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Asymptotically false-positive-maximizing attack on non-binary Tardos codes

Asymptotically false-positive-maximizing attack on non-binary Tardos codes. Antonino Simone and Boris Š kori ć Eindhoven University of Technology ICT.open , November 2011. Collusion attacks. "Coalition of pirates". Symbols received by pirates. “Restricted Digit Model”. Symbols allowed.

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Asymptotically false-positive-maximizing attack on non-binary Tardos codes

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  1. Asymptotically false-positive-maximizing attack on non-binary Tardos codes Antonino Simone and Boris Škorić Eindhoven University of Technology ICT.open, November 2011

  2. Collusion attacks "Coalition of pirates" Symbols received by pirates “Restricted Digit Model” Symbols allowed

  3. Accusation probabilities m = code length c = #pirates μ̃= expected coalition score per segment Pirates want to minimize μ̃ and make the innocent tail longer threshold • Curve shapes depend on: • F, g0, g1 (fixed ‘a priori’) • Code length • # pirates • Pirate strategy guilty innocent total score (scaled) Method to compute innocent curve [Simone+Škorić 2010] Big m  innocent curve goes to Gaussian

  4. For further information… … poster 118 Thank you for your attention

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