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July 9, 2019. “ Aamar Gaon Aamar Achoni ” ( Gaon Panchayat Development Plan) S. K. Sinha F.M., EC, SIPRD, HKD. Background.
July 9, 2019 “AamarGaonAamarAchoni” (GaonPanchayat Development Plan) S. K. Sinha F.M., EC, SIPRD, HKD
Background • The 73rd amendment of the Constitution of India provided the constitutional status and institutional framework to Panchayats to strengthen grassroots level democracy through elected self-governing local bodies in the rural areas of the country. • Article 243G of the Constitution provides for: “Powers, authority and responsibilities of Panchayat.- The preparation of plans for economic development and social justice through people”s participation; The implementation of schemes for economic development and social justice as may be entrusted to them including those in relation to the matters (subjects) listed in the Eleventh Schedule.”
29 Subjects in XI th schedule • 1. Agriculture. • 2. Land Improvement. • 3. Minor Irrigation. • 4. Animal Husbandry. • 5. Fisheries • 6. Social Forestry. • 7. Minor Forest Produce. • 8. Small scale industries. • 9. Khadi, village and cottage industries. • 10. Rural Housing. • 11. Drinking Water • 12. Fuel and fodder • 13. Roads, Culverts and Bridges and ferries • 14. Rural Electrification including distribution of electricity • 15. Non-conventional energy
16. Poverty alleviation programme. • 17. Education, including Primary and Secondary Schools • 18. Vocational education. • 19. Adult and non-formal education. • 20. Libraries. • 21. Cultural activities. • 22. Markets and fairs. • 23. Health and sanitation. • 24. Family welfare. • 25. Women and child development. • 26. Social welfare, including welfare of the Handicapped and Mentally retarded • 27. Welfare of the weaker sections(SCs and STs). • 28. Public distribution system. • 29. Maintenance of community assets.
What is GPDP & Why GPDP • It is a comprehensive plan for complete development of the village panchayat. GPDP aims to expand the Governing space of the Village Panchayat and to empower it as a development institution. • GPDP is not a government scheme. • Article 243G of the Constitution of India mandates the GPs to prepare and implement GPDP for economic development and social justice.
The GPDP planning process has to be comprehensive and based on participatory process, which inter alia involves the full convergence with schemes of all related Central Ministries / Line Departments related to 29 subjects enlisted in the Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution.
Objectives: GPDP being a comprehensive plan, it aims at: • 1. Improving Basic amenities of the village panchayat, Sanitation, Connectivity, Drinking Water, etc. • 2. Improving Standard of Living of the poor families. • 3. Eradication of absolute & relative poverty through convergence. • 4. Prevention and control of Communicable diseases • 5. Providing Social Security • 6. Effective Management of natural resources • 7. Ensuring 100% enrolment in schools. • 8. Ensuring gender equity and equity all aspects. • 9. Development of governing capability of the village panchayat. • 10. Strengthen Gaon Sabha & improving quality of Gaon Sabha.
Thus, it is a comprehensive plan to build a platform integrate and coverage all these activities to effectively address all development issues in the panchayat and bring in integrated and inclusive development.
STEP ONE: 1ST PANCHAYAT SITTING • To understand the 14th finance commission report & direct fund allocation to Panchayat. • To understand the role of the Panchayat committee & other stakeholders in participatory planning. • To understand the process & steps for GPDP. • Discussion of Govt. GPDP orders, letters regarding GPDP. • Constitute a Resource Team, Working Groups and Campaign Committee • Environment Creation for GPDP • Frame the activity calendar • Decide GS Date
STEP TWO: GRAM SABHA (1ST/ initial) • Introducing GPDP “AamarGaonAamarAchoni” • Sensitizing people about GPDP and their roles • Approval of GPDP Calender • Approval of Campaign committee & Working Groups • Approval of environment creation plan • Discussion on Resource Envelope • Get the decision approved by the Gram Sabha
STEP THREE: (TRAINING at Panchayat Level) ( Training for Panchayat Committee Members, RT Members, WG Member, Frontline functionaries & Orientation to Campaign Comm. Members) • Presentation of GPDP Guidelines • Discussion on the process of GPDP • Planning Manual • Familiarisation of Situation Analysis tools and process • Familiarisation on Preparation of Development Status report, Annual Plan , GPDP document. • Familiarisation on Monitoring and Evaluation • Calendar for Situation Analysis and Report
STEP FOUR: SITUATION ANALYSIS • Environment Creation • Letter to all institution and Departments for cooperation • Prior Notice to all villagers • Preparing tools for data collection • Primary data Collection • Secondary Data Collection • PRA Exercise • Fixation of date and Venue for data collection and compilation and Report writing • Preparing Draft Status Report
IEC Campaign : • Hoarding/ posters/wall paintings at prominent places about the launching of “AamarGaonAamarAchani”. • Mike Announcement • Local folk media • Rallies • Template/ brochures/ leaflet distribution • Local meeting / ward Sabhas • MahilaSabha • Children/ Baal Sabha
Motivating School Children and their Parents: • Writing letters to the parent regarding “AamarGaonAamarAchani”. • Essay/ Painting competition on “AamarGaonAamarAchani”. • Special Assembly of Students / Adolescent Girls • Motivating SHGs, NGOs and CBOs: • Letter from GP President to all SHGs, Youth Group, others people’s forum like ‘NaamGhar’, Masjid Committee, traditional people’s forum, etc. • Letter from the GP President to the local NGOs working in the GP areas, • To act as a Resource Persons and Social Mobiliser
Involvement of public institutions • Letter from GP President to all School’s Principals under GP areas, Head of the PHC / Sub Centre , ICDS, PHED, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, etc. for involvement of their frontline workers and Supervisors in the GPDP exercise Getting Volunteers • Identifying people of the Panchayat like Community Volunteers, Social Workers, Retd. Govt. Employee, Social Auditors, Local Entrepreneurs, Trained people. • Letters from GP President to these people • Home visit by President and GP Members
Situation Analysis:Situational Analysis refers to assessment of the development status of the GP.Objectives:* To collect details of the existing scenario of the GaonPanchayat, society, and economy.* To assess the quality of basic civic services, infrastructure and amenities available in the village.
Why Situation Analysis: • Familiarisation of Situation analysis tools and process • Familiarisation with Questionnaires suited for Household survey, Focussed Group Discussions, Institutional survey and PRA exercises • Calendar for situation analysis • To inform the line departments about situation analysis and the data collection dates. • Divide the groups for data collection responsibilities • Environment creation for data collection.
Data Collection: • Secondary Data Collection • Primary Data Collection
Secondary Data Collection Secondary data is information that is already available either as reports or as published data or found in registers. Source: • Census 2011 and SECC 2011 • NFHS, DLHS, DISE Survey • Line department data • Data from independent studies/reports • GP level data availability • GP/GP cluster-wise disaggregation of data • GP level public institutes
Primary Data Collection Primary data is data that can be collected directly from the field. • Transect Walk • Focus Group Discussions • Household Survey • Participatory Rural Appraisal or PRA is a process to study the existing situation of the village / community. This is done by interacting with the people to understand their needs and to find out ways to cater to them, by learning from them. Social Mapping and resource mapping – Social mappingcan be used to present information on village layout, infrastructure, demography, health pattern, wealth, sanitation, vulnerable areas, etc. This will cover information on roads, rivers, characteristics and condition of households, ownership of dwellings and buildings, and land use patterns.
STEP FIVE: GRAM PANCHAYAT SITTING(2ND) • GP meeting for the approval of the Draft Status Report to be placed in the Gram Sabha (should be prepared by the Working Groups.) • Fixation of date for the Second Gram Sabha. • Invitation to the Line Deptts
STEP SIX: GRAM SABHA (2ND)- Visioning & Prioritization GaonSabha • Presentation of Draft Development Status Report (DSR) • To get approval for DSR by the GS • Prioritization of issues based on the DSR • Approval of further Activities if required • Identification of development issues for the annual plan, and dev. issues needs to be addressed over five years. • Identification of issues that are to be addressed by other authorities.
STEP SEVEN : DRAFT PLAN PREPARATION • Based on the 2nd Gram Sabha recommendation. • Discussion of Plan based on 2nd Gram Sabha priority, • Working Groups to suggest the projects that can be taken up based on priorities decided in the earlier GaonSabha ; Drafting of Sector wise allocation of Resource from the Resource Envelope for both the annual plan & the five year plan. • Submission of the draft plans to the Panchayat Committee. • Panchayat committee to finalise the draft annual plan and five year plan. • Prepare Plan document based on the state guidelines • Shelve of works created
RESOURCE ENVELOPE Total available and potential resources of a GaonPanchayat have to be estimated in a systematic manner. Resource Envelope is basically the affordability to be considered while planning for a GaonPanchayat. Here, we consider the financial and human resources either under the possession or those that can be potentially generated within the GP. The resources so mapped should be utilized in a convergent and integrated manner to generate maximum synergy.
Financial Resource *Identify the Centrally sponsored scheme, like PMAY(G), MGNREGA, etc. *Identify the State sponsored scheme, like DDP, FASFC etc. *Identify the GP own fund Position. * Human Resource *GP Staffs/ officer present at Department like, GP Secretary, Gram Sevok, Tax Collector etc. *Other Department staffs working under the particular GP like, ANM, ASHA, ASRLM, and front line workers from line department etc.
STEP EIGHT: PROJECTIZATION • Plan Estimate Preparation- Preparation of project estimate based on fund allocation. • Technical sanction of the projects (from technical cell). • Financial Sanction (from the panchayat committee).
STEP NINE: PANCHAYAT COMMITTEESITTING (3RD) • Presentation of the Draft Development Plan (DDP) with estimates • Presentation of each projects with details • Validation of DDP and the projects for placing in the final GaonSabha(3rd) for approval. • Fixation of time & venue for 3rd Gram Sabha.
STEP TEN: GRAM SABHA (3RD) • Presentation of the Draft Plan Document. • Approval of the Draft Plan Document.
Final GaonSabha Responsibility: Panchayat President and Secretary (The officials who are going to implement the plan should attend the GaonSabha) • To finalize the GaonPanchayat Development Plan by incorporating the decisions taken by the GaonSabha • Finalize the implementation procedures • Setting up of a Technical Cell at the Block level to provide technical guidance to initiate procedure for technical sanction • Sending Plan document to Technical Cell for technical approval
STEP ELEVEN: FINAL GPDP PLAN Document • To shape the final GP Development Plan (GPDP) • To get acquainted with the implementation of GPDP.
Post GaonSabha Activity • Preparation of the final document with annexure • Submission of final GPDP before Panchayat Committee for implementation. • Sending the final approved GPDP to the DPC for information. • Sending Final Approved GP Development Plan Document copy to • I. State GPDP Cell • ii. ZillaParishad • iii. AnchalikPanchayat for information
STEP TWELVE: IMPLEMENTATION • Time Bound Activity • Maintenance of Records • To ensure people’s participation in implementation of projects.
STEP THIRTEEN: MONITORING • CONCURRENT: Process and progress monitoring by the committees at District and State Level Community based monitoring through GaonSabha and Social Audit. Checking transactions through periodic audit of GP Accounts anf financial system. • Thematic Studies, Case Studies, etc. by engaging expert agencies(3rd parties), researchers, scholars, etc.