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The Valongo Palaeozoic Park

The Valongo Palaeozoic Park. The ProGeo Portuguese group attributed the Geoconservation Award 2005 to the Valongo Municipality for the creation and management of the Palaeozoic Park. The Valongo Palaeozoic Park.

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The Valongo Palaeozoic Park

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  1. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  2. The ProGeo Portuguese groupattributedtheGeoconservationAward 2005 to the Valongo Municipality for thecreationand management ofthePalaeozoicPark. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  3. The Portuguese GeoconservationcommunityrecognizesthehighqualityofthePalaeozoicParkGeologicalHeritage; theframework”Ordovicianfossilsfrom Valongo Anticline” isoneofthecategoriesofinternationalrelevancerecentlyproposed. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  4. The Valongo PalaeozoicParkcreated in 1998 was a pioneerexampleofgeoconservation in Portugal resultingfromthepartnershipbetweentheMunicipalityof Valongo andtheFacultyofSciencesoftheUniversityof Porto. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  5. The projectstarted in 1995 andwasfoundedbyanEuropeanCommunityLifeProgramme. Since 2000 theParkhashadtheassistanceandscientificsupportoftheGeology Centre oftheUniversityof Porto. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  6. The mountainsof Santa Justa and Pias integratethe Valongo PalaeozoicPark, whichisofenormousgeological, palaeontologicalandgeominingvalue. ThisParkisalsothe habitat ofendangeredspeciesofthe Valongo region. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  7. The Valongo PalaeozoicParkoffersvisitors a greatnumberofseafossilscalled trilobites, because 500 millionsyears ago thisregionwassubmerged. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  8. At the Valongo PalaeozoicParkyou`llfind a vastvarietyof fauna andplants, includinginsectivorousplants. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  9. The auriferous mines exploredbytheRomans for goldextraction in the 1st and 2nd centuries are oneofthemostemblematicplacesoftheMountainof Santa Justa, beingthe habitat ofrarespecieslikefetusesandsalamanders. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  10. The Valongo PalaeozoicParkisfertile in rareendangeredplantssuch as: fetusesandinsectivorousplants. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  11. Different speciesofbirdsalsomaketheirnests in thetreesorbushesthatabound in thisPark. They can beseenflyingovertheslatemountains. Among them, thelark, theowl, theeagleandthehoopoe are worth a reference. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  12. But in thisPalaeozoicParkotherthreatenedanimalsfight for theirsurvival, namelythesalamander, thefrogandthewildrabbit. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  13. At the Valongo PalaeozoicParklearningsessions for teachersandnationalandinternationalscientificvisits are organized. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  14. Among theeducationalactivities, it`spossible to observe fossilsandanimals, identified in cards. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  15. There isanexhibitionoffossilsfromtheregionrepresentingtheformsoflifethatinhabitedtheOrdovicianseaof Valongo. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  16. At the Valongo PalaeozoicParktheinterpretativecircuitprovidesthreegeo-trails (green, redandyellowtrails) that show differentaspectsoftheprotectedgeodiversity. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  17. For allthesereasonsthisParkisthe ideal place for visitors to enjoytheamazinglandscapes, thefreshair, thecultureoftheregionandtheharmonioussoundsofnature. The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

  18. Powerpointdoneby: 11º H The Valongo PalaeozoicPark

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