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List of Questions (1). What are the three types of s tructural optimization ? What is topology optimization ? What is stiffness mechanical problem ? What is minimal compliance problem ? What other problems do you know about where TO could be applied ?
List ofQuestions (1) • Whatarethethreetypesofstructuraloptimization? • Whatistopologyoptimization? • Whatisstiffnessmechanicalproblem? Whatis minimal complianceproblem? Whatotherproblems do youknowaboutwhere TO couldbeapplied? • Write the General Mathematical Form of a StructuralOptimizationProblem. What type ofcontraintsareyoufamilliarwith? Write down thenestedformulation. • Write down the maximal stiffness design problem. • Whatarelocal/global optima? Whatarethestationarypoints? • Whatis a convexset/convexfunction? Whatisconvexoptimizationproblem? • Whichtheoremmakesthestatementoftheexistanceof optimal solution? • Whataretheoptimalityconditions? • Write down the Taylor seriesexpansion (uptoorder 2) of a real funt. With n real variables. Formulateandexplain a firstordernecessaryconditionforunconstrainedproblem. Summarizetheoptimialityconditionsforunconstrainedproblems. • Explainthe Lagrange multipliersmethod. • Whichoptimialityconditionsaregivenbythe Lagrange Multipliers theoremandwhichbythe KKT conditions?
List ofQuestions(2) • WhatisLagrangianduality? Forwhatisitusefull? Whatis a separableproblem? Can yougive a technicalexampleof a separableproblem? • Whataresequential explizit convexapproximations? Whyaretheyused? Whichones do youknow? Describetheprocedure for solving the nested formulation of the structural optimization problem and drow the flow chart. • What is a sensitivity analysis? Which methods do you know? • Present the design (TO or seizing optimization) for MEMS-based Piezo-energy harvester