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POTENTIALITIES AND TARGETS OF THE LOCAL ENERGY PLAN. Municipality of Asti - Italy. SUPPORTED BY. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716. THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS PRESENTATION ARE :. Introducing the legislative background governing energy policies at national and local level;

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  2. THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS PRESENTATION ARE: • Introducing the legislative background governing energy policies at national and local level; • Giving an overview of the guidelines set in the Baseline Assessment; • Assessing the actions already implemented at local level to improve energy saving measures; • Defining the objectives that need further implementation, and set in the framework of the project. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  3. REGULATIONS IN FORCE AT NATIONAL AND LOCAL LEVEL • Legislative Decree no. 311 of 29/12/2006 “Implementation of the 2002/91/CE directive concerning energy efficiency in building sector” which is in force since February 2nd 2007; • Resolution of the Regional Council 11th January 2007, no. 98-1247 published on the B.U.R. (Official Regional Bulletin) no. 6 of 8/2/2007 Transitional Plan of the Piemonte Region for environmental heating and air conditioning – in force since February 24th 2007; • Regional Law May 28th 2007, no. 13. – Regulations regarding energy efficiency in building sector – • published on the B.U.R. (Official Regional Bulletin) issue no22 – May 31st 2007. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  4. Such regulations constitute the basis upon which the Municipality of Asti implemented strategies and policies aimed at improving energy saving performances; • The provisions laid down by such regulations set new limit values for primary energy requirements: the value of K (TW/m2) has been reduced. As a consequence, as shown in the graph, energy consumption for a family detached house has been reduced up to 40%. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  5. It also can be inferred that with the enforcement of the regional regulations, the vertical structures of a new building disperse 24% less, as shown in the graph. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  6. …….following the introduction of this new directives, and according to the threats and potentials laid down in the baseline assessment, the Municipality of Asti has implemented several good practises MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  7. HE THE BASELINE ASSESSMENT: • The baseline assessment played an important role since it set the guidelines for developing and elaborating these practises; • In specific, the aim of the assessment was the setting of guidelines for the elaboration of sustainable energy policies. The document carefully assessed energetic consumption on different scenarios, foreseeing future trends and identified specific measures that should be implemented at local level to develop an efficient energetic policy in the mid and long term. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  8. THE BASELINE ASSESSMENT INCLUDES A DETAILED ACTION PLAN, FOCUSING ON THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: • Actions on public Property, that include: • Database of Public Buildings • Energy audit of Public Buildings • Heating service contract • Actions on Private Property • Actions on Transports, that include: • Actions on private vehicle fleet • Actions on public vehicle fleet • Actions on development of renewable energy sources, that include: • Solar thermal power • Solar photovoltaic power MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  9. On the basis of the findings of the assessment, the Municipality of Asti has already implemented some good practises, concerning: • 1. HEATING SERVICE CONTRACT; • 2. PHOTOVOLTAIC INCENTIVES; • 3. SOLAR-THERMAL POWER ; • ENERGY SAVING ACTIONS IN FAVOUR OF PRIVATE HOUSEHOLDS. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  10. 1. HEATING SERVICE CONTRACT: • reduces the thermal consumption of building park. • Possible energy requirements during the contract placement should include: • a minimum saving which must be guaranteed by the bidder; • a contract duration which allows to carry out upgrading interventions chargeable to the contractor; • specific conditions according to which part of the resulting money saving is shared also by the Administration itself; • conditions so that interventions on the plants come before or during the interventions on the building structure. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  11. The review of the contract with energy saving guidelines proposed by the Energy Plan led to 30 heating plants to be turned to natural gas, to the installation in 34 plants of condensing boilers and 8 solar heating systems for sports complexes. • Solar heating systems were installed in 7 schools in Asti, mainly nursery schools and public sport structures. …following these measures, as shown in the chart, 36.2 tons of CO 2 was spared in 2007. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  12. 2. PHOTOVOLTAIC INCENTIVES • In an urban area like Asti, the most suitable type of photovoltaic plant is that connected to the electricity supply network . • Since the coming into force of the new regulation, business and private buildings in Asti were able to produce 112.032 KWh with photovoltaic systems, while the Municipality produced 336. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  13. 3. SOLAR TERMAL POWER • The promotion of solar thermal power widely affects the local territory, in terms of reduction of polluting emissions released by fossil fuel combustion or in terms of new jobs for the installation of solar power plants. • The Municipality of Asti complies with the requirements set in the new regulation in force, setting an obligations to install 60% of domestic hot water need with solar thermal power. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  14. 4. ENERGY SAVING ACTIONS IN FAVOUR OF PRIVATE HOUSEHOLDS At local level, the Municipality of Asti has implemented several actions aimed at raising awareness on energy issues among citizens, and to stimulate responsible and sustainable behaviours in the daily life; ….one of the most appreciated was the free distribution and delivery of 15.000 low energy light bulbs, to replace the traditional incandescent lamps, whose use was still prevalent. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  15. THE FOLLOWING OBJECTIVES STILL HAVE TO BE IMPLEMENTED: • Creation of a Database of public buildings; • Energy audit of Public buildings; • 3. Creation of an Energy Resources Department, that may develop a synergy between the Municipality and the Province. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  16. DATABASE OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS • The creation of a database of public buildings is aimed at monitoring energy consumptions and working out intervention lines for the building park; • Besides providing a clear outlook of the incidence of energy consumption in the different town properties, the database will make use of some procedures to detect the index of energy quality – performance of buildings. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  17. The following flow chart shows the synthesis and calculation scheme of the data bank: MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  18. . 2. ENERGY AUDIT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS • The energy audit is procedure that allows to estimate energy consumptions, and it can provide general indications about the energy maintenance of the buildings. • The use of adequate analysis tools and simulation methodologies can provide the analyst - and as a consequence the decision maker – important elements to plan interventions aimed at holding effective consumptions down over the year. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  19. 3. Creation of an Energy Resources Department • This objective meets the needs expressed at territorial level from small villages in the province of Asti, whose limited financial resources do not allow to fully comply with energy requirements laid down by the new regional regulations. • An Energy Resources department shall be created, developing a synergy between the potentialities and competences of the Municipality and of the Province of Asti. PS. The Municipality and the Province are both Local bodies; the Municipality rules over the territorial extension of town, while the Province rules over the villages belonging to the surroundings of the town concerned. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  20. CONCLUSIONS • The Municipality of Asti has implemented several actions aimed at incentivating energy saving, especially in the building sector; • Following the guidelines set in Action Plan, new targets will be pursued in the framework of the project. MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

  21. THANKYOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! For any questions, please contact m.parrinello@comune.asti.it MUSEC-EIE/06/024/SI2.445716

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