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Resource Introduction for Business Source Complete. Rosalind Moore Entrepreneurship and Small Business Department LIS 620. Overview. Analyze your topic Sample search questions What is EBSCO host? EBSCO’S Features What is Business Source Complete? Suggested business journals
Resource Introduction for Business Source Complete Rosalind Moore Entrepreneurship and Small Business Department LIS 620
Overview • Analyze your topic • Sample search questions • What is EBSCO host? • EBSCO’S Features • What is Business Source Complete? • Suggested business journals • How to search within Business Source Complete • Article Tools • Evaluating Sources • Questions
Analyzing Your Topic • Before searching the databases, analyze your topic and break it down into concepts. • Think of synonyms, broader terms, and narrower terms for each idea. Your research will be more successful if you think of several synonyms for the words in your topic. You may also want to use terms that are broader or narrower as you refine your topic. • When searching library catalogues or other electronic databases, use truncation symbols to find all variations of a term. • The asterisk (*) is the most common truncation symbol. It's used by many of the databases available through the JCSU Library. For example, the JCSU Library catalogue, and Business Source Complete all use it. A search for "forest* " in any of these databases will result in items containing any of: forestry, forest, and forests. • Boolean operators, named for English mathematician George Boole, allow you to combine terms to narrow or broaden your database searches. • AND requires BOTH terms to be found in search results • OR requires EITHER term to be found in search results • NOT eliminates term(s) from search results
Sample Search Questions • Topic: Measuring outcomes of youth entrepreneurship education? • Concepts: entrepreneurship AND youth* • Synonyms: (business or entrepreneurship) AND (secondary education or business startups)
What is EBSCO Host? • EBSCO offers many individual databases as well as interfaces that search multiple databases simultaneously. The focus here will be on Business Source Complete, but the EBSCO interface works the same way in most of the EBSCO databases.
EBSCO’S Features • Detail new enhancements • New full-text translation • Default to relevancy ranking, proximity operator • Text-to-speech • EBSCO discovery service • PDF viewer
What is Business Source Complete? • Covers academic journals and magazines in all business areas. • Includes full text of over 1200 business journals and thousands more business magazines. • The Business Source Complete is also designed to help users research items such as economic or country analyses, investigate market trends or potential, and find current competitive information or landscape analysis information.
Suggested Business Journals • Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice • Entrepreneurship & Regional Development • Small Business Economics • Business & Professional Ethics Journal • Business Education Innovation Journal • Journal of Diversity Management • Journal of Human Resources • Young Economists Journal • Business Communication Quarterly • Human Resource Management Journal
BROWSE LOOK-UP LISTS: To begin, note that the Basic Search screen provides easy access for browsing look-up lists of authors, companies, industries, keywords, publications and subjects. For example, enter a company name and then select the Company radio button before clicking on Search, to view a list of company names, beginning with an exact match (when available).
How search within Business Source Complete • We will be using search terms entrepreneurship and youth. • You can search more specifically when you change the field code in this box.
Search Results Click on the PDF Full Text to read the article.
Article Tools • Add to folderYou can use the folder to make it easier to keep track of the articles you are interested in, EBSCO has provided a folder in which to keep selected articles. To add articles to the folder, use the Add to folder icon. It’s available both on the result list and when you are looking at the article itself. When you are done looking at your results list, simply click on the folder icon at the top of the page to see just the articles you selected. • PrintYou can use this tool to opt to print out a citation style of your choice when you print out your article, as well as estimate the number of pages that will print out. • E-mailYou can use this tool to opt to email a citation style of your choice when you email your article, as well as the format of the email, subject, comments and which email address(s) you choose to email. The only options you have to use are entering an email address to which the article will be sent. • SaveYou can use this tool to opt to save a citation style of your choice when you save your article. If you are going to save more than one document to disk, you probably need to change the file name in the Filename box from the default name assigned by the database to anything you choose. Why? In EBSCO the default name for every article will be the same. That means that every time you save a file it will write over the previous document, leaving you with only one document, whichever you saved last. It’s also best to save as Text file or Web page, HTML only.
Article Tools Continued • Cite You can use the Cite icon at the top of every article to get a citation of your article to copy and paste into your works cited page. Formats available are AMA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, MLA and Vancouver/ICMJE. • ExportYou can use this tool if you have access to citation software to which you can export a citation of the article. • Create NoteYou can add a note to any article. This can be helpful to help you recall what section of the paper you were going to use it in, if it is pro or con, what points it supports, and so on. Unlike the other tools, you do actually have to sign in to EBSCO to use this feature. • PermalinkWhen databases retrieve articles they create automatically generated link dynamic links that are only temporary. If you copy or bookmark the article from your browser, the link won't exist the next time. If you click on Permalink, EBSCO will create a permanent link that will work the next time you or someone you share the article with can use to get it. • BookmarkUse Bookmark to add EBSCO articles to social bookmarking sites, blogs, facebook and much more. Note: anyone accessing off campus will need a COM user ID and password to see the article.
Evaluating Sources • ACCURACYAre the facts presented accurate? You may want to cross-check statistics or other facts against other sources. • AUTHORITYWhat are the qualifications and reputation of the writer/speaker/publisher? Are they experts in their field? What is their point of view? • COMPLETENESSIs the information presented complete or does it seem that something might be missing? • CURRENCY
Questions • Library Contact : • Rosalind MooreEvening Library SupervisorMaster of library Science studentEntrepreneur and Center for Applied Leadership and Community Development Liaison ramoore@jcsu.edu(704) 371-6738(704) 371-6745