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The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) Led by IWMI. The challenges facing our global food production systems. We have exceeded 3 of 9 planetary boundaries → danger of risks and uncertainties.
The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) Led by IWMI
We have exceeded 3 of 9 planetary boundaries→ danger of risks and uncertainties “For most of the last century, economic growth was fuelled by what seemed to be a certain truth: the abundance of natural resources. We mined our way to growth. We burned our way to prosperity. We believed in consumption without consequences. Those days are gone….. Over time, that model is a recipe for national disaster. It is a global suicide pact.” United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, World Economic Forum 29th January 2012.
Water Land and Ecosystem Vision: A world in which agriculture thrives within vibrant ecosystems, where communities have higher incomes, improved food security and the ability to continuously improve their lives
Unleashing the potential of 2 billion small-scale farmers who collectively produce 70% of current global food. WLE tackles 3 key issues. Ensuring the efficient use of resourcesso that farmers can profit with limited environmental impact. Restoring the productive capacity of degraded rainfed and irrigated landscapes and impaired water systems to improve incomes and livelihoods of farmer. Reducing risk and uncertainty of poor farmers within rainfed and irrigated landscapes resulting in improved productivity through the sustainable management of land, water and ecosystems.
4. Variability management 3. Addressing degradation 1. Eastern Gangetic Plains 2. Business models Sustainable Agricultural Intensification
Through targeted impact pathways in four priority focal regions and at the global level
Example: Priority setting for WLE’s integrated research-for-development in Volta-Niger Outcome: Land rehabilitated and further degradation avoided in areas vulnerable to human pressure Outcome: Sustainable increases in land and water productivity to meet future food demands
WLE uptake strategy: significant focus on the research client System Level Outcomes
In each focal region, WLE is identifying the “opportunity space” for research to support client decision making WLE integrated portfolio of research is designed to capitalize on this opportunity
Example of client focus: WLE resource recovery and reuse Issue: Urban areas are growing and consuming more resources. How do we recover nutrients and water at scale? Technical knowledge is available, but few projects go to scale. WLE seeks to change this by analyzing business models and returns on investment. Clear client focus: the private sector, public private partnerships, and business schools • The research portfolio is designed for the client by analyze successes, testing promising business models for replication at scale, and presenting results to clients • Multi-disciplinary research team includes economists, business developers, and environmental scientists Faecal sludge Nutrients for agricultural production
WLE Strategic Research Portfolio: Information Systems Provides an umbrella for WLE research by: • Systematically supporting prioritization of intervention decisions that are most likely to reduce risks and improve lives and productivity • Designing and implementing measurement and information systems to assess and monitor agro-ecosystem health and build stakeholder capacity in their deployment Photo: Tom Van Cakenberghe/IWMI
WLE Strategic Research Portfolio: Rainfed Farming Systems Provides solutions to: • Restoring degraded soils and rainfedlandscapes • Sustain productive landscapes by working with biodiversity • Managing water resources in rainfed landscapes to reduce risk and tackle productivity / environment challenges Photo :Akica Bahri/IWMI
WLE Strategic Research Portfolio: Resource Recovery and Reuse Provides solutions to bring nutrients back into production systems through: • Business opportunities for resource recovery and reuse • Safe wastewater and excreta reuse • Efficient water and land management in peri-urban areas • Addressing safety concerns where polluted water is used for irrigation Photo: Andrea Silverman/IWMI
WLE Strategic Research Portfolio: Irrigated Farming Systems Jointly with rainfed and RRR portfolios: • Addressing irrigation needs in sub-Saharan Africa. • Revitalize canal based irrigation systems in Asia. • Improved water management in the Eastern Gangetic plain. • Combating and rehabilitating irrigation induced salinity from field to regional scales. Photo: Tom Van Cakenberghe/IWMI
WLE Strategic Research Portfolio: Basins Integrates future scenarios of water needs of key sector and the environment to improve water security through: • Managing water resources’ variability and re-thinking storage in basins • Resource allocation and benefit sharing • Water and energy for food • Water data and accounting in basins
WLE Cross-Cutting Theme: Gender, Poverty and Institutions Equity in gender, poverty, and institutions integrated into all WLE SRPs to support: • More equitable access to water, land and ecosystems services • Improved decision making and enabling environment (institutional, policy, capacity) for change • Investable options for women
WLE Cross-Cutting Theme: Ecosystem Services and Resilience Applies a systems perspective to: • Develop ecosystem service-based management options • Develop and refine a methodology for measuring ecosystem service status and delivery
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