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Tips Penelusuran Informasi secara Efektif dengan Search Engine

Tips Penelusuran Informasi secara Efektif dengan Search Engine. Setia Budi. Search Engine. A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found. (www.webopedia.com). Some of Search Engine. Power Searching. s ite:

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Tips Penelusuran Informasi secara Efektif dengan Search Engine

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  1. TipsPenelusuranInformasisecaraEfektifdenganSearch Engine Setia Budi

  2. Search Engine A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found. (www.webopedia.com)

  3. Some of Search Engine

  4. Power Searching • site: “menampilkan file yang adadalamsitustertentu” Contoh: (option; replace “site” with “host”) site:dikti.go.id site:monash.edu.au site:dikti.go.idbeasiswa site:republika.co.id komodo site:bbc.co.uk environment site:sciencedirect.com

  5. MenggunakanSimbol SimbolMatematika Simbol Boolean AND NOT OR Near • Tandaplus (+) • Tandaminus (-) • Tandakutip (“”) • Kombinasiketiganya

  6. Power Searching • Contoh: scholarships site:.edu "postdoctoral fellowships" site:.edu "corporate social responsibility" site:.au +aborigin +"corporate social responsibility" site:.au site:sciencedirect.com +nanoparticles +"fabrication and preparation" pertanian-site:ri.go.id presiden-site:ri.go.id

  7. Power Searching • filetype: “mencari file dengan format tertentu “ Contoh: crystallography filetype: ppt +"krisisekonomi" +1997 filetype: pdf +"laboratory safety" +chemical filetype: ppt

  8. allinanchor: “restricts results to pages containing all query terms you specify in the anchor text on links to the page” Anchor text is the text on a page that is linked to another web page or a different place on the current page. allinanchor:alatmusiktradisional • inanchor: “terms must appear in links to the page”

  9. Power Searching • allintext “restricts results to those containing all the query terms you specify in the text of the page.“ • allintittle “mencari file denganjudultertentu “ Contoh: (google.com)…. Perhatikanbedanya allintitle:preparation and characterization intitle:preparation and characterization

  10. Power Searching • author: “mencari file/artikeldaripenulistertentu” • define: …..; what is…; “…..definition” “provide definition for words, phrases, and acronym”

  11. Power Searching • URL Searching “A URL, Uniform Resource Locator, is the unique address for a file that is accessible on the Internet.“ 1. inurl Contoh: inurl:indonesia pendidikaninurl:indonesia 2. allinurl Contoh: allinurl:indonesia pendidikanallinurl:indonesia Cermatiperbedaannya: • allinurl: "some of search engines“ • allinurl: some of search engines • inurl: "some of search engines“ • inurl: some of search engines

  12. Useful Sources • springerlink.com • sciencedirect.com • scopus.com …author preview • journal.ui.ac.id • ijc.chemistry.ugm.ac.id • http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/491/description • doaj.org • http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/dean/peer_reviewed.htm • www.newcastle.edu.au/journal/ajedp/ • oajse.com • http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/dean/peer_reviewed.htm • http://www.oxfordjournals.org/oxfordopen/ • http://www.wileyopenaccess.com/view/index.html • http://www.ais.up.ac.za/aoajsa.htm • Library.nu • dll

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