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International Labour Mobility

Agenda item 7. International Labour Mobility. Contact: andreas.maurer@wto.org joscelyn.magdeleine@wto.org. 1. Various statistical frameworks: is terminology consistent?. 2008 SNA BPM6-MSITS 2010 UN Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration

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International Labour Mobility

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  1. Agenda item 7 International Labour Mobility Contact: andreas.maurer@wto.org joscelyn.magdeleine@wto.org 1

  2. Various statistical frameworks: is terminology consistent? • 2008 SNA • BPM6-MSITS 2010 • UN Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration • System of Tourism Statistics ? Develop a bridging table?

  3. Terminology / Boundary? • International Trade in Services • (service contract) • Contractual service suppliers • employees of foreign service providers • self-employed • Intra-corporate transfer • (Sales persons) • International Labour Mobility/Migration • (employment contract) • Relocation of workers to improve allocation of resources with impact on income distribution, e.g. • Recruitment of non-residents by resident company • Intra-corporate transfer,etc. 3

  4. Key indicators Trade in services (movement of persons) Labour mobility/migration Compensation of employees Workers remittances BPM6: Personal transfers Services categories Value: 2008 SNA BPM6, MSITS 2010 Numberofpersons: Non-migrants Visitors International migrants, of which short-term RSIM Rev.1, IRTS 2008 Distinguish employment from services contracts?....in data sources 4

  5. Labour input or service provision: Impact on productivity and aggregates • Influence on aggregates: final demand, GDP, GNI, etc. • ….and productivity? e.g.:

  6. Possible solutions to measurement problems Paper identifies for labour mobility: • administrative data, • household surveys, • entry/exit cards (in combination with border survey?) • enterprise surveys For mode 4 same data sources with different use or appropriate questions Develop a table to identify data sources and how they can be used?

  7. Mode 4, labour mobility, tourism in MSITS2010 Categories of the UN Recom-mendations on Statistics of International Migration, revision 1: Non-Migrant categories Migrant categories

  8. Classification of transactions: issues for consideration/clarification • Table 11 does not cover all movements of natural persons for work purposes: employees of foreign service supplier • Adding this aspect will considerably increase usefulness of statistics (analysis, political decisions etc.)

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