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TEMPUS IV- FOURTH CALL FOR PROPOSALS. TEMPUS INFORMATION DAYS. http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus. Tempus is a program funded by the European Union to support the modernization of higher education. Higher Education in Egypt. 2.5 million Students (undergraduate)

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  2. Tempus is a program funded by the European Union to support the modernization of higher education

  3. Higher Education in Egypt 2.5 million Students (undergraduate) About 250 thousand Students (Post Graduate) 60 K + Staff members 20 Public Universities 20 Private Universities Technical colleges (12), Private Institutes (115)

  4. Challenges: Quality, Internationalization, Employability, competitiveness, etc.

  5. TEMPUS III in Egypt 2002 - 2006 (TEMPUS III MEDA) 23 Million Euro 64 Projects (JEP & SCM) 173 Individual Mobility Grants Tempus isconsidered in Egypt as: A Catalyst for the reform Contributer to Quality Contributer to « Life Long Learning» Contributer to « Partnership » with Europe

  6. TEMPUS in Egypt 52 JEP projects (12 + 15 +6 + 10 + 9), 20.5 M€

  7. TEMPUS in Egypt 52 JEP projects (12 + 15 +6 + 10 + 9), 20.5 M€

  8. JEP: Universities’ Participation

  9. BASIC FEATURES OF TEMPUS IV • Objectives: • To support the modernisation of Higher Education in Partner Countries of the surrounding area, including Central Asia. • To establish an area of cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the Partner Countries. • To favour voluntary convergence with the EU developments in the field of Higher Education. http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  10. BASIC FEATURES (II) Approach: • Institutional cooperation. • Bottom-up programme mainly implemented through calls for proposals seeking projects targeting reforms in higher education institutions and/or systems. • Strong involvement of national authorities. • Strong accent on dissemination, sustainability and exploitation of results. • Complementsother EU mobility programmes (e.g.Erasmus Mundus). http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  11. BASIC FEATURES (III) Local Support: • National Contact Points (NCPs) in EU Member States • National Tempus Offices (NTOs) in Partner Countries (PCs) http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  12. 3 TYPES OF ACTIONS • Joint Projects:implemented at institutional level to reform curricula, improve university governance, create more links with society. • Structural Measures: implemented at national level for the development and reform of national higher education structures and systems in Partner Countries. • Accompanying Measures:dissemination and information activities (conferences, studies, exchange of good practice, National Tempus Offices, Higher Education Reform Experts, etc.) http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  13. GRANT SIZE = € 500 000 to € 1 500 000 • For both Joint Projects and Structural Projects. • Minimum grant size for national projects from Montenegro and Kosovo: € 300,000. • Minimum co-financing: 10% • PROJECT DURATION= 24 or 36 months http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  14. ELIGIBLE PARTNERSHIPS http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  15. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS • Joint Projects: • State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC) • Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions Structural Measures: • State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC) • Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions • Rector/teacher/student organisations http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  16. ELIGIBLE PARTNERS • State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC) • Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions • Rector/teacher/student organisations • Non-governmental organisations • Social partners and their training organisations • Private and public enterprises • Research institutions • Public administrations (Ministries, other national/regional/local administrations)or governmental organisations BUT with special conditions (eligible for reimbursement of travel costs and costs of stay only) http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  17. ELIGIBLE PARTNERS Additional condition for Structural Measures • The Ministry/ies responsible for higher education in each Partner Country must be involved. • BUT special status. http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  18. Programme themes • Themes structured around the main components of the modernisation agenda for higher education. • Joint projects: • Curriculum reform • Governance reform • Higher Education and Society • Structural measures • Governance reform • Higher Education and Society http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  19. Programme themes • Curricular reform • Modernisation of curricula: ECTS, 3 cycles, recognition of degrees • Governance reform • University management and student services • Introduction of quality assurance • Institutional and financial autonomy & accountability • Equal access to HE • Development of international relations • Higher Education and Society • Training of non-university teachers • Development of partnerships with enterprises • Knowledge triangle education/research/innovation • Training courses for public services (Min./ local auth.) • Development of lifelong learning • Qualifications frameworks http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  20. NATIONAL AND REGIONAL PRIORITIES National projects (targeting 1 single Partner Country) • Focus on the national priorities set for the Partner Country. • Defined by the Ministries of Education in close consultation with the European Union Delegations. http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  21. TEMPUS IV in Egypt Started in 2008 7 Projects in Egypt 2009 Call for Proposal 6 Projects in Egypt 2010 Call 4 Projects in Egypt

  22. TEMPUS IV in Egypt 17 Projects selected (2008 - 2010) About 17.5 Million Euro

  23. Universities Participation

  24. Partner Countries Participation

  25. TEMPUS IV 1st call Projects in Egypt - Technology Management & Integrated Modeling in Natural Resources: A University-Enterprise Win-Win Partnership Ain Shams University: Grant Holder Assiut University, EG IHE-UNESCO, NL Exeter University, UK Martin-Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, DE SEKEM Development Foundation, EG Universidade do Algarve , PT The General Company for Research of Ground Water (REGWA), EG Sohag University, EG National Authority for Remote Sensing & Space Sciences NARSS, EG

  26. TEMPUS IV 1st call Projects in Egypt - University Chair on Innovation Graz University of Technology: Grant Holder Delft University of Technology , NL Politecnicodi Milano, IT United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (associated partner, co funding organisation), AT Sekem Development Foundation, EG R&D Manager, Industrial Modernisation Center, EG Aleppo University, SY University Hassan II, MA University of Sfax, TN Saint Joseph University, LB Cairo University, EG

  27. TEMPUS IV 1st call Projects in Egypt Strengthening Institutional Capacity in Arab countries University of Alicante: Grant Holder Universidad Miguel Hernandez, ES MA'TAH UNIVERSITY, JO Leadership Agenda, UK Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics: ASIIN, DE Directorate General of Higher Education, LB Supreme Council of Universities, EG Higher Education Accreditation Commission -Ministry of Education-, JO Accreditation and quality assurance Commission -Ministry of Education & Higher Education, PS Ministery of National Education, MA Association of arab universities, JO Beirut Arab Univerty, LB Modern University for Business and Science, LB Alexandria University, EG Helwan University, EG Princess SumayaUnverisity , JO University of Newcatle, UK

  28. TEMPUS IV 1st call Projects in Egypt - International Accreditation of Engineering Studies Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade The Ministry of Education and Sport of the Republic Serbia, RS Technische Universität München, DE German University in Cairo, EG Technical University of Munich, RS ASIIN Consult GmbH, DE Imperial College London, UK Technical University of Munich, DE UniversitatPolitècnica de Catalunya , ES Robotinad.o.o. , SI University Karlsruhe (TH), DE Mihajlo Pupin Institute, RS Informatika , RS IvDam Process Control doo, Rep office of EMERSON Process Management for Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Republic of Srpska, RS University of Kragujevac, RS

  29. TEMPUS IV 1st call Projects in Egypt - ENTERPRISE-UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIP The American University in Cairo: Grant holder Freie University Berlin, DE Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), AT Linkoping University, SE Politecnico di Torino, IT Investors Association of 6th of October City, EG Assuit University, EG Helwan University, EG Science and Technology Development Fund- Ministry of Higher Education, EG Egyptian Patent Office, EG Cairo University, EG

  30. TEMPUS IV 1st call Projects in Egypt - Masters of Engineering in Sound & Vibration KungligaTekniskaHögskolan (KTH) Ain Shams University, EG Aalborg University, DK Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven), BE LMS International NV, BE Braunstein + Berndt GmbH, DE Nile University, EG Elaraby Group, EG Helwan University, EG Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, EG Housing & Building National Research Center (HBRC), EG Mechanical & Electrical Research Institute, National Water Research Center , EG Acoustical Society of Egypt, EG Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport , EG

  31. TEMPUS IV 1st call Projects in Egypt - Formation et réseau transmed en endoscopie et chirurgie Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille - France Université de Chieti - Gruppo Otologico Piacenza - Roma , Italie Université de Crète, Héraklion - Crète Entreprise Storz, Tuttlingen - Allemagne Université d'Alger - Algérie Université Tunis El Manar -Tunisie Université d'Alexandrie - Egypte Université Ain Shams, Le Caire - Egypte Université Saint Joseph, Beyrouth - Liban Université Libanaise, Beyrouth - Liban Entreprise SPA Audio Medica International, Alger - Algérie

  32. TEMPUS IV 2nd Call Projects in Egypt - Egyptian Neonatal Network for Training Paediatricians Grantholder: Mansoura University Ain Shams University, Egypt AL Azhar University, Egypt Alexandria University, Egypt Mansoura University, Egypt Tanta University , Egypt University of Liverpool, UK University of the Basque country Medical School, Spain University of Ulm, Germany

  33. - Diploma Public Policy and Child Rights Grantholder: Cairo University Assiut University Cairo University FreieUniversität Berlin, Germany Hashemite University, Jordan Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands InternationaleAkademiefür innovative Pädagogig, Psychologie und Ökonomie, Germany Research in Practice, UK The University of Jordan, Jordan UNICEF Egypt UNICEF Jordan, Jordan University Maastricht, Netherlands University of Bristol, UK TEMPUS IV 2nd Call Projects in Egypt

  34. - Establishing A New Master Degree in Sustainable Crop Protection Grantholder: University of Torino, Italy Ain Shams University Assuit University KafrElSheikh University Mansoura University South Valley University Suez canal University The Plant Protection Institute, Italy The University of Lleida, Spain TheMediterranean Agronomic-Institute of Chania(MAICh), Greece Turin University, Italy Zagazig University TEMPUS IV 2nd Call Projecst in Egypt

  35. - Leadership in Higher Education Management Grantholder: University of Wales – Cardiff, UK Beirut Arab University, Lebanon CadiAyyad University in Marakesch, Morroco Ain Shams University Fayoum University Ionian University, Greece King Hassen II University, Morroco Leadership Foundation, UK Modern University of Business and Science, Lebanon Superior Institute for Science and Technology, Morroco The American University in Cairo University of Aachen, Germany University of Bari, Italy University of Safx, Tunisia University of Sousse, Tunisia TEMPUS IV 2nd Call Projects in Egypt

  36. TEMPUS IV 2nd Call Projects in Egypt - Mediterranean Innovation Alliance (MEDINNOALL) 1/2 Grantholder: University of Alicante, Spain Alexandria University Alicante Chamber of Commerce, Spain ConfédéracionGénérale des Entreprises du Maroc - Union Régionale du Centre Nord, Morroco EcoleNormaleSupérieured'EnseignementTechnologiqued'Oran, Algeria FédérationNationale de la Mécanique (UTICA), Tunisia Federation of Egyptian Chamber of Commerce Glasgow Caledonian University, UK Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Sousse, Tunisia Higher Institute of Technology of Jendouba, Tunisia Higher Institute of Technology of Zaghouan, Tunisia Ministry of Higher Education, Morroco Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology of Tunisia, Tunisia

  37. - Mediterranean Innovation Alliance (MEDINNOALL) 2/2 Oran Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Algeria Saarland University, Germany Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Morroco South Valley University, EG Supreme Council of Universities University CadiAyyad, Morroco University Dr TaharMoulay of Saida, , Algeria University Mohammed V Soussi, Morroco University of Evry-Val d'Essone, France University of Helwan, EG University of Mostaganem, , Algeria TEMPUS IV 2nd Call Projects in Egypt

  38. - Towards an Internationalisation of Higher Education Network for MEDA Region (TIES) Grantholder: University of Alicante, Spain Beirut Arab University, Lebanon BeniSweef University Mansoura University Modern University for Business and Science, Lebanon Philadelphia University, Jordan Princess Sumaya University of Technology, Jordan Sidi Mohamed benAbdellah University, Morroco UniversitàTelematicaGuglielmo Marconi, Italy University Mohammed V Souissi, Morroco University MouloudMammeri of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria University of Bejaia, Algeria University of Kairouan, Tunisia University of Sfax, Tunisia University PiérreMendès, France TEMPUS IV 2nd Call Projects in Egypt

  39. TEMPUS IV 3rd Call Projects in Egypt - Reorient University Curricula to Address Sustainability Grand holder University of Crete National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR Mediterranean Information Office/MEdIES, GR Stockholm University, SE University of Padova, IT University Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3, FR Suez Canal University, EG Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development, EG Hashemite University, JO University of Jordan, JO Notre Dame University, LB University of La Sagesse, LB UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States Beirut, League of Independent Activists, LB SEKEM Development Foundation, EG • Dublin City University, IE

  40. TEMPUS IV 3rd Call Projects in Egypt - Education for Sustainable Development beyond the Campus Grand holder: RWTH Aachen University • Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, AT • American University in Cairo, EG • UNESCO International Hydrological Programme DE • Centre of Studies, Information & Education for the Environment, PT • INGENIEURGESELLSCHAFT DR.ING. NACKENMBH, DE • Cairo University, EG • Alexandria University, EG • Suez Canal University, EG • Fayoum University, EG • Zagazig University, EG • Heliopolis University, EG • جمعية جيل المستقبل EG • Bibliotheca Alexandrina, EG • Ministry of Higher Education, EG • Fayoum Governorate - Ministry of Education, EG • Wadi Environmental Science Centre, EG • SEKEM Development Foundation, EG • The American-Mideast Education and Training Service, EG • University of Limerick, IE

  41. TEMPUS IV 3rd Call Projects in Egypt - Advanced Engineering Systems: Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry Grand holder: UNIVERSITY OF OVIEDO • Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft, DE • École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques, • Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG, DE • Ain Shams University, EG • Helwan University, EG • Procter and Gamble Company, EG • Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, EG • 6th of October Investors' Association, EG • Engineering Export Council of Egypt, EG • Arab Science and Technology Foundation - Cairo Branch, EG • Nile University, EG

  42. TEMPUS IV 3rd Call Projects in Egypt - Implementing a Scientific International master for biotechnology and neuroscience in the South Mediterranean area. Grand holder : Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 • Alexandria University, EG • University of Senghor, EG • University Cadi Ayyad, MA • University Abdelmalek Essaâdi, MA • University Saint-Joseph, LB • University Saint Esprit of Kaslik, LB • Landau Network at Centro di Cultura Scientifica "A. Volta", • Universitat de Valencia Estudi General, ES • University Aix-Marseille 2, FR • University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis, FR • Association Neurex Alsace, FR • GDRI neurO, FR • University of Turin, IT

  43. Fourth Call for proposals http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  44. Indicative roadmap for selection process – 4th Call for proposals http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  45. TEMPUS IV Indicative budget for projects selected under 4th Call: 48,7 € million http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  46. Novelties under the 4th Call for proposals • Main changes: • 1- Eligible countries: • The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is only eligible on a self-financing basis. • Libya is a new eligible Partner Country • 2- Relevance: • Priority given to project proposals involving institutions that are new to the programme or have had limited participation in the previous calls for proposals • 3- Financial conditions: • Institutional costs for student mobility are no longer eligible http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  47. Novelties under the 4th Call for proposals • 4- Mandates: • Scanned versions can be accepted • Ministries responsible for higher education in the Partner Countries may submit an endorsement letter at submission phase, however a signed mandate will be required if the application is selected for funding • 5- Sub-contracting: • Costs for subcontracting should not to be shown under “Staff costs” or “Travel costs” but as “Other costs” or under “Printing a Publishing”. http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  48. Submission of the applications: E-form • Applications will be submitted on-line using the eForm: Publication of a static version on the Tempus website by end November 2010 and an active version by mid-December 2010 • On-line submitted eForm (including mandatory annexes) is considered to be the unique reference document for the submission deadline. • Mandatory annexes: - Declaration of Honour • - Workplan and Budget Excel Table • - Logical Framework Matrix http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

  49. Submission of the applications: E-form • Paper copy by post • Complete paper copy of the eForm to be sent by post, including the supporting documents signed in original, by the same deadline as the on-line submission15 February 2011 (date of postmark). • Original supporting documents: • Declaration of honour by the legal representative of the applicant organisation • Budget (excel tables) and workplan • Logical Framework Matrix • Legal entity form • Bank identification form • Profit and loss accounts/ Balance sheet (if applicable) • Mandates: Scanned versions can be accepted http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus

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