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Amazon Rainforest Land Use Debate

Explore who should have rights to the Amazon Rainforest - Indigenous tribes, rubber tappers, loggers, settlers, cattle ranchers, or environmentalists. Discuss their reasons for land use. Engage in a colorful organizer activity and formulate a supported opinion.

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Amazon Rainforest Land Use Debate

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  1. DO NOW • In Student Notebook: Make your own color coded organizer • GLUE IN NOTEBOOK (dot, dot, not a lot)

  2. Student Notebook • Who has the right to claim a natural land feature? • Imagine you have the power to use the Amazon Rain Forest however you choose…………

  3. INDIGENOUS • What do you think the word indigenous means? (In your own words)

  4. Land Use in the Amazon Who Should Get It

  5. Native Amazonians What they use the land for: • Hunting, fishing, survival Why they should have it: • Inhabited the Amazon for over 12,000 years. • Want to keep their traditional way of life. • Were the FIRST owners of the land!

  6. Rubber Tappers What they want the land for: • To ‘tap’ rubber from Rubber trees in reserves. • To use the land in sustainable ways. Why they Should have it: • Doesn’t hurt the rainforest • Have been doing it for generations.

  7. Loggers What they want the land for: • To use the wood for many products from paper to fine furniture Why they should have it: • Brings in Billions of $$ to Brazil’s economy annually. • Many types of desirable woods come from the Amazon

  8. Settlers What they use the Land for: • To survive by subsistence farming. Why they should get it: • Government moved poor families to the rainforest. • The poor soil = vast amounts of land to survive in.

  9. Cattle Ranchers What they use the land for: • Land for cattle to graze. Why they should have it: • Land has already been cleared by loggers • Beef is a large export for Brazil- billions of $

  10. Environmentalists What they use the land for: 1. To study plants and animals for medicines. Why they should have it: • To maintain planets largest rainforest • Smarter, slower development= responsible use!

  11. Illustrations • Next to your notes there is space for illustrations. You may color, use symbols, stick-figures, and debate who should be in control.

  12. Exit Ticket • Writing Prompt: Which group or groups of people do you believe should be given rights to the amazon? • Support your claim with evidence from the notes. • Answer in 4-6 complete sentences. 

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