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WRF namelist . input. Dr Meral Demirtaş Turkish State Meteorological Service Weather Forecasting Department. WMO, Training Course, 26 - 30 September 201 1 Alanya, Turkey. Outline. Why do we need a namelist? Sections of namelist.input : time_control domains physics dynamics.
WRF namelist.input Dr Meral Demirtaş Turkish State Meteorological Service Weather Forecasting Department WMO, Training Course, 26-30September 2011 Alanya, Turkey
Outline • Why do we need a namelist? • Sections ofnamelist.input: • time_control • domains • physics • dynamics
Why do we need namelist? The namelist.input file helps users to design their model run. A Fortran namelist contains a list of runtime optionsfor the code to read in during its execution. Use of anamelist allows one to change runtimeconfigurationwithout the need to recompile the source code. • Before running real.exe and wrf.exe, edit namelist.input file for runtime options. • The most up-to-dated namelist.inputinstructions are given in the WRF User’s Guide. • Full list of namelists and their default values may be found in Registry files:Registry.EM (ARW),Registry.NMMandregistry.io_boilerplate (IOoptions, shared). Use related documents to guide the modification of thenamelistvalues given in: run/README.namelist test/em_real/examples.namelist
Fortran 90 namelist has very specific format, so editwith care: &namelist-record - start / - end • As a general rule: Multiple columns: domain dependent Single column: value valid for all domains
&time_control • interval_seconds:Time interval between WPS output times, andLBC update frequency • history_interval:Time interval in minutes when a history output iswritten • frame_per_outfile:Number of history times written to one file. • restart_interval:Time interval in minutes when a restart file iswritten.By default, restart file is not written at hour 0.A restart file contains only one time level data, andits valid time is in its file name, • io_form_history/restart/input/boundary:IO format options 1. binary; 2. netCDF (recommended option); 4. PHDF5 5. Grib-1; 10. Grib-2 • debug_level: 0. for standard runs, no debugging. 1. netCDF error messages about missing fields. 50,100,200,300 values give increasing prints. Large values trace the job's progress through physics and time steps.
&domains • time_step:Time step for model integration in seconds. • ARW: 6*dx (dxis the grid distance in km) • NMM: 2.25*dx • time_step_fract_num, time_step_fract_den:Fractional time step specified in separate integers of numerator and denominator. • e_we, e_sn, e_vert: Model grid dimensions (staggered) in x, y and z directions. • num_metgrid_levels: Number of metgrid data levels. • num_metgrid_soil_levels: Number of soil data levels in the input data • dx, dy: grid distances: in meters for ARW; in degrees for NMM.
&domains • p_top_requested:Pressure value at the model top.Constrained by the available data from WPS.Default is 5000 Pa • eta_levels:Specify your own model levels from 1.0 to 0.0.If not specified, program real will calculate a set of levels • ptsgm(NMM only):Pressure level (Pa) at which the WRF-NMM hybridcoordinate transitions from sigma to pressure (default:42000 Pa)
&physics: Physics options • mp_physics:microphysics 0. No microphysics 1. Kessler scheme 2. Lin et al. scheme 3. Single-Moment (WSM) 3-class simple ice scheme 4. Single-Moment (WSM) 5-class scheme 5. Ferrier scheme 6. WSM 6-class graupel scheme 7. Goddard GCE scheme (also use gsfcgce_hail and gsfcgce_2ice) 8. Thompson graupel scheme (2-moment scheme in V3.1) 9. Milbrandt-Yau 2-moment scheme 10. Morrison 2-moment scheme 13. Stonybrook University scheme
Radiation related flags • ra_lw_physics: longwave radiation • 1. RRTM scheme • 3. CAM scheme • 4. rrtmg scheme • 5. New Goddard longwave scheme (Since V3.3) • 99. GFDL scheme (Schwarzkopf and Fels ) • ra_sw_physics: shortwave radiation • 1. Dudhia Scheme • 2. Goddard Shortwave scheme • 3. CAM scheme • 4. rrtmg scheme • 99. GFDL Scheme (Lacis and Hansen).
sf_sfclay_physics:surface layer • 0. No surface-layer scheme • 1. Monin-Obukhov Similarity scheme • 2. Monin-Obukhov-Janjic Similarity Scheme • 3. Global Forecasting System (GFS) scheme (NMM only) • 4. QNSE • 5. MYNN • 7. Pleim-Xiu (ARW only), only tested with Pleim-Xiu surface and ACM2 PBL • 10. TEMF surface layer • sf_surface_physics:land surface • 0. No surface temperature prediction • 1. Thermal Diffusion scheme • 2. Unified NOAH Land-Surface Model • 3. RUC Land-Surface Model • 7. Pleim-Xiu scheme (ARW only)
sf_urban_physics • 1. Urban Canopy Model • 2. Building Environment Parameterization • 3. Building Energy Model
num_soil_layers: number of soil layers in land surface model 2. Pleim-Xu land-surface model 4. Noah land-surface model 5. Thermal diffusion scheme 6. RUC Land Surface Model • bl_pbl_physics: planetary boundary layer 0. no boundary-layer 1. Yonsei University scheme (use with sf_sfclay_physics=1) 2. Mellor-Yamada-Janjic TKE Scheme (use with sf_sfclay_physics=2) 3. NCEP Global Forecast System scheme (use with sf_sfclay_physics=3) 4. QNSE(use with sf_sfclay_physics=4) 5. MYNN 2.5 level TKE (use with sf_sfclay_physics=1,2 and 5) 6. MYNN 3rd level TKE (use with sf_sfclay_physics=5) 7. ACM2 (Pleim) scheme(use with sf_sfclay_physics=1, 7) 8. Bougeault and Lacarrere (BouLac) TKE (use with sf_sfclay_physics=1,2) 9. CAM UW PBL 10. Total Energy - Mass Flux (TEMF) 99. MRF scheme(to be removed)
Flags related with cloud parameterization • cu_physics: cumulus parameterization • 0. No cumulus parameterization. • 1. Kain-Fritsch scheme • 2. Betts-Miller-Janjic scheme • 3. Grell-Devenyi ensemble scheme • 4. Simplified Arakawa-Schubert scheme(NMM only) • 5. New Grell 3D scheme (G3) • 6. Tiedtke scheme • 7. CAM Zhang-McFarlane scheme • 14. New Simpified Arakawa-Schubert
&dynamicsDiffusion, damping,advection options rk_ord: time-integration scheme option: 2. Runge-Kutta 2nd order 3. Runge-Kutta 3rd order (recommended) diff_opt: turbulence and mixing option: 0. no turbulence or explicit spatial numerical filters (km_opt IS IGNORED). 1. evaluates 2nd order diffusion term on coordinate surfaces. uses kvdif for vertical diff unless PBL option is used. may be used with km_opt = 1 and 4. (Note that option 1 is recommended for real-data cases.) 2. evaluates mixing terms in physical space (stress form) (x,y,z). turbulence parameterization is chosen by specifying km_opt. km_opt: eddy coefficient option 1. constant (use khdif and kvdif) 2. 1.5 order TKE closure (3D) 3. Smagorinsky first order closure (3D) (Note: option 2 and 3 are not recommended for dx > 2 km) 4. horizontal Smagorinsky first order closure (recommended for real-data case)
&bc_control: Boundary control spec_bdy_width: Total number of rows for specified boundary value nudging. & namelist_quilt:Specifies asynchronized I/O for MPI applications. nio_tasks_per_group: Default value is 0, means no quilting; value > 0 quilting I/O nio_groups: Default is 1, do NOT change.
More options • More are introduced here: • IO options • Vertical interpolation options • SST update and other options for long simulations • Adaptive-time step • Digital filter • Global runs • Moving nest • TC options • IO quilting
Vertical interpolation options (1) Program real for ARW only, optional, &domains: use_surface: whether to use surface observations use_levels_below_ground: whether to use data below the ground lowest_lev_from_sfc:logical, whether surface data is used to fill the lowest model level values force_sfc_in_vinterp: number of levels to use surface data, default is 1 extrap_type: how to do extrapolation: 1 - use 2 lowest levels; 2 - constant t_extrap_type: extrapolation option for temperature: 1 - isothermal; 2 - 6.5 K/km; 3 - adiabatic
Vertical interpolation options (2) Program real for ARW only, optional: • interp_type:in pressure or log pressure • lagrange_order:linear or quadratic • zap_close_levels:delta p where a non-surface pressure level is removed in vertical interpolationrelated namelists: examples.namelist constant pressure surfaces model surfaces ground
SST update for long simulations (1) Lower boundary update control: allow SST, seaicemonthlyvegetation fraction and albedo to beupdated during a model run: sst_update: 0 – no SST update 1 – update SST Set before running real, and this will create additionaloutput files: wrflowinp_d01, wrflowinp_d02, .. To use these files in wrf, in &time_control, add auxinput4_inname = “wrflowinp_d<domain>” auxinput4_interval = 360 sst_skin: diurnal water temp update tmn_update: deep soil temp update, usedwith lagday Lagday: averaging time bucket_mm: bucket reset value for rainfall bucket_j: bucket reset value for radiationfluxes spec_exp: exponential multiplier forboundary zoneramping
Adaptive time steps • Adaptive-time-step is a way to maximize themodel time step while keeping themodelnumerically stable • New since V3. (Very efficient to use for real-time runs.) Namelist control: &domains use_adaptive_time_step: logical switch step_to_output_time: whether to write at exact historyoutput times target_cfl: maximum cfl allowed (1.2) max_step_increase_pct: percentage of time step increaseeach time; set to 5, 51, (largervalues for nests) starting_time_step: in seconds; e.g. set to 4*dx max_time_step: in seconds; e.g. set to 8*dx min_time_step: in seconds; e.g. set to 4*dx
Digital filter initialization (1) • Digital filter initialization is a simple way toremove initial model imbalance: – May be introduced by simple interpolation,different topography, or by objective analysis, ordata assimilation – It may generate spurious gravity waves in theearly simulation hours, which could causeerroneous precipitation, numerical instability anddegrade subsequent data assimilation • Using DFI – can construct consistent model fields which do notexist in the initial conditions, e.g. vertical motion,cloud variables – may reduce the spin-up problem in early simulationhours DFI is done after real, or data-assimilation step, just before model integration.
Digital filter initialization (3) DFI is done after real, or data-assimilation step, just before model integration. Namelist control: &dfi dfi_opt: dfi options: 0: no DFI; 1: DFL; 2: DDFI; 3: TDFI (recommended) dfi_nfilter: filter options 0 - 8, recommended: 7 dfi_cutoff_seconds : cutoff period dfi_write_filtered_input : whether to writefiltered IC dfi_bckstop_* : stop time for backward integration dfi_fwdstop_* : stop time for forward integration
Global applications Setup is mostly done in WPS: map_proj = ‘lat-lon’ e_we, e_sn: geogrid will compute dx, dy See template ‘namelist.wps.global’ for details. In the model stage: fft_filter_lat: default value is 45 degrees Caution: some options do not work, or have been tested with global domain. Start with template ‘namelist.input.global’
Acknowledgements: Thanks to earlier presentations of NCAR/MMM Division (Wei Wang), for providing excellent starting point for this talk!