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Face &Scalp

Face &Scalp. M.C.Qs. Prof. Samir Ahmed Malik L4 Alafarabi collage. M.C.Qs. In the face which arteries you can feel them? A-common carotid & subclavian arteries B-facial & superficial temporal arteries C-Internal carotid & external carotid D-occipital & transverse cervical arteries.

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Face &Scalp

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  1. Face &Scalp M.C.Qs. Prof. Samir Ahmed Malik L4 Alafarabi collage

  2. M.C.Qs.In the face which arteries you can feel them?A-common carotid & subclavian arteriesB-facial & superficial temporal arteries C-Internal carotid & external carotidD-occipital & transverse cervical arteries.

  3. AnswerIn the face which arteries you can feel them?A-common carotid & subclavian arteriesB-facial & superficial temporal arteries C-Internal carotid & external carotidD-occipital & transverse cervical arteries.

  4. M.C.Qs. • Which muscle surrounding the oral fissure? • A-orbicularisoris. • B-Platysma • C-Anterior belly of digastric muscle. • D-buccinator muscle.

  5. answerWhich muscle surrounding the oral fissure?A-orbicularisoris.B-Platysma C-Anterior belly of digastric muscle.D-buccinator muscle.

  6. M.C.Qs.The palperal fissure is surrounded by orbicularisoculi muscle which innervated by one of the following nerve?A-facial nerveB-accessory nervec-ophthalamic nerve D-maxillary nerve.

  7. Answer The palperal fissure is surrounded by orbicularisoculi muscle which innervated by one of the following nerve?A-facial nerveB-accessory nervec-ophthalamic nerve D-maxillary nerve.

  8. M.C.Qs.The sensory innervation of the face including the following nerve except one is wrong ?A-ophthaqlamic nerve.B-maxillary nerve.C-mandibular nerve.D-accessory nerve.

  9. AnswerThe sensory innervation of the face including the following nerve except one is wrong ?A-ophthaqlamic nerve.B-maxillary nerve.C-mandibular nerve.D-accessory nerve

  10. M.C.Qs.The sensory innervation of the face are including the following nerve except area over the angle &ramus by?A-cervical nerve C2-3( greater auricular nerve)B-V1 ophthalamic nerve for the forehead.C-maxillary nerveV2.D-Mandibular nerve V3

  11. Answer The sensory innervation of the face are including the following nerve except area over the angle &ramus by?A-cervical nerve C2-3( greater auricular nerve)B-V1 ophthalamic nerve for the forehead.C-maxillary nerveV2.D-Mandibular nerve V3

  12. Mention four nerve which innervated the scalp in front of the auricle ? or behind the auricle

  13. Ptron , middle meningeal artery &Frankofort line

  14. M.C.Qs.The ophthalamic nerve V1 the following are a branches arise from it except one nerve?A-supratrochlear nerveB-supraorbital nerve.C-mentale nerve.D-infratrochlear nerve

  15. Answer:The ophthalamic nerve V1 the following are a branches arise from it except one nerve?A-supratrochlear nerveB-supraorbital nerve.C-mentale nerve.D-infratrochlear nerve

  16. M.C.Qs.The nerve supply on the outer surface & inner surface of the buccinator muscle is one of the following:A-buccal nerve of the mandibularnerveB-temporal branches of the facial nerve.C-supraorbital nerve of V1.Infraorbital nerveD-Infraorbital nerve of V2.

  17. Answer:The nerve supply on the outer surface & inner surface of the buccinator muscle is one of the following:A-buccal nerve of the mandibularnerveB-temporal branches of the facial nerve.C-supraorbital nerve of V1.Infraorbital nerveD-Infraorbital nerve of V2.

  18. 3-Nerves of scalp

  19. Arteries : 5 on each sidea) Supratrochlear a. (from ophthalmic a. of the I.C.A.)b) Supraorbital a. (from ophthalmic a. of the I.C.A.)c) Superficial temporal a. (from E.C.A.)d) Posterior auricular a. (from E.C.A.)e) Occipital a. (from E.C.A.)Notice :1- The scalp has the richest cutaneous blood supply of the body.2- The scalp is a site of anastomosis between I.C.A. and E.C.A.3- The arteries come from the peripheries and anastomose freely in the scalp center→ surgically scalp flaps are reflected downwards.4- The scalp and face have no deep fascia.Wound in the scalp is characterized by1- Profuse bleeding.2- Rapid healing.3- Gapping (the aponeurosis is under tension).4- Difficulty to ligate the bleeder due to the C.T. septa of the superficial fascia.5- Blood in the loose areolar C.T. layer may reach to the face → black eye.

  20. Superficial temporal A. Supraorbital A. Supratrochlear Post.auricular A. Occipital A. Arteries of the Scalp

  21. 5-veins of scalp

  22. Veins :Correspond to the arteries:1- Supratrochlear v . + 2- Supraorbital v. unite at the medial angle of the eye forming the facial v.3- Superficial temporal v. : Enters the parotid gland and unites with the maxillary vein forming the retromandibular vwhich divides into ant. and post. divisions. The 2 divisions leave the lower end of the parotid gland.4- Posterior auricular vein: Joins the post. division of retromandibular vein to form the external jugular vein.5- Occipital vein: Descends to join the suboccipital venous plexus.

  23. M.C.Qs.The branches of the facial nerve all the following are correct except one sentence is wrong?A-temperofacia &cervicofacial.B-temporal branches c-buccal branches.D-spinal root of the accessory nerve

  24. AnswerThe branches of the facial nerve all the following are correct except one sentence is wrong?A-temperofacia &cervicofacial.B-temporal branches c-buccal branches.D-spinal root of the accessory nerve

  25. Short note of modiolus?Modiolus is connective tissue &combination of buccinator ,orbicularisoris, risorius, levatorangulioris the main function is preventing drippling of water from the angle of the mouth?

  26. B- orbiculariesoris It is formed mainly from thr fibers of the biccinator muscle and the angulioris , Innervated by facial nerve

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