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Feature extraction using fuzzy complete linear discriminant analysis

Feature extraction using fuzzy complete linear discriminant analysis. The reporter : Cui Yan. 2012. 4. 26. The report outlines. 1.The fuzzy K-nearest neighbor classifier (FKNN) 2.The fuzzy complete linear discriminant analysis 3.Expriments. The Fuzzy K-nearest neighbor classifier

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Feature extraction using fuzzy complete linear discriminant analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Feature extraction using fuzzy complete linear discriminant analysis The reporter:Cui Yan 2012. 4. 26

  2. The report outlines 1.The fuzzy K-nearest neighbor classifier (FKNN) 2.The fuzzy complete linear discriminant analysis 3.Expriments

  3. The Fuzzy K-nearest neighbor classifier (FKNN)

  4. Each sample should be classified similarly to its surrounding samples, therefore, a unknown sample could be predicated by considering the classification of its nearest neighbor samples. The K-nearest neighbor classifier (KNN)

  5. KNN tries to classify an unknown sample based on its k-known classification neighbors.

  6. FKNN Given a sample set , a fuzzy M -class partition of these vectors specify the membership degrees of each sample corres-ponding to each class. The membership degree of a training vector to o each of M classes is specified by , which is computed by the following steps:

  7. Step 1: Compute the distance matrix between pairs of feature vectors in the training. Step 2: Set diagonal elements of this matrix to infinity (practically place large numeric values there).

  8. Step 3: Sort the distance matrix (treat each of its column separately) in an ascending order. Collect the class labels of the patterns located in the closest neigh- borhood of the pattern under consi- deration (as we are concerned with k neighbors, this returns a list of k integers).

  9. Step 4: Compute the membership grade to class i for j-th pattern using the expression proposed in [1]. [1] J.M. Keller, M.R. Gray, J.A. Givens, A fuzzy k-nearest neighbor algorithm, IEEE Trans. Syst.Man Cybernet. 1985, 15(4):580-585

  10. A example for FKNN

  11. Set k=3

  12. The fuzzy complete linear discriminant analysis

  13. For the training set , we define the i-th class mean by combining the fuzzy membership degree as And the total mean as (1) (2)

  14. Incorporating the fuzzy membership degree, the between-class, the within-class and the total class fuzzy scatter matrix of samples can be defined as (3)

  15. step1: Calculate the membership degree matrix U by the FKNN algorithm. step 2: According toEqs.(1)-(3)work out the between-class, within-class and total class fuzzy scatter matrices. step 3: Work out the orthogonal eigenvectors p1, . . . , pl of the total class fuzzy scatter matrix corresponding to positive eigenvalues. Algorithm of the fuzzy complete linear analysis

  16. step 4: Let P = (p1, . . . , pl) and , work out the orthogonal eigenvectors g1, . . . , gr of correspending the zero eigenvalues. step 5: Let P1 = (g1, . . . , gr) and , work out the orthogonal eigenvectors v1, . . . , vr of , calculate the irregular discriminant vectors by .

  17. step 6: Work out the orthogonal eigenvectors q1,…, qs of correspending the non-zero eigenvalues. step 7: Let P2 = (q1,…, qs) and , work out the optimal discriminant vectors vr+1, . . . , vr+s by the Fisher LDA, calculate the regular discriminant vectors by . step 8: (Recognition): Project all samples into the obtained optimal discriminant vectors and classify.

  18. Experiments

  19. We compare Fuzzy-CLDA with CLDA, UWLDA, FLDA, Fuzzy Fisherface, FIFDA on 3 different data sets from the UCI data sources. The characteristics of the three datasets can be found from (http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets). All data sets are randomly split to the train set and test set with the ratio 1:4. Experiments are repeated 25 times to obtain mean prediction error rate as a performance measure, NCC is adopted to classify the test samples by using L2 norm.

  20. Thanks! 2012. 4. 26

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