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National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) Goal 2. Alan H. Komenski SIEC Project Manager/State Interoperability Coordinator. January 21, 2011. NECP Goal 2. NECP Goal 2.
National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP)Goal 2 Alan H. Komenski SIEC Project Manager/State Interoperability Coordinator January 21, 2011
NECP Goal 2 NECP Goal 2 By 2011, 75 percent of non-UASI jurisdictions are able to demonstrate response-level emergency communications within one hour for routine events involving multiple jurisdictions and agencies.
Goal 2 Overall Approach • Two types of data to be collected: • Capabilities (based on SAFECOM Continuum lanes) • Performance (response-level incident data) • Counties / County-equivalents were selected to provide standardized reporting data. • Can be analyzed against Census data for population, land area, etc. • Will provide the most comprehensive look at interoperability in the United States ever collected. • Washington’s submitted selected methodology is to collect data from each county. • HLS will direclty reach out to the Tribes
Benefits of Demonstrating the Goals Goals measurement provides a comprehensive view of interoperability in the U.S. Identify emergency communications needs at the local levels Help target TA, grants, and other support Prepare public safety community for next generation technologies Identify best practices and success stories
Goal 2 Capability Data • Questions are based on past efforts: • SAFECOM Continuum • 2006 Baseline Survey • TICP Initiative • Results should be generalized for the entire county • Questions focuses on: • Governance • SOPs • Technology • Training & Exercise • Usage • The NECP Capabilities Assessment Guide will assist with collection of data for Goal 2
Goal 2 Performance Data • Performance data should be based on one or more county events evaluated using the Response-level criteria. • Counties can use a variety of methods to measure performance: • Exercises • Planned Events • Real World Incidents • Criteria focus on 3 key areas: • Common Policies & Procedures • Leadership Roles & Responsibilities • Quality & Continuity of Communications • A web-based reporting tool is available to collect and submit results to the SWIC. • https://franz.spawar.navy.mil/ • Click on link to the Response-Level Communications Tool
Outreach Materials State Fact Sheet State Goal 2 PowerPoint Guidance Documents County Capabilities Report on Interoperable Communications Response-Level Communications Evaluation Form Resources: Toolkit 8
How is it Measured:Implementation Phases for Regional Approach Phase 5 Phase 4 Phase 3 Phase 1 Phase 2 Demonstrate Performance Submit Data to State and DHS Response-Level Data Validated Organize Regional Meeting Conduct Regional Meeting • Committee in the region completes capabilities data. • Regional HLS Manager champions commitment from one POC per county to complete response-level emergency communications performance data. • POC submits performance data to regional governance group for review and validation. • Regional Chair submits all forms to SWIC. SWIC completes Statewide Goal 2 capabilities and performance forms and submits information. SWIC meets with Regional HLS managers. HLS Regional Manager or POC works with county emergency response agencies to complete the response-level emergency communications after-incident report. DAY 2 DAY 3 ValidateResponse-Level Data
Goal 2 Implementation Timeline • Dates and milestones for Goal 2 collection • Kick off meeting - January 21 • Response-Level Communications Workshop • (If needed TBD, probably March) • Response-Level Communications Training Webinars • Various dates beginning January 25 through late August • Deadline for counties to submit data to SWIC – September 15
Contact Information: Alan H. Komenski SIEC Project Manager/State Interoperability Coordinator 425-401-7802 or 360-561-2109 alan.komenski@wsp.wa.gov 12
How is it Measured:Implementation Phases for Statewide Approach Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Identify County POC Demonstrate Performance Organize SIGB Meeting POC works with county emergency response agencies to complete the response-level emergency communications after-incident report. POC submits performance data to SWIC, SIGB and county leaders for review and validation. SWIC obtains commitment from at least one POC per county to complete response-level emergency communications performance data. SWIC organizes SIGB meeting to complete and validate capabilities questionnaire per county. SWIC completes Statewide Goal 2 capabilities and performance forms and submits information. Validate Response-Level Data Submit Data to State & DHS
How is it Measured:Implementation Phases for Regional Approach Phase 5 Phase 4 Phase 3 Phase 1 Phase 2 Demonstrate Performance Submit Data to State and DHS Response-Level Data Validated Organize Regional Meeting Conduct Regional Meeting • Committee completes capabilities data. • Regional Chair champions commitment from one POC per county to complete response-level emergency communications performance data. • POC submits performance data to regional governance group for review and validation. • Regional Chair submits all forms to SWIC. SWIC completes Statewide Goal 2 capabilities and performance forms and submits information. SWIC organizes regional governance group meeting with one representative from each county. POC works with county emergency response agencies to complete the response-level emergency communications after-incident report. DAY 2 DAY 3 ValidateResponse-Level Data
How is it Measured:Implementation Phases for County Approach Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Demonstrate Performance Submit Data to State and DHS Organize Regional Meeting POCs work with county emergency response agencies to complete capabilities form and the response-level emergency communications web-based after-incident report. POCs submit capabilities and performance data to SWIC, SIGB and county leaders for review and validation. SWIC completes Statewide Goal 2 capabilities and performance forms and submits information. SWIC obtains commitment from at least two POCs per county to complete response-level emergency communications capabilities and performance data. DAY 2 DAY 3 Validate Response-Level Data
How is it Measured:Implementation Phases for Regional Approach Phase 5 Phase 4 Phase 3 Phase 1 Phase 2 Demonstrate Performance Submit Data to State and DHS Response-Level Data Validated Organize Regional Meeting Conduct Regional Meeting • Committee in the region completes capabilities data. • Regional HLS Manager champions commitment from one POC per county to complete response-level emergency communications performance data. • POC submits performance data to regional governance group for review and validation. • Regional Chair submits all forms to SWIC. SWIC completes Statewide Goal 2 capabilities and performance forms and submits information. SWIC meets with Regional HLS managers. HLS Regional Manager or POC works with county emergency response agencies to complete the response-level emergency communications after-incident report. DAY 2 DAY 3 ValidateResponse-Level Data