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Intergenerational Communication in the Workplace

Intergenerational Communication in the Workplace. “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust . Workshop Goals . Increase knowledge and understanding of the four generations

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Intergenerational Communication in the Workplace

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  1. Intergenerational Communication in the Workplace “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust 

  2. Workshop Goals • Increase knowledge and understanding of the four generations • Enhance comprehension of how generational differences affect you • Promote skills for effective intergenerational communication • Expand capacity to manage diverse working styles across the generations

  3. Is the Generation Gap Back? • Generational differences represent a critical new aspect to workplace diversity. • How you view generational differences is based on your generational perspective.

  4. The Four Generations • The Traditionalists 1922–1943/46 • The Boomers 1943–1960/1946-1964 • Generation X’ers 1960-1980/1964-1980 • Millennials 1980-2000

  5. The Traditionalists • Born between 1922-1943/1946 • are now 57 - 81 years old • Represent 25% of the work population • Also known as the:veterans, • seniors, traditionalists, • silent generation

  6. The Baby Boomers • Born between 1943-1960/1946-1964* • Now between the ages of 39 and 60 • 72 million strong • Also known as: Boomers

  7. The Generation X’ers • Born between 1960-1980/1964-1980 • Currently 23 – 43 years of age • 17 Million • Also known as: X’ers, BabyBusters, Post-Boomers

  8. The Generation Y’s or Millennials • Born between 1980 and 2000 • Under 23 years of age • 68 Million Strong • Also known as the:Nexters, Nintendo Generation,Internet Generation

  9. How Their Times Shaped Them

  10. Traditionalists: Defining Events • The Great Depression & Dust Bowl • The New Deal • Social Security Established • Golden Age of Radio • Pearl Harbor Attacked • WW II and Korean War • Patriotism • Rise of Labor Unions

  11. Traditionalists: Heroes • Superman • MacArthur, Patton, Halsey,Montgomery, Eisenhower • FDR • Winston Churchill • Audie Murphy • Babe Ruth • Joe DiMaggio

  12. Boomers: Defining Events • Economic Prosperity • Expansion of Suburbia • Focus on Children • Television • Vietnam • Assassinations • Civil Rights Movement • Cold War/McCarthy Hearings • Space Race/Moon Landing

  13. Baby Boomers: Heroes • Ghandi • Martin Luther King Jr. • John and Jacqueline Kennedy • John Glenn • Feminist Movement

  14. Gen X’ers: Defining Events • Watergate, Nixon resigns • Challenger Disaster • Computers • Single-parent homes • Latchkey Kids • MTV • AIDS • Harsh economic conditions • Glasnost, Perestroika • Persian Gulf

  15. Gen X’ers: Heroes ? • Oprah Winfrey • Bill Gates & Steve Jobs • Michael Jackson • Michael Jordan • Things, animation…

  16. Millenials: Defining Events • Technology • TV Talk Shows • Multiculturalism • Desert Storm • Clinton Scandals • Schoolyard Violence • Oklahoma City Bombing • 9/11 • Columbia tragedy

  17. Millenials: Heroes ? • Michael Jordan • Princess Diana • Mother Teresa • Tiger Woods • Lance Armstrong

  18. Comparing the Generations

  19. Comparing the Generations

  20. Generational Clash in the Workplace • Worldwide economy • Rapid change in the workplace • Downsizing of companies • Mergers, acquisitions, consolidations • Elimination of middle management • Less union activity in companies • Seniority only one element of promotion • Technology

  21. The Result: • No job is safe, and no career assured. • Causes employees to identify more with their generation and blame other generations for workplace problems and issues. • The real generational workplace conflict is based on differences in values, ambitions, views, mindsets, and demographics.

  22. Dedication/sacrifice Law and order Strong work ethic Risk averse Respect for authority Patience Delayed reward Duty, honor, country Loyalty to the organization Traditionalist Values

  23. Assets Stable Detail oriented Thorough Loyal Hard working Liabilities Inept w/ambiguity and change Reluctant to buck the system Uncomfortable with conflict Reticent when they disagree Traditionalists at Work

  24. Training Take plenty of time Give them the “big picture” Emphasize long-term goals Let them share their experience Developing Technology Don’t stereotype as technophobes Use formality and order Don’t rush it Traditionalists: Training & Development

  25. Messages that Motivate Traditionalists • “Your experience is respected here.” • “It’s important for the rest of us to hear what has, and hasn’t, worked in the past.” • “Your perseverance is valued and will be rewarded.”

  26. Optimism Team work Personal gratification Health and wellness Promotion and recognition Youth Work Volunteerism Boomer Values

  27. Assets Service oriented Driven Willing to “go the extra mile” Good at relationships Want to please Good team players Liabilities Not naturally “budget minded” Uncomfortable with conflict Reluctant to go against peers Put process ahead of results Sensitive to feedback Judgmental of those who see things differently Boomers at Work

  28. Training Focus on the near future Focus on challenges Focus on their role Development Meetings and team team building Provide develop-mental experiences Use business books and training tapes Boomers: Training & Development

  29. Messages that Motivate Boomers • “You are important to our success. • “We recognize your unique and important contribution to our team.” • What is your vision for this project?” • “You are valued.”

  30. Diversity Thinking globally Balance in life Computer literacy Personal development Fun Informality Independence Initiative Gen X Values

  31. Assets Adaptable Techno-literate Independent Not intimidated by authority Creative Liabilities Impatient Poor people skills Inexperienced Cynical Gen X’ers at Work

  32. Training Focus on balance Offer them access to many different kinds of information Provide resource lists Development Electronic support Keep materials brief – bullets/checklists Help them train for another job Gen X’ers: Training & Development

  33. Messages that Motivate Gen X’ers • “Do it your way.” • “We’ve got the latest computer technology.” • “There aren’t a lot of rules here.” • “We’re not very corporate.”

  34. Optimism Civic duty Confidence Ambition/achievement Tradition Education Idealism Fun Diversity Millennial Values

  35. Assets Loyalty Optimism Tolerant Multi-tasking Fast-thinking Technological savvy Liabilities Need for supervision and structure Inexperience, particularly with handling different people issues Service levels are low Millennials at Work

  36. Training Take plenty of time Let them know what they do matters Communicate expectations Development Focus on customer service and interpersonal skills Model the behavior you want to see Large teams with strong leadership Millennials: Training & Development

  37. Messages that Motivate Millennials • “We provide equal opportunities here.” • “Your mentor is in his/her sixties.” • “You are making a positive difference to our company.” • “You handled that situation well.”

  38. Using the ACORN Approach • Accommodate employee differences. • Create workplace choices. • Operate from a flexible management style. • Respect competence and initiative. • Nourish retention. Source: Generations At Work, Ron Zemke, Claire Raines, and Bob Filipczak

  39. “It is axiomatic that we should all think of ourselves as being more sensitive than other people because, when we are insensitive in our dealings with others, we cannot be aware of it at the time: Conscious insensitivity is a self- contradiction.” - W.H. Auden

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