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Ana Marisa Cordero AHFS Specialist

Handbook of Good Practices for Participation in M eetings of the IPPC and Guide for participation in the CPM. Ana Marisa Cordero AHFS Specialist. Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture. What is IICA?.

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Ana Marisa Cordero AHFS Specialist

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Handbookof GoodPracticesforParticipationin Meetingsof theIPPCand Guide forparticipationin the CPM Ana Marisa Cordero AHFS Specialist Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

  2. Whatis IICA? We are the specialized agency of the Inter-American System for the Promotion of agriculture and rural well-being, and our efforts are fully focused on making agriculture competitive and sustainable in the Americas.

  3. Focusedon MeetingtheNeeds of theCountries We develop international public goods that can help the countries address issues they share in common, at three levels: • Hemispheric. The entire hemisphere. • Regional. Northern, Central, Andean, Southern and the Caribbean. • National. In each of the 34 member countries.

  4. Our Technical Programs Modernization of the AHFS services Agricultural health and food safety 2 lines of action Sanitary and phitosanitary measures

  5. Underthe STDF 108 project • Development of capacitiesforparticipationin international SPS fora • 4 Manuals(English & Spanish) developed • 120 technicalstrained

  6. IICA & IPPC • 2010: Regional ISPM consultations • 2011-2012: Virtual training on PRA • 2013: • -Updating of Manual of GoodPracticesforParticipation in meetings of the IPPC • - Virtual Training Guide: Participation in theComissiononPhytosanitaryMeasures

  7. Nature and origin of theIPPC • Participationmechanismsapprovedforcontractingparties • At the IPPC meetings • In the standard settingprocess • Dispute settlement • Capacitydevelopmentactivities • Documents and informationproducedbytheCPM • How to participate in the conduct of the IPPC • Five-Year Work Programme • Annual operational plans Handbook of GoodPractices forParticipationin Meetings of theIPPC Version 2014

  8. Participation in theComissiononPhytosanitaryMeasures Guide

  9. Is a guide for facilitating the participation of contracting parties in meetings of the IPPC and CPM, as well as in other meetings.

  10. Participationin theComissiononPhytosanitaryMeasuresGuide Goal To provide National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) officials in each country technical and practical guidelines, to enable their effective participation in the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM).

  11. Participationin theComissiononPhytosanitaryMeasures Guide What is the CPM? What is the role of the NPPO? Participation in the CPM Practical advice

  12. Participationin theComissiononPhytosanitaryMeasures Guide Beforethe meeting Participation in the CPM Duringthe meeting Afterthe meeting

  13. Participationin theComissiononPhytosanitaryMeasures Guide Beforethe meeting Participation in the CPM

  14. How to prepare forthe CPM • Institutionalconsultations • Consultations at a nationallevel • Regional activities • IPPC workshops How to formulate a country of a regional position Planningthedifferentsections of the meeting

  15. Participationin theComissiononPhytosanitaryMeasures Guide Participation in the CPM Duringthe meeting

  16. Duringthe meeting • Howand when to makeanintervention • Language • Agenda • Issues to be active • Alliances • How to makeanintervention • How do I plan the meeting

  17. Participationin theComissiononPhytosanitaryMeasures Guide Participation in the CPM Afterthe meeting

  18. How to disseminatetheresults of the meeting • Institutionalreports • Nationalreportingmeetings • Achievements at the regional level • Commitmentsmade

  19. Participationin theComissiononPhytosanitaryMeasures Guide Transportation Practical advice FAO Building Accreditationprocess Wayto theplenaryroom Other meeting rooms

  20. Participationin theComissiononPhytosanitaryMeasures Guide http://www.phytosanitary.info/ http://www.phytosanitary.info/information/cpm-participation

  21. Thankyou Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

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