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Implementation of Intervention Blocks

This intervention implementation workshop focuses on key strategies and tools to help educators assess, monitor progress, and re-teach concepts effectively. Learn about screening systems, formative assessments, collaboration techniques, and technology integration for improved student engagement and motivation.

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Implementation of Intervention Blocks

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  1. Implementation of Intervention Blocks Andrea Shell andrea.r.shell@gmail.com

  2. Welcome • Introductions • Logistics • www.middlewithshell.weebly.com • Pick a popsicle stick and an accountability partner (read the question, then flip it over so no one else can see )

  3. Assigning Students to Intervention • Intervention Team (roles and responsibilities) • Screening system (a plan) • Screening measure

  4. Intervention Team • Combination of teachers familiar with content assessed • Common Goal: Successful students

  5. Screening System • Have the team evaluate potential screening measures. • Data must be used to identify students in need of intervention • Screening should occur in the beginning and middle of the year. • Progress monitoring • Formative Assessments • Mastery based

  6. Screening measure • Select measures that are efficient and reasonably reliable and that demonstrate predictive validity • Assessments that assess the grade level state standards

  7. Kahoot • Play 

  8. Considerations for Intervention Team • When?: Before, During or After School • Who?:Who will facilitate intervention • What?: What research based interventions will be used? • How?: What is the plan (long term layout, pacing)?

  9. Accountability Partners • Reread the question on your popsicle stick • Discuss your answers with each other • Pick two important “discoveries” to share with the group

  10. Accountability Partners: After Sharing • Look at the question on the other side of the popsicle stick • Flip it over and think about how you would approach teaching the concept • Just think 

  11. Re-teaching and Intervention • On a sticky note • What do these terms mean? • Are they synonymous? • Which one would be most effective?

  12. Students are not attentive to what is being said in a lecture 40% of the time. Students retain 70% of the information in the first ten minutes of a lecture but only 20% in the last ten minutes. Meyer & Jones, 1993

  13. Intervention • Intervention is needed when instruction is not working for a student. • This means they need the information given in a “new” way

  14. Student Engagement • Incite Collaboration • Increase Motivation • Formative assessments (With or without paper and pencils) • Parental Contact

  15. Incite Collaboration Technology examples • Padlet (headlines) • Back Channel • Wordle • Voki (or other avatars) • Edmodo Low-Tech • Socrative Seminars • Accountability Partners • Expert groups

  16. Tell-Help-Check • TELL – Partner 1 retells important information without using notes • HELP – Partner 2 listens, asks questions, and prompts Partner 1 using notes • CHECK- both students check their notes to confirm accuracy

  17. Increase Motivation • Mix it up (10:2) • Good distractions • Change the medium (example: taking notes on the iPad in or from the computer) • Hands-on • Application (real-world) questioning

  18. Assess Technology Examples • Coursesites(Blackboard for Everyone)  • Socrative.com • Educreations (or other presentation applications) • Kahoot • Vocabulist • Quizlet • Google Docs (Flubaroo, great data collection abilities) Low-Tech • stop lights • White boards (or plastic plates) • Focus questions (popsicle sticks)

  19. Parental Contact Technology Examples • Class Dojo • Remind.com • Reports from IXL, Braingenie, Reading Plus and other interactive data collection platforms Low-Tech examples • Notes home (GOOD and not so good) • Progress updates (use your progress monitoring tools)

  20. Wrap it up! • You “thought” about how you would teach the concept associated with your question. • Now decide how you would “re-teach” it in a NEW way  • This will be a process you will use in establishing interventions • Please share with your partner  Thank you

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