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Applications of Chemical Principles

Applications of Chemical Principles. Get a board, marker, wipey thing. Group 1 metals are obtained commercially from:. Transmutation Polymerization Electrolysis Fractional distillation. Which oxide will react with carbon to produce a free metal?. MgO Li 2 O ZnO Na 2 O.

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Applications of Chemical Principles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Applications of Chemical Principles Get a board, marker, wipey thing

  2. Group 1 metals are obtained commercially from: • Transmutation • Polymerization • Electrolysis • Fractional distillation

  3. Which oxide will react with carbon to produce a free metal? • MgO • Li2O • ZnO • Na2O

  4. Write the Haber Process’s chemical equation N2 + 3H2 2NH3 + Heat

  5. Which of the following metals forms a self-protective coating when exposed to air and moisture. • Al • Na • NH3 • H2SO4

  6. Which change would make the Haber process shift to the right? N2 + 3H2 2 NH3 + heat Increase the temperature Increase the Pressure Decrease the N2 Decrease the H2

  7. What is entropy? CHAOS!!!

  8. What is the contact process used for? • Making sulfuric acid

  9. H2 + O2 H2O • Which species is oxidized?

  10. Name a metal that is obtained by electrolytic reduction? Any element in GROUP ONE

  11. This is the equation in a nickel-cadmium battery 2Ni(OH)3 + Cd  2Ni(OH)2 + Cd(OH)2 Which electrode would be considered positive?

  12. CuO + CO  CO2 + Cu • Is an example of what type of reaction? Redox

  13. SMOG NO, CO, CO2, NO2, and O3 are classified as _________ and combine to make what toxic substance. SMOG biogasses SMOG SMOG

  14. What is fractional distillation?

  15. What is catalytic cracking? Breaking os a long chained hydrocarbon into smaller chains.

  16. How does a refrigerator work?

  17. What is the floatation process used for? Separation of mineral from gangue

  18. How does soap get a stain out?

  19. 7. Which equation represents a substitution reaction? 4 • CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + 2 H2O 2. C2H4 + Br2 C2H4Br2 3. C3H6 + H2 C3H8 4. C4H10 + Cl2 C4H9Cl + HCl

  20. Which type of rxn do ethene and ethane molecules undergo when they react with chlorine? • Both undergo addition • Both undergo substitution • Ethane= substitution & ethene= addition • Ethane= addition & ethene= substitution 3

  21. 9. Draw substitution of ethane with chlorine C2H6 + Cl2 C2H5Cl + HCl

  22. 10. Show addition of ethene with chlorine C2H4 + Cl2 C2H4Cl2

  23. CH3OH + CH3OH  CH3OCH3+ H2O This rxn illustrates alcohols undergoing: 1. oxidation and making ketones 2. oxidation and making O.A. 3. dehydration forming polymers 4. dehydration forming ethers 4

  24. 12. Esterification is the reaction of an acid with: 2 • Water • An alcohol • A base • A salt


  26. C6H12O6 2C2H5OH +2CO2 The above reaction represents: 1. saponification 2. polymerization 3. esterification 4. fermentation 4

  27. 21. Draw and name two structural isomers of hexane

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