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GRUNDTVIG supports NGO co-operation in 31 countries. GRUNDTVIG supports ADULT LEARNING in 31 countries.
.. a vital component of lifelong learning policies, and essential to competitiveness and employability, social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development across Europe.However, greater efforts are needed to ensure even more adults participate in learning activities throughout their lives. Adult learning according to European policy is:
European Adult Learning strategy Lisbon strategy and memorandum on lifelong learning - 2000 Communication on Adult Learning:”It is never too late to learn” – October 2006 Action Plan on Adult Learning: ”It is always a good time to learn” – September 2007 Implementation of Action Plan 2012 gennemWorking group + 5 focus groups - conferences
Grundtvig is an instrument for European adult learning policy and part of the European Commission’s Programme for Lifelong Learning
You can work with: 27 EU Member States 3 EFTA/EEA countries + Turkey
Grundtvig objectives The aim of the Grundtvig programme is to address the teaching and learning needs of institutions and individuals involved in adult education. Adults over 25 and 16-24 year olds not in initial education. • Emphasis on vulnerable social groups
Grundtvig provides funding for Mobility Small scale projects Projects applied for in Bruxelles Through Grundtvig, the European Commission provides funding to promote exchange of experiences, to improve the quality and accessibility to learning provisions plus to foster mobility in Europe in the area of adult education.
Who can apply? Grundtvig is open to all kinds of institutions and organisations, whether working in formal, non-formal or informal adult education. These include institutions, associations, counselling organisations, information services, policy-making bodies and others involved in lifelong learning and adult education at local, regional and national levels, such as NGOs, enterprises, voluntary groups and research centres.
Grundtvig – a decentralised programme This means that: Some applications should be sent to National Agencies (31) Other applications should be sent to the Executive Agency in Bruxelles
Grundtvig activity types (decentralised application): Mobility: In-Service Training Courses Visits & Exchanges Assistantships Learner Workshops Small scale projects: Learning Partnerships Senior Volunteering Projects Preparatory Visits (to prepare a project) Grundtvig Contact Seminars (to find partners for a project) Applications sent to own country’s National Agency
Grundtvig activity types (centralised application): 3 activity types: Multilateral Projects (product oriented) Networks Supplementary Measures Applications sent to Executive Agency in Bruxelles
Unified by diversity Professional and pedagogical exchange for teachers and management Learners take active part in the transeuropean co-operation through producing prosters and an intercultural calendar ”The relation between people and dogs is strange to me” Guldborgsund Sprog- og Integrationscenter
FRISM 50+ (Finding, reaching, involving senior migrants 50+ (for/in informal education)
Small scale projects – Learning Partnerships Sink og SWIM - Succeed with in-college Mentoring Cultural Awareness Fosters European Adults' Lifelong Learning PILGWAY The Pilgrim Way: A Route to Cultural and Social Integration in Europe Yourstory Sport as a Mean to Integrate and Motivate European fire celebrations SUITCASE – Sharing and understanding of identity through culture, art and self-expression European Women between tradition and transition- intercultural Exchange of Female Life Concepts ARTSCENTRA - Sharing Cultural Enrichment Through the Arts
Multilateral Project titles (centralised): Active European Seniors for Active European Citizenchip - Awareness,Training, Empowerment,Participation Aristic Exercises as Didactic Support in Adult Education Entrepreneurial competences of teachers Feel like a migrant – multicultural approach in teaching Easy to join education: Inclusion for all! EduCoRe : Educational Counselling during Rehabilitation The virtual Anti-Violence-Campus at Second Life Senior Intergenerational Social Capital My opinion, my vote INTERGEN
Randi’s 4 advices • Start small • Be a group, not alone • Bring learners with you abraod • Don’t only talk, do something together Randi Hundebøll
Project Handbook – tool for projects http://www.europeesplatform.nl/sf.mcgi?734
QAS - Quality a Sustainability • Omfattende samling af erfaringer og konkrete værktøjer til at sikre bedst mulige projektforløb og resultater - Se fx. udvalget af selvevalueringstests: • Quiz 1: Hosting a Project Meeting • Quiz 2: Good Coordination • Quiz 3: Communication and Collaboration • Quiz 4: Evaluation • Quiz 5: Dissemination • Quiz 6: Project and Financial Management • Quiz 7: Encouraging mobility • Quiz 8: Impact and Involvement on organisations http://www.programkontoret.se/sv/QaS/
More information about Grundtvig: European Commission’s website: http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/doc86_en.htm Executive Agency in Bruxelles: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/funding/2008/call/index_en.htm National Agencies: http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/llp/national_en.html
Thank you for your attention! Annemarie Holm – ah@ciriusmail.dk www.ciriusonline.dk CIRIUS, Danish National Agency for Grundtvig CIRIUS is a Danish authority which supports internationalization of education at all levels