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Explore the intersection of standardization, intellectual property rights, and open innovation in the realm of synthetic biology. Learn about challenges, proposals, and intellectual property issues associated with large bioresources in this informative lecture at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge. Discover the roles of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other IP rights in the field of synthetic and systems biology, as well as the implications of open innovation. Gain insights into the importance of standardization, collaboration, and resource exploitation for advancing innovation in this interdisciplinary domain. Receive recommendations for enhancing empirical evidence, patent quality, and legislative frameworks to support the growth of synthetic biology and open innovation.
Standardization, IPRs & Open Innovation with large bioresources DNA Bioresources: Goals, Challenges & Proposals Associated with IP and Open Innovation28 January 2016, Trinity HallUniversity of Cambridge Associate Prof. Dr. Timo Minssen Centre for Information & Innovation Law (CIIR) Copenhagen Biotech & Pharma Forum (CBPF) University of Copenhagen
AGENDA • Focus today: SynB and SysBio (SB) • SB & intellectualpropertyrights • SB & ”open” innovation • SB & standardization • Preliminary conclusions & challenges • Recommendations • Ongoing research
applies principle of engineering to biology= abstraction,decoupling & standardization. Highly interdisciplinary approaches that boost range & complexity of genetically encoded functions in integrated bio-systems. Traditionally, specific uses of functions protected & shared via IPRs. SB & innovation gaps challenge trad. IPR system & governance. Specific features of SB/SysB and the challenge they present to the current IPR framework
Patents & SPCs Copyrights Trademarks SB/SysB & selected intellectual property rights
European Data Base Protection • Regulatory Exclusivities • Utility models • Plant Variety Rights • Trade secrets etc. Sui Generis (Intellectual) Property Rights
Open Innovation- increasinglyimportant Ethos of openess in SB - flourishing,highly interdisciplinarycommunity - Bottom up development - ”shareyour parts” Stronganti-IPR movement Some valid points………BUT: Positive aspects, opportunities& mitigatingeffects of IPR criteriaoftenignored New OI platforms with new contractual &collaborative licensing solutions alsodeveloped in industry Effective and just exploitation of resources for innovation needs supportiveinfrastructure SB & open innovation
Economic/utilitarian bringing down transaction and R&D costs, more effective innovation. Normative collaborative tool enhancing sharing & collaborative tools. Strategic Offers different emphasis on variation and stabilization of technology that may be fitted to specific market, technological level of development etc.; Structural Offering infrastructure for interfacing and combination of knowledge. (enhancing interoperability & dispersed innovation) The value of standardization to SB and openess
Where do standards come from and who the drivers of standardization • Where do they come from? • Who are the drivers • of SB standardization? • Industry • Biobricks foundation • Biohackers • DIY bio • COMBINE • ISO • Informal/deliberative Community driven (Biobricks may be seen as moving towards SSO status)
Data presentation & exchange 2. Biomarkers Physical composition/Design Fabrication Functional composition (characteriz.) Units of measurement (characteriz.) 7. Operation of bio-systems Different forms of standards in systems biology and synthetic biology
Tech. standards pot. problematic if patents form essential part. ICT sector & SSOs: disclosed patents either subject to free licensing or on a FRAND basis Risks: unpredictable value, high transaction costs, hold ups & protracted litigation. (! NB: CJEU- Huawei vs. ZTE!) In how far do IPRs have an impact on SB standards? Have SB actorssufficientlyconsidered&adressedthisquestion? In how far is ICT system for IP & standards transferrable to SB? Depends on type of standards, drivers/stakehold. & how it evolved Potential clashes between technical standards & IP in SB.
Standards inscreasingly important for SB and open innovation Multifacted clashes with IP possible SSOs and lawyers should be pro-active Within IPR framework problems can be tackled pre- and post grant But also user-generated solutions and alternative incentives for promoting innovation must be considered on case—by-case basis Interface with competition law crucial, Art. 101 & 102 TFEU. Equally important: management strategies & better organization, coordination & govern. of standard. processes, tech & data transfer Preliminary conclusions & challenges
RECOMMENDATION 1 – Enhance empirical Evidence & Open Source Software Tools • RECOMMENDATION 2 – Encourage and facilitate use of Public Domain Tools • RECOMMENDATION 3 – Improve Patent Quality, Transparency & Trust by better collaboration between SB community, SSOs etc. and patent offices. • RECOMMENDATION 4 – Adopt and promote New Licensing Practices • RECOMMENDATION 5 – Explore new models for Private Ordering Mechanisms • RECOMMENDATION 6 – Legislative and Regulatory Changes reg. e.g.: • Utility Model Protection • Research/fair use and bolar-type exemptions • Special exception rules on incubators and SB intermediaries 6 Recommendations for SB and IPRs(! Limited to IPR framework!)
Torrance, Andrew W. and Kahl, Linda J., Bringing Standards to Life: Synthetic Biology Standards and Intellectual Property (2014). Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2014. • Contreras, Jorge L.; Rai, Arti. K.; Torrance, Andrew W., Intellectual Property Issues and Synthetic Biology Standars, Nature Biotechnology, No.1, Vol. 33, pp. 24 -25 (2015) • Minssen, Timo; Wested, Jakob, Standardization, IPRs and open innovation in synthetic biology. / Innovation, Competition and Collaboration . red. / Dana Beldiman. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated, 2015. pp. 34-66. • Natalie J Stanford, Katherine Wolstencroft , Martin Golebiewsk et al. The evolution of standards and data management practices in systems biology, Molecular Systems Biology, Volume 11, Issue 12, December 2015. • Verlinden, Michiel; Minssen, Timo; Huys, Isabelle , Reconciling IPRs and openness in biobanking, European Intellectual Property Review, Vol. 38, Nr. 1 (2016), 01.01.2016. • Minssen, Timo; Rutz, Berthold; van Zimmeren, Esther, Six recommendations on Synthetic Biology & Intellectual Property Rights, Biotechnology Journal, Vol. 10, Nr. 2, 09.02.2015, s. 236-241. • In progress: Minssen, Timo; Wested, J.; van Zimmeren, Esther, Legal Models for Promoting Synthetic Biology & Systems Biology: Balancing Openness, Standardization & Intellectual Property Rights, to be submitted in mid-February. Selected publications & ongoing research
Quadruple-Helix where Industry, Academia, Government and Citizens can exchange ideas, problems and communities can collectively progress science and health more effectively. Open Innovation ecosystem: What would it look like?
Thank you for your attention ! E-mail: Timo.Minssen@jur.ku.dk Web: www.ciir.dk KU course in EU Pharma Law, IPR & Life Science (for students): https://sis.ku.dk/kurser/viskursus.aspx?knr=139161 CPH Summer school in Pharma Law & Policy (for professionals): http://copenhagensummeruniversity.ku.dk/en/courses/pharmalawpolicy/ Any questions or comments?