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Learn about Java arrays, from declaration to using them as parameters. Understand one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays, how to declare them, instantiate them, traverse them, copy them, and compare them. Dive into the basics and advanced features of Java arrays.
Objectives • Declaring arrays • Instantiating arrays • Using arrays as parameters • One and multi-dimensional arrays • A few array utilities
Arrays: Introduction • Concept of array is not unique to Java; all modern programming languages support arrays • Arrays exist in C, C++, Pascal, and other languages • In COBOL, tables with exactly one field type are arrays • Suppose we are interested in representing the result of a survey that has exactly one question and 200 responses • We could declare 200 variables: resp0, resp1, resp2,...,resp199 • Or, we could declare an array with 200 elements, each element representing a response • If the name of the array is resp, then its elements are resp[0], resp[1], resp[2],...,resp[199] • Notice that indexes go from 0 to 199, one less than the array size
Arrays: Introduction • An array index need not be a constant, it can be a variable or an expression that yields an integer value int i; // other statements i = 118; resp[i] = 20; //20 is being assigned to the 119th // element of the resp array • The data type of an array can be any legal data type i.e both primitive and object types • Arrays group objects of the same data type i.e all elements of an array are of same type
Declaring Arrays • In Java, arrays are objects • Array objects are created in two steps: • Declare an array reference • Construct the array instance • Declaration int m[]; or int [] m; Point p[]; or Point [] p; • Declaration leads to space allocation for one reference variable: space for m in the case of the int array and space for p for the other • Space is allocated for elements of the array only after the array is instantiated
Instantiating Arrays • Arrays need to be instantiated before they can be used • Arrays with primitive data types m = new int[20]; • Array of objects p = new Point[20]; p[0] = new Point(); // objects need to be constructed space for array elements m 0 1 2 19 Object references only 0 1 2 19 p
Instantiating Arrays • Array elements are automatically initialized when the array is instantiated • The initial value depends on the data type of the array elements values of m are set to 0 since the type is int values of p are set to null since these are references • An array can be explicitly initialized at declaration int [] m = {1, 23, -2, 0, 12}; Point [] p = { new Point(1,1), new Point(2,3), new Point(3,5)}; String [] s = {“IST203”,”IST211”,”IST221”};
Traversing Arrays • Arrays are often traversed using loops • We can set up a loop to traverse through an array for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { System.out.println(“Element “+i+”=“+m[i]); } • Use of fixed numbers like 20 is potentially error prone since it is illegal to exceed the boundary of an array • All arrays know their lengths; we can use this feature to traverse any array
Traversing Arrays • The count of array elements is stored in the array’s length attribute • We can traverse the array using the value of length to control for array boundaries for (int i = 0; i < m.length; i++) { System.out.println(“Element “+i+”=“+m[i]); } • Traversing an array using the length attribute is a safe technique
Copying Arrays • Need to copy an array arises in many applications • We can try to copy an array using the following int [] a = {1,2,3,4,5}; int [] b = a; • Notice that we did not duplicate the array, but copied the reference only; both a and b refer to the same array a 1 2 3 4 5 b
Copying Arrays • Arrays can be copied using System.arraycopy System.arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, a.length); • The general syntax of arraycopy System.arraycopy(source array, source index, target array, target index, # of elements); 1 2 3 4 5 a b 1 2 3 4 5
Comparing Arrays • Consider the following two arrays int [] b = {1,2,3,4,5}; int [] c = {1,2,3,4,5}; if (b = = c) System.out.println(”b and c are same arrays"); else System.out.println(”b and c are different arrays"); • Unfortunately, in the above statement, b would be found not equal to c • We are comparing references; b and c refer to TWO DIFFERENT objects, hence unequal
Comparing Arrays • We can compare arrays using the equals method import java.util.Arrays; int [] b = {1,2,3,4,5}; int [] c = {1,2,3,4,5}; if (Arrays.equals(b,c)) System.out.println(”b and c are same arrays"); else System.out.println(”b and c are different arrays"); • Contents of arrays are compared when Arrays.equals is used • java.util.Arrays provides a number of overloaded equals method to compare arrays of different types
Multidimensional Arrays • Java arrays can be multidimensional • A multidimensional array is an array of arrays • For example, an array that has 3 rows and 5 columns can be shown as the following • We need 2 different indexes to designate an individual cell
Multidimensional Arrays • As in the case of one dimensional arrays, creation of a multidimensional array is a two-step process int [][] p; p = new int[4][]; • Since the second dimension of p is undefined, elements of p need to be defined one at a time p[0] = new int[5]; p[1] = new int[5]; and so on • The size of a multidimensional array may be completely defined at declaration int [][] p = new int[4][5]; // 4 rows and 5 columns
Multidimensional Arrays • It is illegal to leave first dimension empty in the declaration of a multidimensional array int [][] m = new int[][5]; // does not compile • When instantiated, elements of an array are automatically initialized to the appropriate default value based on the array’s data type • In our example, p is an int array. All elements of p are initially set to 0. • For an array of objects, elements would be initialized to null
Multidimensional Arrays • Multidimensional arrays can be initialized at declaration int [][] m = { {1,2,3}, {4,5,6,7}, {8,9,10,11}}; • A multidimensional array of objects is declared using the familiar syntax Point [][] pt = new Point[5][10]; • Each cell of pt then is a reference and and objects themselves need to be instantiated pt[0][0] = new Point(); pt[0][1] = new Point();
Multidimensional Arrays • A multidimensional array need not be rectangular • For example, a twodimensional array can be non-rectangular as shown below int [][] m = new int[4][]; m[0] = new int[5]; m[1] = new int[6]; m[2] = new int[10]; m[3] = new int[12];
Multidimensional Arrays • A multidimensional array can be traversed using length attribute for (i = 0; i < m.length; i++) for (j = 0; j < m[i].length; j++) System.out.println(“Element = “+m[i][j]); • Notice that so long as the length attribute of an array is used, traversing a non-rectangular array is not a problem
Arrays as Parameters public class ArraySearch { //ArraySearch.java public static void main(String args[]) { char [] c = {'A','C','D','E','F','H','K','J'}; int index = ArraySearch.find(c,'F'); if (index == -1) System.out.println("Search character not found"); else System.out.println("F is at index position "+index); } public static int find(char[]t, char s){ int index = 0; int location = -1; while (index < t.length && location == -1) { if (t[index] == s){ location = index; } index++; } return location; } } Note the declaration of array parameter in the method find, and also how arrays are passed into a method
Sorting one dimensional arrays • An array can be sorted as follows import java.util.Arrays; int []m = {1,2,45,56,78,34,8,-1}; Arrays.sort(m); • Sorted array is in ascending order • A number of overloaded sort methods are available • sort method can be applied to one dimensional arrays only
Binary search: one dimensional Arrays • Binary search for a value int []m = {1,2,45,56,78,34,8,-1}; Arrays.sort(m); int r = Arrays.binarySearch(m,8); if (r < 0) System.out.println(“Item not found”); else System.out.println(“Item at “+r); • If the item searched for is in the list, the correct index is returned • If r is negative, the item does not exist in the list. An index equal to (-r-1) represents the index where the value can be inserted to keep the array sorted
Exercise • Write a MyArray class that uses a one-dimensional array of 100 elements. This array has the following methods: • a constructor that initializes the elements to a random integer between 10 and 140 • a method that returns the average of all elements of the array • a method that returns the sum of all elements • Write a MyTwodArray class that uses a two-dimensional array. This array has the following methods • a constructor that initializes the elements to a random character • a method that takes 2 arguments: a row index and a search character and returns the number of times this character occurs in the row • To be more challenging, take the 2 dimensional array sizes as command line arguments and test to make sure that these sizes are in fact read in as arguments before proceeding further