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Macbeth Short Answers

Macbeth Short Answers. Short Answer Terms. Give pieces of information Define pieces of information Establish cause/effect Explain why important to time period. Short Answer Terms.

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Macbeth Short Answers

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  1. Macbeth Short Answers

  2. Short Answer Terms • Give pieces of information • Define pieces of information • Establish cause/effect • Explain why important to time period

  3. Short Answer Terms • Humanism—In response to the dominance of the Catholic church in the Middle Ages, Humanist scholars returned to classic sources—those of the Greeks and Romans—to find answers to ontological questions. This new focus on the human experience, led by people like More and Erasmus, brought revolutionary changes in politics, art, science, and medicine.

  4. Short Answer Terms • Machiavelli wrote The Prince, part of the “how-to” literature of the time which provided ideas and instructions for young aspiring leaders. Machiavelli has been credited with coining “the ends of justify the means,” but he also promoted the ideas of virtu (one’s will power) and sprezzatura (one’s ability to make the difficult look easy) as characteristics of the upstart courtier.

  5. Quote Analysis • Identify speaker • Establish context • Discuss quote • Use text to document ideas • Incorporate text as you discuss—Don’t just set apart or say, “lookie, I found a metaphor!”—what is the point of the image, why/how is it used to make meaning?

  6. Quote Analysis • Just after she learns of the witches’ prophecy and just before Macbeth returns from the battlefield, Lady Macbeth already starts brewing evil thoughts about the murder of Duncan. She wants to be “unsexed” so that she has the ferocity and will to do the deed. She uses an apostrophe to call upon “spirits” to make her “cruel,” to make her less feminine so that even her milk becomes “gall.” Early in the story this quote establishes her motives and characterization, as well as sets up the irony of her fall by act five.

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