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The Structure of the Unobserved. Ricardo Silva – ricardo@stats.ucl.ac.uk Department of Statistical Science and CSML HEP Seminar February 2013. Shameless Advertisement. http://www.csml.ucl.ac.uk/. Outline.
The Structure of the Unobserved Ricardo Silva – ricardo@stats.ucl.ac.uk Department of Statistical Science and CSML HEP Seminar February 2013
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Outline • In the next 50 minutes or so, I’ll attempt to provide an overview of some of my lines of work • The main unifying theme: How assumptions about variables we never observe can help us to infer important facts about variables we do observe?
Problem I • Suppose we have measurements which indicate some signal about unobservable variables • Which assumptions justify postulating hidden variable explanations? • What can we get out of them? Country:Freedonia 1. GNP per capita: _____ 2. Energy consumption per capita: _____ 3. % Labor force in industry: _____ 4. Ratings on freedom of press: _____ 5. Freedom of political opposition: _____ 6. Fairness of elections: _____ 7. Effectiveness of legislature _____
Problem I • Smoothing measurements • Which implications would this have to structure discovery?
Problem II • Prediction problems with network information Book features(Bi) Political Inclination(Bi) xkcd.com
Problem II • There are many reasons why people can be linked • One interpretation is to postulate common causes as the source leading to linkage • Which implications would this have to prediction?
Problem III • The joy of questionnaires: what is the actual informationcontent?
Problem III • How to define the information content of such data? • Given this, how to “compress” information with some guidance on losses? • Which implications to the design of measurements?
Latent Variable Models • Models in which some variables are never observed • Sometimes implicitly defined P(y) = P(x, y) P(y) x Y | x ~ N(m(x), v(x)) X ~ Discrete() Mathworks y P(y | x = 2)
X1 Graphical Models • A language for encoding conditional independence constraints (and sometimes causal information)` X2 X4 X1X3 | X2 X1 X4| X3 X1 X4| X2,X3 X3 P(x1, x2, x3, x4) P(x1)P(x2 | x1) P(x3 | x2, x4)P(x4) X1 X3
Those Factors • The qualitative information in the factorization requires a parametrization in order to define a full model • E.g. X3 | x2, x4 ~ F((x2, x4)) • E.g. X3 | x2, x4= f’(x2, x4, U), U ~ G(’’(x2, x4)), = {’, ’’} • E.g. X3 | x2, x4= P(x1, x2, x3, x4) P(x1)P(x2 | x1) P(x3 | x2, x4)P(x4) 0 + 1x2+ 2x4 + U, U ~ N(0, v), = {0, 1, 2, v}
Classical Example (Bollen, 1989)
Marginalizations • By the end of the day, we observe data from P(Y) • Notice: there are no independence constraints in P(Y)
Goal • Infer, hidden common causes X of Y and their dependency structure • Ill-defined without assumptions • Assumptions: • Linear models • No Y cause of X • from samples y(1), y(2), etc., ~ P(Y),
Outcome • Ideally: • Given a reasonably large sample, reconstruct the whole dependency structure of the graphical model • Realistically speaking: • There can be very many structures compatible with P(Y) • Return then some sort of “equivalence class” • If you are lucky, it is an informative class • Statistical limitations
Building Blocks • Independencies if we had data on X • Not directly testable, since no data on X Y1 Y2| X etc X Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
Building Blocks • But: linear models • It follows that Y1= 1X + 1 Y2= 2X + 2 Y3= 3X + 3 Y4= 4X + 4 X Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 =(122X)(342X) == (132X) (242X)= 1234 1324 1234 = 1423 = 1324
Reverse Induction • From it is possible to infer some X separating Y1, Y2, etc. under very general conditions • In practice, we estimate covariance matrix from data • Some compatible structures 1234 = 1423 = 1324 X X X’ Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
Second Building Block • Sometimes it is possible to infer that some {Yi, Yj} do not have a common latent parent X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 1234 1423 = 1324
Putting Things Together • If latent variables create some sort of sparse structure (say, three or more independent “children”), then combining these two pieces can result in an informative reconstruction • Some variables Yi are eliminated because nothing interesting can be said about them wrt other variables • As such, an empty graph might be the result • Only variables with single latent parents are kept (“pure models”) • Beware of statistical error
m Procedure: Example of Ideal Input/Output m10
Real Data: Test Anxiety • Sample: 315 students from British Columbia • Data available at http://multilevel.ioe.ac.uk/team/aimdss.html • Goal: identify the psychological factors of test anxiety in students • Examples of indicators: “feel lack of confidence”, “jittery”, “heart beating”, “forget facts”, etc. (total of 20) • Details: Bartholomew and Knott (1999)
Theoretical model • Two factors, originally not “pure” (i.e., single latent parents) • When simplified as “pure”: p-value is zero (Apologies: “X” here means observable)
Output • Pure model, “p-value” 0.47 (p-value should not be taken at face-value: it is an indication of successful optimisation only)
Problem II Book features(Bi) Political Inclination(Bi) xkcd.com
Where does link information come from? • Relational databases • Student S enrolls in course C • Protein-protein interactions • Relational “databases” • Webpage A links to Webpage B • “Relational” “databases” • When relations are created from raw data • Book A and Book B are often bought together
Where does the link information go to? • The link analysis problems • Predicting links • Using links as data • Relations as data • “Linked webpages are likely to present similar content” • “Political books that are bought together often have the same political inclination”
Links and features • I give you book features, book links, and a classification task • Now what?
A story about books BookFeatures(B3) BookFeatures(B2) BookFeatures(B1) Class(B1) Class(B2) Class(B3) * * * 2 1 3 1 2 3 HA
A story about books BookFeatures(B3) BookFeatures(B2) BookFeatures(B1) Class(B1) Class(B2) Class(B3) * * * 2 1 2 1 3 3 HA HB 32
A model for integrating link data • Hypothesis: • The links between my books are useful indicators for such hidden common causes • The link matrix as a surrogate of the unknown structure
Example: Political Books database • A network of books about recent US politics sold by the online bookseller Amazon.com • Valdis Krebs, http://www.orgnet.com/ • Relations: frequent co-purchasing of books by the same buyers • Political inclination factors as the hidden common causes
Political Books database • Features: • I collected the Amazon.com front page for each of the books • Bag-of-words • (tf-idf features, normalized to unity) • Task: • Binary classification: “liberal” or “not-liberal” books • 43 liberal books out of 105
What does the graph encode? • Direct dependencies • How dependencies are propagated BookFeatures(B1) BookFeatures(B2) BookFeatures(B3) Class(B1) Class(B2) Class(B3)
Introducing associations by conditioning Burglary Earthquake Alarm Burglary Earthquake Alarm rings!
What does the graph encode? • Mixed graphs propagate information through known (shaded) book classes Y2 Y3 Y4 Y6 Y1 Y7 Y8 Y10 Y5 Y9 Y11 Y12
Model for binary classification • The nonparametric Probit regression • Zero-mean Gaussian process prior over ( ) P(Yi= 1 | Xi) = P(Y*(Xi) > 0) Y*(Xi) = (Xi) + i, i ~ N(0, 1)
Dependency model: the decomposition Independent from each other = * + i i i Marginally independent Dependent according to relations =* + Covariance matrices: Diagonal Not diagonal, with 0s onlyon unrelated pairs
Unrelated pairs • Not linked implies zero covariance 1 2 3 =
But how to parameterize ? • Non-trivial • Desiderata: • Positive definite • Zeroes on the right places • Few parameters, but broad family • Easy to compute
Ideal Approach • Assume we can find all maximal cliques for the bi-directed subgraph of relations • Create a “factor analysis model”, where • for each clique Ci there is a hidden variable Hi • members of each clique Ci are functions only of Hi • Set of hidden variables {H} is a set of N(0, 1) variables
Ideal Approach • 1 = H1 + 1 • 2 = H1 + H2 + 2 H1 H2 Y3 Y1 Y4 Y2 1 2 3 4 In practice, we set the variance of each to a small constant (10-4)
Ideal Approach • Covariance between any two s is • proportional to the number of cliques they belong together • inversely proportional to the number of cliques they belong to individually #cliques(i, j) Cov(i, j) Sqrt(#cliques(i) #cliques(j))
In reality • Finding cliques is not tractable in general • In practice, we introduce some approximations to this procedure
Some results (Area Under the Curve) • Political Books database • 105 datapoints, 100 runs using 50% for training • Results • 0.92 for regular GP • 0.98 for XGP • Difference: 0.06 with std 0.02 • RGP does the same as XGP
Postulated Usage • A measurement model for latent traits • Information of interested postulated to be in the latents