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Latent Semantic Indexing. Journal Article Comparison Al Funk CS 5604 / Information Retrieval. What is LSI?. Use similarities between concepts to map documents and determine their proximity in concept space
Latent Semantic Indexing Journal Article Comparison Al Funk CS 5604 / Information Retrieval
What is LSI? • Use similarities between concepts to map documents and determine their proximity in concept space • “Singular Value Decomposition” – popular statistical method for generating concept space via dimensionality reduction • Mapping results from SVD’s spatial analysis of a collection of documents; does not require human intervention to generate
Strengths of LSI • Increased relevance of information retrieval, as concepts are recognized rather than keywords • Larger result sets due to retrieval of texts that do not include the specific query keywords • LSI recognizes that keywords are related • Minimal human intervention to generate mappings
Weaknesses of LSI • Storage requirements for indexes • Computation time In essence, high dimensionality of document representation can make searching resource intensive. LSI can reduce these costs but also can incur some of its own. Q: Is there a way to maintain the benefits of LSI and reduce resource requirements?
Two Solutions Identified? • Many journal articles focus on mitigating the resource intensivity of LSI by reducing dimensionality. Two approaches: • Article 1: Use “random projection” to lower dimensionality of the concept space, hoping to prevent erosion of vector relationships • Article 2: Replace SVD with “Semidiscrete Matrix Decomposition,” creating an approximation that serves to reduce dimensionality but still retain the bulk of relationships
Random Projection • Traditional methods of dimensionality reduction have focused means of analyzing datasets to maximize benefit and minimize loss of variation. Two such methods are: • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) • Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) • SVD is primary for document retrieval because it performs well with sparse matrices. • PCA and SVD are both computationally expensive, particularly for large datasets.
Random Projection • Random Projection (RP) attempts to solve these problems by creating a random matrix and using it to project the document observation vectors onto a lower dimensional space. • Random projection can be used before SVD, enabling the expensive algorithm to operate on a matrix of lower dimension. • Bingham and Mannila’s results indicate that RP has an acceptable impact on the data while significantly reducing required computation.
SDD vs. SVD • Kolda and O’Leary propose to replace the expensive SVD algorithm with “Semidiscrete Matrix Decomposition” • Lower computation time • Lower storage requirements • Claim that methodology is as accurate as SVD but less resource intensive
What is SVD? • Defined as the “closest rank-k matrix to the term-document matrix in the Frobenius measure”. • Essentially creates a lower-order matrix that maximizes the approximation of the original m x n document / keyword matrix.
What is SDD? • SDD is a different LSI algorithm to achieve the same goals as SVD • SDD creates a lower-order matrix like SVD but restricts vector item values to –1, 0 or 1 • As a result of the restriction to these values, SDD is computationally more expensive up front
Benefits of SDD • Despite higher up-front processing times, updates to the matrix can be made rapidly to accommodate changing collections • Searching is more efficient (as much as ½ the time) • Storage requirements are lower, as SDD can store each matrix value in 2 bits (rather than multiple bytes for a floating-point value)
Conclusions • Both articles provide for a quantifiable increase in performance over traditional LSI techniques • Techniques could potentially be used together, as both tackle the related issues of performance and dimensionality reduction
Article Links • http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/291128.291131 • http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/502512.502546