R3 R4 Methode met lokale variabelen • Method-aanroep LDC 7 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m • Method-definitie -7 m: LDR MP void m(int x, int y) { int a, b; a = -x; …… } MP=SP -7 AJS +2 STL +1 SP=MP STR MP STS -2

  44. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 LDL -3 NEG R3 R4 Methode met lokale variabelen • Method-aanroep LDC 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m • Method-definitie -7 m: LDR MP void m(int x, int y) { int a, b; a = -x; …… } MP=SP -7 AJS +2 STL +1 SP=MP STR MP STS -2 AJS -1

  45. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 LDL -3 NEG R3 R4 Methode met lokale variabelen • Method-aanroep LDC 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m • Method-definitie -7 m: LDR MP void m(int x, int y) { int a, b; a = -x; …… } MP=SP -7 AJS +2 STL +1 SP=MP STR MP STS -2 AJS -1 RET

  46. PC R0 SP R1 MP R2 LDL -3 NEG R3 R4 Methode met lokale variabelen • Method-aanroep LDC 7 m(7, 12); LDC 12 12 BSR m • Method-definitie -7 m: LDR MP void m(int x, int y) { int a, b; a = -x; …… } MP=SP -7 AJS +2 STL +1 SP=MP STR MP STS -2 AJS -1 RET

  47. MP=SP AJS +k LDL –(n+1) LDL –2 LDL +1 LDL +k SP=MP STR MP STS –n AJS –(n-1) Methode met n parameters en k lokale variabelen LINK k • Creëer ruimte voor lokalen • Bewaar oude MP • MP wijst naar stukje stack • Gebruik variabelen in de body • Parameters • Lokale variabelen • Opruimen • Lokale variabelen • Parameters LDR MP UNLINK RET

  48. Methoden met een resultaat • Laat het resultaat achter op de stack(nog meer gepruts bij het opruimen) • Laat het resultaat achter in R3 òf

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