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PACS 2500. Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies Guy Burgess. Remember Your PACS ID#. Office Hours / Refresh Website. D2L Gradebook Update. Class Discussions / Exercises 10%. Active versus passive learning Hand-in Notes Numbering system ++, +, ok, -, -- grading
PACS 2500 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies Guy Burgess
Class Discussions / Exercises 10% • Active versus passive learning • Hand-in Notes • Numbering system • ++, +, ok, -, -- grading • Chance to talk with your instructors Facilitator Recorder Group Size
High-Speed Trading http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/02/high-speed-trading-isnt-about-efficiency-its-about-cheating/283677/
1990 Coke Ad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib-Qiyklq-Q
Super Bowl Coca-Cola Ad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=443Vy3I0gJs&feature=share&list=PLCIVZWq1FAwcWJmgdF5o3-QTZZ-OnBUgA
GOP Internal War http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/08/us/politics/boehner-is-hit-from-the-right-on-immigration.html?hp&_r=1
Political Polarization http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/02/the-most-polarized-congress-ever-2013-congressional-vote-ratings/283635/
Political Polarization http://www.gallup.com/poll/160097/obama-fourth-year-office-ties-polarized-ever.aspx?utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=syndication&utm_content=morelink&utm_term=Politics
George Soros http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/279-82/9602-focus-george-soros-on-the-coming-us-class-war
Visualizing Intractable Conflict Intractable Conflict
Overlay / Core Overlay Core
ZOPA, Overlay, Core Party A Winning Outcomes Party B Winning Outcomes ZOPA Overlays tend to focus on areas within the Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA). Core issues tend to focus on areas outside of ZOPA
Core Issues Distributional Moral Status Identity Overlays
Overlay Problems Escalation Relationship Communication Collaboration Core
Overlay / Core Variations Relationship, Distributional / Status Focused Communication (Misunderstanding), Moral / Identity Group Focused Many, many other possibilities exist
Overlay / Core Theory of Change • Limiting overlay problems wherever possible • Address the core issues as constructively as possible
Stop Fighting http://stop-fighting.crinfo.org/
Think About a Fight • Parents? • Roommates? • Siblings? • Teachers? • Community?
Hold your ground? Fight back and protect your interests? • Overstate your case, so you have something to back down to later? • Give in so as not to "make waves"? • Take a "time out" to allow things to cool down? • End the relationship (because if you fight like this over and over, it isn't worth the misery)? When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!
Stand up for yourself and make sure the other person knows you won't tolerate disrespect from him or her? • Apologize for statements said in anger that you didn't really mean, and try again to respectfully explain what you DID mean? • Politely tell the other person how their attacks made you feel? • Forgive and forget -- and move on?
Say it again, because the other person probably just wasn't listening or didn't understand? • Listen to what the other person has to say first, and then respond? • Talk about yourself -- don't talk about them? • Talk around the problem -- don't focus on it directly? That’s too inflammatory.
Base the plan on agreed-to principles of fairness and justice? • Agree to talk whenever someone is upset and come up with a collaborative solution? • Agree that one person will be the "authority figure", though that person will listen to the other person's arguments and complaints? • Agree to negotiate everything?
Try to convince your partner to do what you want? (You need to stand up for yourself.) • Agree with your partner and do what he/she wants? (It’s not worth the fight.) • Try to find out what your partner's underlying interests are (Why does he/she take the position that she does?) • Try to trade off with your partner? (You do what he/she does sometimes and he/she does what you want other times.)
Avoid talking about the issue? • Try to collect more facts so that you can persuade the other person that you are right? • Try to get someone else to help you resolve the problem? • Agree to disagree, but work to understand the other side?
Test 50% • 2 Mid-Terms / Final • Notes page allowed • Study questions • List • Define • Apply • “Wildcard” questions • Slightly cumulative final • 50 minute tests • “Curved” grading
Online Textbook Voucher Textbook Access Needed for Test $40.00 Purchase at UMC Bookstore $33.50
Bring Blue Book Come if you forget
Study Questions • Read Deutsch, LeBaron questions carefully.
Conflict Actors / Interveners Third Siders Profiteers Altruistic Interveners Self-Interested Interveners 3rd Party Conflict Arenas Negotiation Legal action Political action Moral competition Economic competition Military confrontation 2nd Party Competing Interest Groups & Leaders Altruistic & Selfish Motives Competing Interest Groups & Leaders Altruistic & Selfish Motives Mid-Level Activists Mid-Level Activists Grassroots Citizens Grassroots Citizens