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Unveiling Nazi Propaganda: Deception and Influence Tactics

Explore the manipulative techniques employed by the Nazis to control public perception and actions through propaganda. Discover how Joseph Goebbels orchestrated a cult of personality for Hitler, utilizing strategies like bandwagon, testimonial, transfer/emotional words, repetition/name-calling, and faulty cause and effect. Reflect on the insidious nature of propaganda and its lasting impact on society. Uncover the hidden agenda behind Nazi propaganda and its devastating consequences.

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Unveiling Nazi Propaganda: Deception and Influence Tactics

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  1. NaziPropaganda Propaganda is a message which attempts to alter public perceptions and/or induce action. It serves some specific agenda. Propaganda can appear in any form or medium and may or may not be obvious as propaganda. Its actual source may not be obvious. Not all propaganda is evil - some serves reasonable purposes. You be the judge of Nazi propaganda.

  2. How did the Nazis use Propaganda? According to Hitler in his novel, Mein Kampf (1925): "But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success."

  3. Background Joseph Goebbels was the Minister of Propaganda and he created the cult of personality for Hitler; he “Nazified” the art and culture of Germany. "The effective propagandist must be a master of the art of speech, of writing, or journalism, of the poster and of the leaflet. He must have the gift to use the major methods of influencing public opinion such as the press, film and radio to serve his ideas and goals, above all in an age of advancing technology. . .   It may be good to have power based on weapons. It is better and longer lasting, however, to win and hold the heart of a nation." -- Joseph Goebbels 1934

  4. Bandwagon This technique tries to persuade everyone to join in and do the same thing.

  5. Bandwagon:Hitler created a strong sense of nationalism and encouraged everyone, young and old, to JOIN IN and serve Germany. “All girls join us." "Youth serves the Fuhrer. All ten-year-olds join the Hitler Youth." “Mothers! Fight for your children.” Large political military ‘rallies’ appealed to the patriotism of the German people.

  6. Testimonial An important person or famous figure endorses a product.

  7. Testimonial: Adolph Hitler became the “poster boy” of a strong, united, fearless Germany as he proclaims “Long live Germany!”

  8. Transfer and Emotional Words • Good feelings, looks,or ideas transferred to the person for whom the product is intended. • Words such as luxury, beautiful, paradise, and economical are used to evoke positive feelings in the viewer.

  9. Transfer/Emotional Words: Hitler believed that the pureGerman people, the Aryans, were the master race. He said one of the reasons that Germany lost WW I was because the German race had been weakened through Aryans marrying non-Aryans. If Germany was to become strong again, the Nazis had to ensure the purity of the Aryan race. This view of Germans as the master race was encouraged by the use of healthy, ‘pure’ Aryans in Nazi propaganda posters.

  10. on Repetition and Name-Calling The product name or keyword or phrase is repeated several times. Negative words are used to create an unfavorable opinion of the competition in the viewer's mind.

  11. Repetition/Name Calling: The film The Eternal Jew was created to justify the separation, exclusion, & ultimately the destruction, of the Jewish people. The narrator describes Jews as filthy, sly and ugly and juxtaposes images of Jews with rats. The goal of propaganda is ultimately action. What does one do to rats? Exterminate them.

  12. Compare and Contrast The viewer is led to believe one product is better than another, although no real proof is offered.

  13. Compare and Contrast: Jews were banned from owning or working at newspapers while Pro-Nazi films were made to communicate what the Nazis wanted people to know and believe. Openly anti-Jewish films such as The Eternal Jew were produced and promoted.

  14. Faulty Cause and Effect Use of a product is credited for creating a positive result.

  15. FaultyCause and Effect:Hitler wanted to sell the idea that Jews were the cause of all of Germany’s problems - the worst enemy of the Germans, with the slogan "Die Juden sind unser Ungluck" (the Jews are ourmisfortune). Information posted in the streets spread false information against Jews. In Mein Kampf, Hitler maintained that the Jews were everywhere, controlled everything, and acted secretly behind the scenes to effect/harm the people of Germany.

  16. Reflection • The purpose of this PowerPoint is three-fold:1) to gain knowledge about Hitler’s use of propaganda, 2) to recognize techniques used in propaganda, and 3) to reflect on what you have learned . • FOR EXTRA CREDIT (once you have completed your packet work), explain how Hitler used propaganda to brainwash a nation. Consider the explanation below for assistance. • There are four stages to Hitler’s brainwashing procedure: • DISSEMINATION of propaganda; • HARASSMENT of non-believers; • INTIMIDATION of incorrigible dissidents; and, • ELIMINATION of the problem.

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