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How to Model Fraction Division

How to Model Fraction Division . Georgia Performance Standard: M5N4 Fifth Grade. Bob Gregg, Hollydale Elementary School, Cobb County September, 2009. Essential Questions. Unit: How do I work with numbers that are part of a whole? How do I compute with fractions?

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How to Model Fraction Division

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  1. How to Model Fraction Division Georgia Performance Standard: M5N4 Fifth Grade Bob Gregg, Hollydale Elementary School, Cobb County September, 2009

  2. Essential Questions • Unit: How do I work with numbers that are part of a whole? How do I compute with fractions? • Lesson: How many groups of the divisor can I get from the dividend?” • Enduring Understanding: To divide fractions we ask how many groups of one fraction are found in the other fraction.

  3. Vocabulary • Dividend: (the amount you begin with) • Divisor: (the size of each group you will make) • Quotient: (the number of groups of the divisor that are in the dividend) • Compute: (a math process like +, -. x, ÷ • Whole: (one complete thing)

  4. Vocabulary 25 ÷ 5 = 5 Dividend Divisor Quotient 3/4 ÷ 1/4 = N

  5. 3 2 3 8 3 2 16 9 Dividing Fractions ÷ X = Multiplying Fractions

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