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Regenerating Hope

Regenerating Hope. Andy Middleton. sustainability 101. WWF, Living Planet Report, 2014. Natural Capital Coalition, 2013 KPMG, Expect the Unexpected, 2012. eco. natural resources: -65% /35yrs. Source: Footprint Network, 2012.

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Regenerating Hope

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Regenerating Hope Andy Middleton

  2. sustainability101

  3. WWF, Living Planet Report, 2014 Natural Capital Coalition, 2013 KPMG, Expect the Unexpected, 2012

  4. eco

  5. natural resources: -65% /35yrs Source: Footprint Network, 2012

  6. “most fossil fuel reserves can't be burned” - Bank of England governor lends support to ‘carbon bubble’ theory that coal, gas and oil assets are at risk. Guardian, 13 October 2014

  7. green growth: 5x faster Source: PWC: Low Carbon Economy Index, 2014

  8. 12.3bn by 2100? social justice Source: http://www.geohive.com/earth/pop_graph3.aspx

  9. The Snow White Effect

  10. $6.6 trillion p.a. 11% of GDP Cost by 2050: $28 trillion Natural Capital Coalition, 2013 Natural Capital Coalition, 2013 KPMG, Expect the Unexpected, 2012

  11. The function for nature’s costs cannot be found on most calculators

  12. IOIOU

  13. standardsresiliencequalificationscapability

  14. changing times need new ways

  15. 10 successfully reach the wrong goals R10 real 10/10 CHOICES & DECISIONS Performance legal minimum, political maximum good intentions, low impact 1 Reality • Rules Focus


  17. adventure intelligence

  18. action alert respect ready total team risk-smart resourced balanced

  19. alert how am I / what’s happening around you / what are others doing / what’s changing / how many senses are working / how do I keep information flowing / connecting signals

  20. ready prepared for what’s coming / skills already trained in / emergency drills practiced / equipment oiled and ready / delivery team know roles and rules

  21. understand relationship between operational & strategic risk / know how skills & capability relate to risk level / radar always switched on / relate risk to outcomes risk-smart Probability Impact

  22. balanced knowing the meaning of ‘enough’ / able to balance different system inputs and impacts / today and tomorrow / appreciate that balance is dynamic / factors that put balance at risk

  23. resourced equipped with the physical, intellectual and emotional resources for the journey ahead / know the function that resources give / able to improvise & repair / working with elegance, not power

  24. total team building the connections that you’ll need / mixing places and spaces / relationships / give before you take / weaving and strengthening networks / mixing skills / shared rules

  25. respect people / places / others’ shoes / capability / timing / skills / ambition / needs / rewards / nature / resources / legacy

  26. action V1 / no fear of failure / understand how to build skills & speed / improvise / travel light, together / thrive on feedback / live on values, not rules

  27. putting adventure intelligence to work

  28. TYF’s mission is to help work colleagues, customers and friends live sustainably: long healthy lives fuelled by adventure and a love of wild nature. We make this happen by designing and sharing experiences, knowledge and networks that make radical change possible, striving to be living examples of what we teach, every day.

  29. experiential, applied adventure intelligence residential programmes in-school, college, university & workplace bringing the Welsh Bacc to life education

  30. MVK: minimum viable knowledge core skills beyond school enterprise & innovation camps solving real world challenges training

  31. readiness audit – Cardiff innovation country-scale change – Slipstream Wales data democracy- Evolution risk and performance – NRW / WAO paying full price - Interserve business

  32. growing skills & knowledge for ten decades of adventurous living TYF 100 Play for the Planet play and work / work and play adventure

  33. giving customers the resources to explore nature circular economy sharing & rental 100% organic ethical outfitting

  34. next steps: 1. Partnerships 2. R10 plans 3. MVP 4. Evolution 5. Measure

  35. Andy Middleton @gringreen TYF.com dolectures.com

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