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EnglishCare 토 . 마 . 토 . 토익 R/C. 비 즈니스 문 서 , 이 것만 알 아도 충 분하다. 강 사 : 한 주 희. 안녕하세요 . R/C 마흔 아홉 번째 캡슐입니다. 잘 익혀두면 지문의 내용을 더 빠르게 이해할 수 있습니다. 자주 출제 되므로 잘 알아두시기 바랍니다. 비즈니스 문서 , 이것만 알아도 충분하다. 1. Business letter , 이것부터 확인하라. Data System Ltd. 108 Park Ave, San Jose, CA, USA
EnglishCare 토.마.토. 토익 R/C 비즈니스 문서, 이것만 알아도 충분하다 강 사: 한 주 희
안녕하세요. R/C마흔 아홉번째캡슐입니다. • 잘 익혀두면 지문의 내용을 더 빠르게 이해할 수 있습니다. • 자주 출제 되므로 잘 알아두시기 바랍니다.
비즈니스 문서, 이것만 알아도 충분하다 1. Business letter, 이것부터 확인하라 Data System Ltd. 108 Park Ave, San Jose, CA, USA Phone: (01) 35 34 86 44 Fax: (01) 34 44 35 29 September 8 Mr. Francois Valens Flex Flooring 22, Ave Louis Roche Paris, France Dear Mr. Valens Thank you for the information………………. Sincerely, Joanna Tollings Director of Operation 보내는 사람 (기관명) 받는 사람 본문 보내는 사람 (이름)
비즈니스 문서, 이것만 알아도 충분하다 2. 3명의 관계를 밝혀라 –Telephone message Message For : Pierre Martin Date : 1 June, Time : 10 A.M./P.M. Mr./Ms. Puar Gonzales Of : Ridercom S.A. Phone : 44 35 08 19 Message : Please call back before noon, or between 2-4 P.M. Signed : Mary ※ 메시지를 받을 사람 ※ 메시지를 남긴(전화를 건)사람 ※ 메시지를 남긴 사람의 소속기관 ※ 메시지를 남긴 사람의 전화번호 ※ 해당하는 내용에 X 표함 ※ 메시지의 내용 ※ 메시지(전화)를 받은 사람 1) Who answered this call? 2) What is Pierre Martin asked to do? → Mary → to call Puar Gonzales
비즈니스 문서, 이것만 알아도 충분하다 3. 송장의 기출 문제 유형 3가지- Invoice Telephone contact : H. Oh, 3 October Packaged by : O. Jo, 4 October Charged to Account Number : 802054 Delivered by : L. Jordan 14 October Received by : A. Hahn 14 October 1) Who is prepared the shipment for delivery? 2) When did the items arrive at A. Hahn’s house? 3) Which payment method was used? → O. Jo. → 14 October → Account
[실전 문제 1-2] 1. Who answered this call? (A) Daisy Jones (B) Franklin Brooks (C) Rachel Delaney (D) Michaelson Co. 2. What is Ms. Jones being asked to do? (A) Wait for Mr. Brooks to call again. (B) Give Mr. Brooks her phone number. (C) Give Ms Delaney a call. (D) Return Mr. Brooks' call. For: Daisy Jones Date: 13 April Time: 3:30 p.m. Thurs. From: Franklin Brooks Of: Michaelson Co. Phone: (767) 555-3849 Message: Mr. Brooks will not be in the office this weekend, but he wants you to call him before noon on Monday. Taken by: Rachel Delaney
[실전 문제 3-5] Rasa Products 599 SE Fourth Street August 10 Miami, Florida 33219 Ellena Malasa Catering Manager Delly Catering Co. 3372 East Grace Street Tampa, Florida 33679 Thank you for choosing to do business with us. The following items were ordered on August 9, 2000:
[실전 문제 3-5] The peas, flour and crushed chillies will be sent out from our office on August 13, next Monday. The 500ml bottle of coconut oil is temporarily out of stock, however, because of a large last-minute order placed by another client. We currently only have 250ml bottles. The 500ml bottle has no price incentive, but if you prefer two of 500ml bottles to four of the 250ml bottles, please call or e-mail us by August 12, as we'll be restocking them soon. If you don't notify us by then, we'll send you four 250ml bottles of coconut oil. The total comes to $285.90. An invoice will be included with the shipment. Thank you for your order, and we hope you continue to do business with us. Truly, Bob Truman Bob Truman Sales Supervisor
[실전 문제 3] 3. Who ordered the items? (A) A director of Rasa Products. (B) A manager of a catering company (C) A sales supervisor of Delly Catering Co. (D) Bob Truman. Rasa Products의 이사 연회 담당 부서 매니저 Delly Catering 의 판매 책임자
[실전 문제 4] 4. When will the goods be shipped? (A) August 9 (B) August 10 (C) August 12 (D) August 13
[실전 문제 5] 5. What is being said about the coconut oil? (A) Only the smaller size is currently available. (B) Its price has been changed. (C) Its production has been stopped temporarily. (D) It can be purchased only in large orders. 작은 사이즈만 구입할 수 있다 가격이 달라졌다 생산이 일시적으로 중단되었다 대량구입만 가능하다
수고하셨습니다. 여러분!! 집중훈련을 통해 확실하게 자기 것으로 익히세요.