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Chapter 33 Vocabulary At Dinner. By Poonam Patel. mulsum, ī, n. wine sweetened with honey. ferculum, ī, n. dish, tray. gust ātiō, gustātiōnis, f. hors d’oeuvre, first course. niger, nigra, nigrum. black. b ōlētus, ī, m. mushroom. liqu āmen, liquāminis, n.
Chapter 33 VocabularyAt Dinner By Poonam Patel
mulsum, ī, n. wine sweetened with honey
ferculum, ī, n. dish, tray
gustātiō, gustātiōnis, f. hors d’oeuvre, first course
niger, nigra, nigrum black
bōlētus, ī, m. mushroom
liquāmen, liquāminis, n. garum (a sauce made from fish, used to season food)
aspersus, -a, -um sprinkled
rēs urbānae, rērum urbānārum, f. affairs of the city/town
pestilentia, -ae, f. plague
pōculum, ī, n. cup, goblet
locus, -ī, m. place
popīna, -ae, f. eating house, bar
īrātissimus, -a, -um most/very angry
dē porcō datum est some pork was given
frustum, -ī, n. scrap
ūnā together
cēterī, -ae, a the rest, the others
Euge! Hurray!
coquus, -ī, m. cook
secundae mēnsae, -ārum, f. second course, dessert
ūva, -ae, f. grapes
pirum, -ī, n. pear
passum, -ī, n. raisin-wine
edō, esse, ēdī, ēsus to eat
irrumpō, irrumpere, irrūpī, irruptus to burst in
scindō, scindere, scidī, scissus to cut, split, carve