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IOM Azerbaijan Mission. IOM Azerbaijan. IOM opened its Mission in Azerbaijan in January 1996 in Baku. In November 1998 the Office in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (NAR) was opened. In August 2006 the Office in Mingachevir was opened. Total staff: 34 persons
IOM Azerbaijan • IOM opened its Mission in Azerbaijan in January 1996 in Baku. • In November 1998 the Office in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (NAR) was opened. • In August 2006 the Office in Mingachevir was opened. • Total staff: 34 persons • Current projects’ budget: ~ 4,5 million USD • Mission expertise: • Counter Trafficking; • CBMM & TC: Policy Development; Legislation & Institutional Framework Development; Border Control; Human Rights of Migrants; Training; • Migration and Development / Environment & Community Development; • Movement; • Current Donors: • US Government • Swiss Government • ITF / Austrian Government • Norwegian Government • European Union • Azerbaijani Government
IOM Azerbaijan • Main counterparts: • Ministry of Foreign Affairs; • State Migration Service; • Cabinet of Ministers; • Ministry of Labour; • Ministry of Interior; • Border Service; • State Statistical Committee; • Ministry of Education; • NAR Authorities; • Local Executive Committees; • NGOs • Current project areas: • Counter Trafficking (4 projects); • Capacity Building in Migration Management (1 project); • Migration and Development / Environment & Community Development (2 projects); • Movement; IOM Bakustaff: 15 persons (13 local and 2 international)
IOM AzerbaijanCurrent Projects Strengthening the National Capacity in Collecting, Storing and Sharing Migration-related Data • Donors: IOM’s 1035 Facility, UNFPA, State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan • Budget: 100’000 USD • Project purposes:Improvement of the migration-related statistics and data management systemand enhance skills of relevant government officials • Activities: • Promoting and strengthening inter-agency cooperation and coordination among the national authorities that deal with migration data; • Surveys across 13 border points (interviews with 15,000 individuals conducted); • Identification of new tools and indicators, their introduction into the data analysis system of the State Statistical Committee; • Assessment of the national migration data management system and the development of policy recommendations; • Trainings and study visit for migration authorities; • A reference material ‘An overview of the EU legal framework concerning migration data’; • Dissemination of ‘Sharing Data: Where to Start – An Emerging Approach to Migration Data Management’ (IOM Vienna);
IOM AzerbaijanCurrent Projects Enhancing Measures and Cooperation to Effectively Combat Trafficking in Persons through Capacity Building and Technical Assistance Donor: US INL Budget: 200’000 USD Overall Objective: Improve prevention, identification, referral and social protection for VOTs Duration: September 2009 – September 2010 Activities / results: • Establishment of two Migration Information Centers in Baku and Mingachevir; • Information dissemination campaign (including broadcasting of PSAs on TV) • Establishing a website (www.uate.org) to facilitate information exchange and contacts among NGOs in Azerbaijan, and between them and their counterparts across Eurasia; • Enhancing institutional capacity of and cooperation among the civil society organizations • Promoting dialogue and collaboration between the civil society and the government; • Capacity building of shelter and hotline managements and their staffs; • Direct assistance to victims of trafficking.
IOM AzerbaijanCurrent Projects Institutional Capacity Building to Assist Victims of Trafficking in Azerbaijan Donor: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Objectives: Improve rehabilitation and reintegration of VOTs through capacity building of the Government and NGOs Budget: 900’000 NOK Duration: December 2009 – December 2010 Activities: • Providing Support to the Center for Assistance to Victims of Trafficking (CAV) of the Ministry of Labour through capacity building, training and study visit. • Assessment report on current legislative, institutional and procedural framework regarding rehabilitation and reintegration measures available in Azerbaijan; • “Developing and Implementing Social Rehabilitation and Reintegration Programs in Azerbaijan” Handbook • Educational reference materials i.e. Trainer's Tutorial & Practitioner’s Manual • Direct assistance to victims of trafficking and their children through establishment of a Regional Social Reintegration Center in a city other than Baku, voluntary return assistance, Providing food, clothing, medical assistance as well as legal and social counseling;
IOM AzerbaijanCurrent Regional Projects Secondary School Education in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to Contribute to the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons • Donor: The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) • Duration: November 2008 – October 2010 • Overall budget: 1’089’180 CHF • Overall objective: To contribute to the prevention of trafficking through secondary education • Key target groups: Secondary school students aged 15-17, their parents and secondary school teachers • Counterparts and partners: Ministry of Education, and other relevant government agencies, CT and education NGOs, etc. • Main activities: - Information dissemination to prevent trafficking in human beings - Training, workshops and focus group meetings - Curriculum and auxiliary material development
IOM AzerbaijanCurrent Regional Projects Strengthening of Comprehensive Anti-trafficking Responses in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia Donor: European Commission Overall objective: To address reduction of all forms of trafficking in human beings through capacity building and provision of protection and assistance to actual and potential victims. Project purposes: • Support the development and implementation of counter-trafficking mechanisms in target countries; • Support prevention of trafficking and irregular migration through labour market interventions and information dissemination and outreach activities; • Assist Governments in strengthening measures toward detecting, investigating and prosecuting criminal activities pertinent to trafficking in persons problem; • Enhance identification, referral, protection, assistance and reintegration of victims of trafficking. Activities: • Law enforcement capacity building; • Information dissemination: www.informedmigration.az; • Translating the IOM Manual for Direct Assistance to Victims of Trafficking; • Assessment of return and reintegration assistance and studying occurrences of re-trafficking; • Direct assistance to victims of trafficking (including return assistance).
IOM AzerbaijanCurrent Projects Socio-Economic Reintegration for Mine Victims Donor: ITF / Austrian Government, ANAMA; Budget: 148 884 EUR Duration: January 2010 – May 2012; Objective: Improve the livelihood and economic situation of mine survivors through targeted training and micro-credit schemes; Key target groups: mine survivors, local NGO, ANAMA Counterparts and partners: ANAMA, NGO Chirag Main activities: training and micro-credits IOM Office in Mingachevir: Staff: 4 persons (local)
IOM AzerbaijanCurrent Projects Socio-Economic Reintegration for Mine Victims
IOM AzerbaijanCurrent Projects Economic Development and Income Generation in Nakhchivan Rural Communities Through Kahriz Rehabilitation (COSWA) Donor: SDC Duration: Nov 2007 – Apr 2011 (Phases IV & V) Budget: 3,3 million CHF Key objectives: • Improve the livelihood of local communities through better access to water recourses, agriculture development, income generation; • Reduce the risks of migration caused by environmental changes, lack of water and soil degradation; Partners: NAR Authorities, Local Executive Committees; NGO “Kahriz Recourse Centre” Beneficiaries: Local Communities; Activities: - Community mobilization / training / development; • Rehabilitation and renovation of traditional water supply systems “kahrizes”; • Research IOM Office in NakhchivanStaff: 15 persons (14 local and 1 international)
IOM AzerbaijanCurrent Projects Movements: • USRP • Canadian Refugee Programme • Refugee resettlement in cooperation with UNHCR • Reception Assistance for Azerbaijani Returnees • VOTs voluntary return / reception
IOM Azerbaijan Initiatives Legal Assistance for Migrants Project - Provide free and qualified legal advice and assistance to migrants in administrative and court procedures; - Build the capacity of local NGOs and the Government in protecting human rights of migrants though training and practice; - Raise awareness about the legal problems of migrants; - Inform non-nationals about their rights and obligations; - Assess shortcomings of the legislation on grass root level; Funds required: 170’000 USD
IOM Azerbaijan Initiatives Kahriz Rehabilitation Project The project’s overall objective is to contribute to prevention of forced economic and environmental migration by enhancing access of rural communities to energy free water resources as a mean to increase agriculture productivity and livelihood. Specific objectives: • to increase communities’ access to water for consumption and agriculture, through the renovation of kahrizes and cleaning of irrigation channels in rural areas; • to build capacity of communities to manage water resources through the establishment of and engagement in Water User Committees (WUC) and to enhance the capacity of selected workers (kankans); • to promote optimized use of water; and • to support scale-up of Kahriz renovation in other regions, through awareness raising, information sharing and technical assistance targeting relevant government agencies, municipalities, NGOS. Funds required: 1’200’000 USD
IOM Azerbaijan Initiatives Maintaining Kahriz Systems – A Key to Sustainable Water Use and Livelihood for Communities in Nakhchivan The overall goal is the establishment of a comprehensive, self-supporting kahriz maintenance system, guaranteeing long-term water supply of NAR communities. Main objectives are: • Establish structures that guarantee long-term utilization of kahriz water resources(engineering/finance/responsibility/legal framework of maintenance/DRR/fighting pollution); • Provide training and hands-on experience to identify andaddress shortcomings with regard to effective access to water resources; • Increase the generation of income, water yield and the efficiency of water utilization; • Implement measures increasing the security of kankan occupation; • Carry out scientific work in fields where recent knowledge appears to be insufficient; The project’s income generation activities will contribute to poverty reduction in rural NAR and contribute to prevention of environmental migration as Kahrizwater systems are not considered to be very vulnerable to Global Climate Change. As water supplysources are getting diversified and decentralized by using Kahriz systems they can represent a way toadapt to Global Climate Change impact. The project will be implemented by Kahriz Resource Centre in Partnership with IOM. Budget required: 1’530’000 USD
IOM Azerbaijan Initiatives Movements: • Establishment of advisory services for emigrants; • Establishment of medical services for independent emigrants;
IOM Azerbaijan / Regional Initiatives Enhancing the Development Impact of Remittances in the South Caucasus in Engagement with Diaspora Associations and Households Receiving Remittances Overall objective: Contribute to the efforts of the Governments of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia in promoting the effective use of remittances as a tool in sustaining socio-economic development of the South Caucasus countries Specific objectives: • Support governments in creating an enabling environment for migrant remittance investments by developing appropriate policies based on consistent data standards; • Enhance the capacities and increase the motivation of financial institutions to adjust existing or develop new financial products and services to attract remittances; • Build the capacity and motivation of the diaspora, individual migrants and households to harness their remittances for socio-economic and community development. Budget required: 2’000’000 EUR