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The level at which the Substructure ends and the Superstructure starts is termed as the plinth level.
The level at which the Substructure ends and the Superstructure starts is termed as the plinth level. It's a part of the superstructure between natural ground level and finished floor level. The plinth is provided to limit the seepage of stormwater and rainwater into the building.
In architecture, a plinth is the base or platform upon which a column or structure rests and it's usually made simply on top of the ground level and immediately after the foundation. There are various factors based on which the ideal plinth height of the house is decided. The plinth height is provided basically to guard the superstructure against moisture which can seep in because of direct contact from the ground level. The top of the plinth level is provided with a damp-proof course for further protection against dampness.
USES OF PLINTH IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Here are the most important advantages of plinth when constructing a house It equally distributes and disperses the load of the columns to the foundation It acts as a barrier or a wall that keeps the concrete-filled floor below the raised floor of the building The plinth doesn’t permit the dampness and moisture of the ground floor to reach the building’s prime structure
USES OF PLINTH IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY In framed structure homes and buildings, plinth beams are used as a barrier for protection from water seepage. Plinth protects the rest of the house from dampness, mold, and mildew. It's a form of waterproofing sheet set higher than the bottom floor level to safeguard the house from any damage due to additional moisture. Offers strength and sturdiness to the residential unit Plinth in construction process additionally prevents cracks within the building if the foundation suffers from the settlement.
Casting of plinth beams Plinth filling PlinthLevel Structure Substages Damp Proof Course Grade Slab
MYTHS ABOUT THIS STAGE COMMON MISTAKES TO BE AVOIDED •Keeping plinth and external ground at the same level •Just dumping the backfill material between the plinth beams, spraying water on them, and letting the soil to settle down Plinth filling is not important
PLINTH LEVEL STRUCTURE – PLINTH FILLING & SOLING Remove any vegetation, plastic material, wooden material, etc., before starting the filling process. Use boulders, sedimentary rocks as a base layer to avoid any soil settlement in the future. Murrum (soft shell) and/or excavated soil should be used with thickness around 200mm followed by sprinkling of water.
PLINTH LEVEL STRUCTURE – PLINTH FILLING & SOLING The subsequent layer should be laid following the same material and process till plinth is achieved. The filling level must be quite higher (around 3“) and then compaction should be done using a hand stamper (manually) or using a plate vibrator (mechanically) Do not use big rocks, scrap material, plastic material, and green waste for filling.
PLINTH LEVEL STRUCTURE – DAMP PROOF COURSE Damp proofing course (D.P.C.) in buildings is the installation of preventative measures to restrict/obstruct the movement of dampness/moisture occurring within or at ground level to enter the walls or partition structures. The mortar bed upon which the DPC is to be laid should be leveled, even, and free from projections. An uneven base is likely to cause damage to the DPC.
PLINTH LEVEL STRUCTURE – DAMP PROOF COURSE The damp-proof course should be kept wet for at least 7 days after laying if the brickwork is not ready to proceed further. But in any case, no brickwork should be commenced on the freshly laid damp-proof course unless the D.P.C. has been flooded with water for at least 48 hours. DPC should not be kept exposed on any surface.
PLINTH LEVEL STRUCTURE – GRADE SLAB Grade slabs are the first level of slabs provided at ground level in any residential or commercial buildings that do not have any basements. The main purpose of providing a grade slab is to restrict the entry of water, rodents, etc. which maybe present beneath the slab during plinth filling. Unlike floor slabs, grade slabs are not suspended slabs. Hence, they are not designed for any loads coming on the floor. However, minimum reinforcement is provided in order to restrict cracks due to shrinkage, temperature variations, etc.
Good to know ideas/tips at this stage •Boulder size used for plinth filling should not be more than 300mm in size •Layerwise compaction should be done during plinth filling •Layer of Damp proof course should be provided at the plinth level
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