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The organizing committee meeting presents updates on participants' status, minutes review, action items, next meeting schedule, and recent events from CERN. Agenda includes discussions on physical contributions, accelerator updates, and program structure. Key figures like Aleksan, Blondel, and Hamel de Monchenault will be involved. Luc Poggioli handles the website-related tasks. Stay informed about the proceedings and upcoming events.
Journées FCC-France 2d organizingcommittee meeting presents: Aleksan, Blondel, Hamel de Montchenault, Serin, Sirois, Monteil, Védrine, Poggioli + seront en retard: Vacavant, Biarotte excusés: Zito, Lamanna 1. Minutes by S. Monteil+ AB commentaires? 2. actions — LV : invitations. OK, envoyé aux DUs(LV), à Saclay (GHM) et à SFP-HEP (AB) On suggère d’envoyer aux GDRs — MZ: site web et dépendances.Luc Poggioli s’en occupehttps://indico.in2p3.fr/event/19693/ (32 inscrits) — JLB collecte les contributions machine. — SM collecte les contributions P&E. — Prochain meeting: semaine du 16/09. Doodle à venir.
AGENDA agenda, presence, introduction, minutes, publicité, affiches Alain Blondel, Laurent Serin organization locale Luc Poggioli site web et contributions proposées Luc Poggioli remarques du CEA Gautier Hamel de Monchenault remarques de l’IN2P3 Laurent Vacavant Structure du programme , table ronde Alain Blondel contributions physique et experiences Stephane Monteil, Roy Aleksan, Laurent Serin, Yves Sirois contributions accelerateur Jean-Luc BiarrottePierre Vedrine aob, actions, discussion etc.
Recentevents • CERN Coucilweek • -- SPC • presentation by Fabiola on mondayexposingthat CERN cannotpursue to TDR leveltwoprojects CLIC and FCC -- need to chose. • considerable support for FCC by e.g. C. Llewellyn-Smith (DG 1994-1998) on account of broaderphysics scope and widercommunity • Similar support by Spiro, Aleksan and a few others. • Ll-S insisted the nextdayasking information on the e+e- machine Aleksan, Blondel insist on Z and the factthat no program shouldbelaunchedthat • prevents long term goal of pp collisions whenmagnetsready. • Briefing book • a draftexistswithquite a few bugs and omissions ourdelegates to Council: Ursula, Reynald, Anne-Isabelle & Achille have a copy. • Scenarios have been distributed • feedback fromcommmunities to begiven by 6 November? (TBC)
communication GDRs: Neutrino: Anselmo Meregagliaanselmo.meregaglia@CERN.CH Samuel.Wallon@th.u-psud.fr, Samuel Wallon (QDR QCD, this is the theory+experimental GDR for QGP and hadron structure physics, he himself is expert on exclusive measurements to do proton tomograph) Pour GDR intensity frontier: Francesco Polci, francesco.polci@lpnhe.in2p3.fr, LHCb, but in this gdr (Belle2, neutral dipole moment, low-energy precision measurements) are people that might be not on other lists. C’est Zerwas pour « Terascale »zerwas@LAL.IN2P3.FR (Laurent S, Yves) DarkMatter?