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EQUAL WOMAN İS EFFICIENT LdV Project. What is VET ?. Education and training which aims to equip people with knowledge , know -how, skills and / or competences required in particular occupations or more broadly on the labour market . * Adapted from European Training Foundation, 1997.

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  2. What is VET? • Educationandtrainingwhichaimstoequippeoplewithknowledge, know-how, skillsand/orcompetencesrequired in particularoccupationsormorebroadly on thelabour market. *AdaptedfromEuropean Training Foundation, 1997

  3. Vocationaleducation (educationbased on occupationoremployment) (alsoknown as vocationaleducationandtrainingor VET) is educationthatpreparespeopleforspecifictrades, craftsandcareers at variouslevelsfrom a trade, a craft, technician, or a professionalposition in engineering, accountancy, nursing, medicine, architecture, pharmacy, lawetc.

  4. Craftvocationsareusuallybased on manualorpracticalactivities, traditionallynon-academic, relatedto a specifictrade, occupation, orvocation. It is sometimesreferredto as technicaleducation as thetraineedirectlydevelopsexpertise in a particulargroup of techniques.

  5. Creative MethodsandApproaches in VET

  6. Direct teachingis whole-classteachingcharacterisedby a stimulus-responseapproach. Theteacherdrawslearners in, activelyengagingthemthrougha varietyof techniquessuch as questioning, explainingandorganisinggroupwork. Therewilloften be a starterthenplenaries at appropriatepointstoclarifylearning.

  7. Inductiveteachingalsoreferredto as classifying, is a means of helpinglearners • tosolveproblems. Learnersarepresentedwith an array of data andaskedto • sortandclassify it, sogenerating a hypothesisorrule.

  8. Deductiveteachingfocuses on subjectconceptsand, specifically, on the • learners’ understanding of ‘theconceptrule’: a definitionorrulewhich is stated • aboutthetopic of thesession.

  9. Modellingis effective in teachingnewskillsorprocedures, forexample how to • construct a paragraph, evaluate a paintingordraw a conclusionfromevidence. • Not onlywilltheteacherdemonstratetheprocedure, but willalso talk through • theirthinking, somakingexplicitthedecisionsthathaveto be made at eachstage

  10. Demonstrationis an approachusedtoillustrate an eventorprocedure. It is often • usedtostimulatethinking.

  11. A constructivistapproachcan challengeandaddressmisconceptions. Learnersareaskedtomakeexplicittheirthinkingabout a particularnotionor idea. Thiswilloftenreveal a range of ideas. Learnersarethenchallengedtoconsiderwhatwouldhappen in a particularcircumstanceforeach of theideas. Followingthislearnersareaskedtorethinktheirideas in light of whatactuallyhappens.

  12. Conceptattainment– this model is builtaroundthestudies of thinking • conductedbyBruner, Goodnow, and Austin (1967). It is designedtohelplearners • learnconceptsfororganisinginformationandtohelpthembecomemore • effective at learningconcepts.

  13. Simulationsareconstructedfromdescriptions of real-life situations. A less-thanreal-life environment is createdfortheinstructionalstation. Sometimestherenditionsarequiteelaborate (forexample, flightandspaceflightsimulators). Thelearnerengages in activitytoachievethegoal of thesimulation (togettheaircraftofftheground, ortoredevelop an urban area), and has todealwithrealisticfactorsuntilthegoal is mastered.

  14. Role playing, learnersexplorehuman-relationsproblemsbyenactingproblem situationsandthendiscussingtheenactments. Together, learners can explorefeelings, attitudes, values, and problem-solvingstrategies.

  15. Tools for Creative VET

  16. Coloured paper This is good for : • organising knowledge, for example in applied science, biology could be onblue paper, chemistry on yellow and physics on green • putting units of work on different colours, for example Unit 1 on blue andUnit 2 on green and so on • learning concepts and details, for example in one college the Marxism topicin media was written on red paper.

  17. Cassette recorder, CD or radio • Use cassettes to record learners doing a role-play such as a hotel reservation for travel and tourism, or play a radiobroadcast

  18. Coloured pens, pencils and highlighters • These can be used toemphasiselearners’ notes. Highlight important concepts or aspects ofnotes that learners will need to be taught. • Distribute handouts before thelesson and ask learners to highlight the key points at home. Then go overthem in the lesson to teach learners how to highlight effectively, becausesome learners will have highlighted the whole page and others will havehighlighted obscure words and not the important points.

  19. Electronic encyclopaedia on the internet • Electronic encyclopaediahave a lot of written information presented in an informative way and crossreferenced. • They are very fast to search and contain pictures, diagrams,animations and videos. The information can be saved and edited, whichconstitutesactivelearning.

  20. Someothertools • Flip-chartpaper • Crosswords and ICT crossword programmes • Mindmapping • Personal writing or extended study • Reading, writingandnote-taking • Rhyme, rhythm, rap, songs, chanting, poems and jingles • TVs

  21. Computers • Internet • Interactive boards • Modelsetc.

  22. Mehmet GÜNAYDIN-Yüksel GÜÇİN Rekabet Kurumu AİHL English Teachers

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