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English Teaching Material for fifth grade students

English Teaching Material for fifth grade students. Lesson 7 Grade/Semester : V/2 Compiled by: Ni Luh Md Ayu Suryaningsih 09-3192. START. BACK. Asking for Willingness. Speaking. KOMPETENSI. INDIKATOR. MATERI. EVALUASI. NEXT. KOMPETENSI.

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English Teaching Material for fifth grade students

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  1. English Teaching Materialfor fifth grade students Lesson 7 Grade/Semester : V/2 Compiled by: Ni Luh Md Ayu Suryaningsih 09-3192 START


  3. KOMPETENSI • Standar Kompetensi : Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah. • Kompetensi Dasar : Mengungkapkan kesantunan secara berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan: Do you mind… dan Shall we… BACK NEXT

  4. INDIKATOR Mengungkapkan kesantunan secara berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan: • Do you mind… • Shall we… BACK NEXT


  6. MATERI Asking for Willingness (Meminta Kesediaan) Some examples for asking willingness : (Beberapa contoh meminta kesediaan :) • Do you mind …….. ? Bersediakah kamu…….. ? • Shall we …… ? Bersediakah kamu …… ? BACK NEXT

  7. MATERI • Do you mind learning together with me ? Bersediakah kamu belajar bersamaku ? • Do you mind lending me your pencil ? Bersediakah kamu meminjamkan ku pensilmu ? • Do you mind sitting beside me ? Bersediakah kamu duduk disebelahku ? BACK NEXT

  8. MATERI • Shall we learning together ? Bersediakah kamu belajar bersama ? • Shall we playing badminton ? Bersediakah kamu bermain bulutangkis ? • Shall we going together ? Bersediakah kamu pergi bersama ? BACK NEXT

  9. EVALUASITwo ways dialogue (Bermain peran) • Complete the following dialogue using expressions provided in the box and perform it in front of the class with your friend. Do you mind Shall we BACK NEXT

  10. EVALUASI Mila : Hay, Bella! Are you busy this afternoon ? Bella : No, I’m not. What’s up ? Mila : I want to learn about the English lesson. ………...learning it with me ? Bella : Sure, why not ? When ? Mila : …………..start after school ? Bella : Ok. I will come at the time. BACK NEXT

  11. Answer Key Mila : Hay, Bella! Are you busy this afternoon ? Bella : No, I’m not. What’s up ? Mila : I want to learn about the English lesson. Do you mind learning it with me ? Bella : Sure, why not ? When ? Mila : Shall we start after school ? Bella : Ok. I will come at the time. BACK NEXT

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