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Salesforce.com. Leads. Leads. The leads SF object provides the ability to track prospective students You can create new leads fm a variety of channels: Manually creating a lead record Importing leads
Salesforce.com Leads
Leads • The leads SF object provides the ability to track prospective students • You can create new leads fm a variety of channels: • Manually creating a lead record • Importing leads • Web to Lead (Best practice is to create a campaign to better organize new web to leads as well as calculate an ROI) • Lead Notifications • A customized (with available merged fields) autoresponse can be automatically sent to a web to lead once “submit” is clicked on the form • You can create an assignment rule to notify a staff member once a new web to lead is created (with available filter criteria ) • A queue can be created if you wish to notify more than one staff member enabling you to better manage leads
Leads Homepage Click this link to receive more SF help regarding leads Use a view or quick filter to update the associated lead list on the homepage
Create a New Lead • You can create a new lead by selecting “Create New…” from the drop down list in the left side bar and selecting “Lead” • If you do not see “Lead” as an option, contact your administrator as your profile settings may need to be edited
Create a New Lead You can also create a “New Lead” using the “New Button on the Lead Homepage
New Lead Record You can easily edit, delete, convert, clone, or find the duplicate for a lead record • Sample Lead Record- SCILS Student Degree Record Type
Lead Record (Below “the fold”) • You can add a “Task”, “Send an Email”, “Log a Call”, “Add a Campaign”, “Add Google Doc” and/or “Attach a File” to a lead record.
Leads& Other Related Objects Calls, Task, & Email • You can associate a task or email to a lead record to track “to do” or email messages related to the prospective student • You may also want to log a call related to a lead with the ability to create a related follow-up task to the call Files • Google Docs can be affiliated with a lead record so coworkers can easily locate a doc • Other External files can be uploaded and attached to a lead record
Find Duplicate Lead Records Salesforce Internal Tools • You can easily locate potential duplicate records across all record types using the “Find Duplicates” button • Once duplicate records are identified you can specify a master record & select the field values to be carried over to the newly merged record. Up to three records can be merged at once using this tool CRM Fusion DupeBlocker App • DoCS has installed the Dupeblocker app so potential duplicates are also viewable within the lead record
Find Duplicate Lead Records Specify criteria in which to search for duplicate records Potential Dupe Records Please note the Owner prior to merging records as it may be affiliated with a different program or record type
Create Lead View (Filter) • The “Leads” home tab shows a list of recent leads • To view leads associated with a specific program you can either edit the current view or create a new one
Other ways to filter – “Tags” • Tags are words or short phrases that users can associate with most records to organize their data in a personalized way. • Tags allow users to group records from various objects by a common topic or use, and then use those tags in search to make finding information fast and intuitive. • Leads, accounts, activities, campaigns, cases, contacts, documents, notes, reports, tasks, custom objects, are able to have tags enabled • Types of “Tags” • Personal tags are private for every user. That is, any personal tag that a user adds to a record can only be viewed by that user • Public tags are viewable by all users in an org
Tag Limits • A user is limited to a maximum of: 500 unique personal tags • 5,000 instances of personal tags applied to records • Across all users, an organization is limited to: • 1,000 unique public tags • 50,000 instances of public tags applied to records • 5,000,000 instances of personal and public tags applied to records
Campaigns & Leads • You can easily relate leads to a campaign by: • Individually/Manually attaching a existing lead /contact • Use a SF Report to group and attach existing leads/contacts to a campaign • Import a group of leads/contacts from another source • A web to lead form can be generated and placed on a website and tracked to a specific campaign (highly recommended best practice) • You can also track lead responses within a campaign record using the member status values in “Advanced Setup”
Add Lead to a Campaign • You can add a campaign to a lead record manually with the “Add to Campaign” button
Add a Group of Leads to a Campaign • You can add a campaign to a group of leads using a query with the campaign record using the “Manage Members” button • Select the “Add Members – Search” option
Add a Group of Leads to a Campaign • Use the “Manage Members” button to create a basic query or apply a view as a filter in order to return a group of lead records • You can individually selects which leads to add to the campaign You can choose to use an existing lead “view” as a filter Enter query fields and values, be sure to filter for your desired record types and click “Go!” Select the leads from the returned query and the member status value from the “add with Status” button to add the leads to the campaign
Add a Group of Leads to a Campaign • You can create a report to add a group of leads to a campaign by using the “Add to Campaign” button
Converting a Lead Record • When converting a lead, Salesforce.com creates a new person account using the information from the lead record. • If an existing account has the same name as those specified on the lead, you can choose to update the existing account. • Information from the lead is inserted only into blank fields; Salesforce.com does not overwrite existing account data. • To maintain data integrity it is a suggested best practice to search for duplicates prior to converting a lead record • Once a lead record is converted the lead fields will be locked for editing so it is a suggested best practice to complete data entry on reportable fields.
Convert Lead Options • When converting a lead you can specify the following: • Send an Email to the Lead Owner • Create an opportunity(automatic) or deselect this option (suggested best practice) • Create a follow-up task • Be sure to complete data entry for all reported fields as once a lead is converted the record will be locked for editing