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CPEG 867-10 - Fall 2011. Advanced Topics in High End Computer Systems. 09/06/11. course867-11FTopic-0.ppt. 1. Admin Information. Lead Instructor: Prof. Guang R. Gao (x-8218, ggao@capsl.udel.edu, 201-F DuPont Hall) Personal assistant: Pagnotti, Lydia Darrah

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  1. CPEG 867-10 - Fall 2011 Advanced Topics in High End Computer Systems 09/06/11 \course\867-11F\Topic-0.ppt 1

  2. Admin Information Lead Instructor: Prof. Guang R. Gao (x-8218, ggao@capsl.udel.edu, 201-F DuPont Hall) Personal assistant: Pagnotti, Lydia Darrah (x-4062, pagnotti@udel.edu, 201 DuPont Hall) Coordinator/Instructor : Dr. Stephane Zuckerman (x-0327, szukerm@eecis.udel.edu, 121 Evans Hall) Lead Assistants: Aaron Landwehr (x-1257, aron@udel.edu, DuPont 322) Robert Pavel: (x-3276, rspavel@udel.edu , DuPont 334) webpage: http://www.capsl.udel.edu/courses/ELEG-867/2011/ 09/06/11 \course\867-11F\Topic-0.ppt 2

  3. Grades Course work will carry the following weights towards your final grade: Course Participation (class attendance, assignment, presentation, etc): 50% Project Report: 50% 09/06/11 \course\867-11F\Topic-0.ppt 3

  4. References 1. A set of papers - to be assigned 2. Books: No so-called “textbooks”. Other references: please watch course page 09/06/11 \course\867-11F\Topic-0.ppt 4

  5. Other References 3. Journals IEEE Computer Transactions on Computers Concurrency Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ACM TOPLAS - Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems Transaction on Computer Systems JPDC Journal of Parallel and Distributed computing JSC Journal of Supercomputing JPP International Journal of Parallel Programming PC Parallel Computing (North-Holland) JPL J. of Programming Languages 09/06/11 \course\867-11F\Topic-0.ppt 5

  6. Other Reference 4. Conference Proceedings PLDI ACM Symposium on Programming Language Design and Implementation POPL ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages PPOPP ACM Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming ICPP International Conference on Parallel Processing ICS International Conference on Supercomputing LCPC Intern. WS. on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing PACT Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (since 1994) IPDPS International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium EUROPAR European Parallel Processing Conferences MICRO ACM/IEEE Symposium on Microarchitectures ISCA ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture ASPLOS ACM Symposium on Architecture Support for Program Languages and Operating Systems 09/06/11 \course\867-11F\Topic-0.ppt 6

  7. Major Topic Areas • Area A: Models of Concurrency • Area B: Dataflow Models: A Foundation • Area C: Parallel Program Execution and Architecture Models • Area D: Performance Modeling and Evaluation of High-End Parallel Systems • Area E: High-End System: Case Studies 09/06/11 \course\867-11F\Topic-0.ppt 7

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