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402 COMFORT CONTROL LOGIC. Questions. SUB BASE. Up to 16 wires may be required. AUTO CHANGEOVER. IF IDT ≥ CSP (minus 1) then: COOLING MODE ( SP = 75, COOL MODE to 74) IF IDT < HSP then: HEATING MODE (Dead Band factory set to 3 degrees). LOAD VALUE. Control reacts to LOAD VALUE
Questions SUB BASE Up to 16 wires may be required
AUTO CHANGEOVER • IF IDT ≥ CSP (minus 1) then: • COOLING MODE • ( SP = 75, COOL MODE to 74) • IF IDT < HSP then: • HEATING MODE • (Dead Band factory set to 3 degrees)
LOAD VALUE • Control reacts to LOAD VALUE • Traditional PI • Calculated every two seconds • P = Δt • I = ΣΔt Ti • P + I = LOAD VALUE
LOAD VALUE & STAGING • LV determines • TURN ON threshold for each stage • TURN OFF threshold for each stage • LV of 5 to turn ON • 5 minute Min OFF time for CLG • 1 minute Min OFF time for HTG • Max LV limits are set by HVAC config.
LOAD VALUE & STAGING CLG 0-100 Single Stage Compressor 0-200 Two Stage Compressor HTG 0-100 Single Stage HP or Furnace 0-200 Two Stage HP or Furnace 0-200 Single Stage HP + 1 Stage Indoor Heat 0-300 Single Stage HP + 2 Stage Indoor Heat 0-400 Single Stage HP + 3 Stage Indoor Heat 0-300 Two Stage HP + 1 Stage ID Heat 0-400 Two Stage HP + 2 Stage ID Heat 0-500 Two Stage HP + 3 Stage ID Heat
LOAD VALUE & STAGING Maximum LV Limits are set by HVAC Configuration INCREASED DEMAND Calculated Every Two Seconds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 0 100 200 300 400+ LV = Load Value
MULTI STAGE THRESHOLD • Dead Band @ LV Threshold • to avoid cycling around LV Increased Demand LV 0-110 1st Stage LV >111 2nd Stage Decreased Demand LV >100 2nd Stage LV 99-0 1st Stage 10 Minute INHIBIT once Threshold is Crossed
MULTI STAGE INHIBIT Cross LV Dead Band & Initiate10 Minute INHIBIT (Does not apply to W1 to W2) Begin INHIBIT - HP to Dual Fuel Begin INHIBIT - HP to W1 Begin INHIBIT - Y1 to Y2 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 0 110 115 125 200 LV = Load Value
TWO STAGE COMPRESSOR Y2 “ON” LV = Load Value LV 100 LV 110 Start INHIBIT 10 Min Y1 “ON” Y1 “ON”
SINGLE STAGE HEAT PUMP with AUX HEAT W1 “ON” W1 “OFF” LV = Load Value LV 100 LV 115 Start INHIBIT 10 Min Y1 “ON”
DUAL FUEL EQUIPMENT W1 “ON” 45 seconds cool down LV = Load Value LV 100 LV 125 Start INHIBIT 10 Min Y1 “ON” Y1 “ON”
MULTI STAGE INHIBIT If IDT is ½° or less from Set Point, the next stage is always INHIBITED regardless of LV SP 1/2° INHIBIT 2nd stage Heating IDT INHIBIT 2nd stage Cooling 1/2° SP
LV CLAMP MAX OVERSHOOT = 2.5° F Turns system “OFF” regardless of LV • System will turn back “ON” 3/4° from SP • Provided Min OFF Time has elapsed • Provided LV is still present Max Overshoot not enforced during DROOP
COOLING DROOP • Set Point is satisfied (No-load or light load condition) • Time OFF satisfied • IDT < Droop OVERSHOOT limit to start DROOP “ON” cycle • Standard DROOP = 1 degree OVERSHOOT • Enhanced DROOP = 2 degree OVERSHOOT • Fan delay-to-OFF is cancelled • Var Sp: Blower speed set to 80% (BK= 70% PWM) • Minimum ON = 8 minutes • Minimum OFF = 20 minutes
SET POINT CHANGES • Temperature Display Rounds to Nearest Whole Number • Room Sensor can Discern 10ths of a Degree – • Used to Calculate Temp Difference from SP • Large Changes in SP will Freeze LV until New SP is Reached to Avoid Overshoot • “Snap Shot & Roll Back”
ENERGY SAVINGS MODE Only applies to Y1 to Y2 or HP to W1 $ Rate of Recovery can increase INHIBIT New Set Point 4°= AUX HT 5° 3°= No AUX HT Recovering IDT Set Point IDT Recovery Delta must be 1.25° to INHIBIT 10 Min Y Y2 or W1 Distance to New SP divided by 4 is the Recovery Delta
ENERGY SAVINGS MODE Only applies to Y1 to Y2 or HP to W1 $ Rate of Recovery can increase INHIBIT New Set Point 8°= AUX HT 10° 7°= No AUX HT Recovering IDT Set Point IDT Recovery Delta must be 2.5° to INHIBIT 10 Min Y Y2 or W1 Distance to New SP divided by 4 is the Recovery Delta
ENERGY SAVINGS MODE Only applies to Y1 to Y2 or HP to W1 $ Aggressive Recovery will cancel INHIBIT New Set Point >2° Recovering IDT Set Point IDT NO INHIBIT Y Y2 or W1 ISU # 35 Enabled
HUMIDISTAT OPERATION RH control with external Humidistat connected to input terminals H1 and H2 In COOLING MODE • Open signal triggers: • Compressor “ON” cycle time is extended by 2 minutes • Fan “OFF” delay is cancelled • PSC motors “ON” delay calculated by previous “OFF” time • Fan CFM reduced by 20% -Variable Speed – if Room Temp is within 2º of SP
BALANCE POINTS Outdoor Sensor Must be Installed
BALANCE POINTS Outdoor Sensor Must be Installed
BLOWER PROFILES When ODT is below 87° F, Variable Speed Airflow is Reduced to 80% WET HEAT PSC and VAR SP Motors VAR SP 0-90sec at 35% Airflow
WET HEAT Single Stage Wet Heat PSC MotorVAR SP Motor LV ≤ 100 W1 cycled based on LV W1 on, Airflow adjusted based on LV PSC BK Disabled - ISU # 11 VARIABLE SPEED BK Enabled - ISU # 11 Two Stage Wet Heat PSC MotorVAR SP Motor LV < 100 W1 cycled based on LV W1 on, Airflow adjusted based on LV LV > 100 W1 On, W2 cycle based on LV W1 On, Airflow set to 100%, W2cycled based on LV
402 Comfort Control Heat Pump Connection Diagram